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Most diverse profession


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What is in your opinion the most diverse class?

Not just in build diversity, but also in gameplay diversity..

I.e. How much different do these builds play?


For example, i think all elementalist builds play pretty much the same..

But a guardian is much more diverse a ranged dragonhunter plays so much different from a support firebrand...

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  • 4 weeks later...

^ i would recommend against engineer.

All gadgets and stuff is hellafun in the beginning, but eventually you will stick to a few kits for 99% of the content, and in case of PvE you will play holosmith with 0 build variety.

Also everything an engineer got is "kinda" underperforming in comparison to Holosmith (which got like 2 "viable" variations with very little difference in gameplay).


Most build diversity is probably guardian or mesmer. Each needs a minimum of 3 different itemsets to cover "most" their available roles. As a mesmer it will still be about shattering clones all day and all night though and only major difference is if you want your damage to be condition or powerdamage.


So when it comes down to builddiversity and difference in playstyle : Guardian.


On the comment before about necro: sure it differs a bit, but its mostly "play safe while hooman, play angry when ur a spookything" rinse n repeat. (just like holosmith but with more variations of your super-sayan-mode)

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Guardian is a swiss knife that has cut his way through every possible role since this game inception.


Revenant was designer for the Job above, but doesn't quite cut it. Still by design it does just that.


Mesmer is usefull everywhere. And on PvP is pretty much the only class that can fill every possible role at the same time with certain capability.


Thieves keep a root of their gameplay, but every weapon set is completely different to play. Same can be said to Elementarist.

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It's maybe easier to turn this question around and determine the professions, that are at least diverse... and that are:

1) Thief - power/condi dmg builds

2) Warrior - power /condi dmg builds + offense support(Banners, sb elite)

3) Necro - power /condi dmg builds + offense support + little defense support (bloodmagic, barrier)

4) Revenant - power/(condi) dmg builds + boon support + heal support(WvW )


Ele, Engi, Ranger, Guard, Mesmer are pretty versatile although mesmer is not a real healer it can support pretty well with Chrono.

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> @"wwDefuser.2056" said:

> It's maybe easier to turn this question around and determine the professions, that are at least diverse... and that are:

> 1) Thief - power/condi dmg builds

> 2) Warrior - power /condi dmg builds + offense support(Banners, sb elite)

> 3) Necro - power /condi dmg builds + offense support + little defense support (bloodmagic, barrier)

> 4) Revenant - power/(condi) dmg builds + boon support + heal support(WvW )


> Ele, Engi, Ranger, Guard, Mesmer are pretty versatile although mesmer is not a real healer it can support pretty well with Chrono.


I think you underestimate Revenant..

you can really build for everything you need..

It just misses some flexibility in those builds since you can not quickly replace a single skill


While i really like engineer..

I would not use it as a healer...


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To me mesmer every weapon is useful, fun, and/or viable in some form. In other classes, usually only one weapon set I like. Coincidentally it's usually the axe I like best for these classes, then dagger. So mesmer I'm more willing to experiment with different weapon sets and builds. But for other classes I just stick to one build.

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