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[Video] Why Death Magic SUCKS!

Zero Solstice.9754

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My current and stupid ideas would flow as follows (for the time being as of me writing this)

I will not move traits from other lines because the focus was mostly be primary helping death magic. Not simply shoving other traits into this line then trying to make new ones for those which makes a bigger mess.


#Ill start wit the minors#

They are all very lackluster to be honest. The best one is armored shroud and its a flat 180 toughness which does nothing these days. Toughness is more or less seen as a wasted attribute. Anyways to start off my idea here looks from a core perspective so lets forget about reaper for a moment. Though i will list scourge details where required.


- **Armored shroud-** Gain Retaliation when you enter shroud and every few seconds while you remain in shroud.

Retaliation duration 5 seconds/ Interval application 5 seconds


- **Soul Comprehension-** Degeneration of Life force and Shroud activation cool down are reduced (skills cost less for scourge)

Life force Degeneration reduced by 20% / Shroud entry cooldown reduced by 20%: 2 seconds (Shade skills cost 20% less life force/ Desert shroud entry reduced by 10% 2 seconds)


- **Beyond the Veil-** Endurance regenerates faster, This bonus is doubled while in shroud

Endurance regeneration increased by 15%, 30% while in shroud.


The idea is that passive toughness increases are pointless. Retaliation fits much better in to shrouds identity crisis to be both a defensive and offensive mechanic at the same time such is the boons nature. Soul comprehension restores some of the most beloved things players have been asking for but now it comes at the cost of committing to a defensive line. Protection is nice but having optional management to avoid damage is overall better. (Besides you can get protection from wells in blood magic)



- **Flesh of the master** The increased hp is moved to a baseline for minions and this trait is replaced with **Pestiferous Flesh**

**Pestiferous Flesh-** When struck foes pull a a copy of a condition currently on you.

Copy One condition to foes who strike you/ Interval activation 5 seconds per unique foe. (note this does not cleanse you of the condition)


- **Shrouded Removal-** Lose a "Damaging" condition when you enter shroud and every few seconds while you remain in shroud.

Conditions included (Torment, Bleeding, Burning, Confusion, Poison.) / Interval activation 3 seconds


- **Putrid defense-** Reduce incoming damage for each unique condition on a foe.

Damage Reduced per Unique condition 1%


Simply put Shroud keeps its ideal as both a mix of defensive and offensive capabilities with "Pestiferous Flesh". "Shrouded Removal" now only targets damaging conditions but overall remains the same. We already have traits for movement impairing conditions so there is no reason to have those mixed in the list. While the old idea for "Putrid Defense" is ideally stronger its either used some of the time when you actually manage to inflict those short poisons or not at all because necro has no dedicated poison synergy build like ranger and thief do. With this idea " can be used at all times when you opt to pick up the this trait and because both power and condition necromancer are bound to apply at least a few conditions it will always now provide some use.



oh boy...

- **Necromantic Corruption** The increased damage is moved to baseline for minions and this trait is replaced with **Fiendish Deliverance**

**Fiendish Deliverance-** When stunned, dazed, knocked back, pulled, knocked down, sunk, floated, inflicted with fear, taunted, or launched, while over the condition threshold, Break stun and consume all conditions on yourself for health.

Breaks Stun / Condition threshold: 2 / Health per condition 600 / Interval 60 seconds.

This trait also trades slots with Reapers protection for QoL and thematic consistency.


- **Reapers Protection** Removed and replaced with **Retaliating Reprisal**

**Retaliating Reprisal-** Retaliation increases in effectiveness (the damage it strikes back not the boon duration) based on your current hp threshold.

Effectiveness increase / above 75% hp: 20% / Below 75% hp: 35% / Below 50% hp: 50%

This trait swaps places where Necromantic Corruption use to sit for QoL and thematic consistency


- **Deathly Strength-** Flop its stat conversions. This trait now grants bonus toughness based on effective power. Still doubled in shroud.

Power converted to toughness 7% / In shroud 14%


Ok so here we have a dependable break stun (and while it wont grant stability or resistance or make you invuln to damage) it will cure all conditions on yourself for hp when its triggered. "Retaliating Reprisal" synergies with Armored shroud and fits the theme of taking hits in shroud on purpose because soo many things around necro revolves around getting hit to be rewarded. "Deathly Strength" is honestly not so bad but it seems oddly out of place giving only power for toughness i personally think it should be flipped the other way around


#Grand Masters#


(lets get this out of the way you get 1 minion trait cause its all you need) **Death Nova** This effect goes baseline to minions... done with that... Death nova is replaced with **Masters Affliction**

- **Masters Affliction-** Minions Gain all effects from all death magic traits that effect you. (not even sure if thats possible but it sounds cool imo >_>)

Armored shroud gives them retaliation/ Pestiferous Flesh causes them to copy conditions on them to foes when struck etc. etc.


- **Corrupter's Fervor-** Remains as it is this trait is completely fine perfect idea trait for bonus toughness and fighting against condition damage


- **Unholy Sanctuary-** Scale up the base heal to about 240 ish and increase the scaling power from healing power at least like (.160)


Honestly not much changes here Corrupters is solid as is and Unholy literally just needs a stronger base heal and a (fair) scale from healing power. Previous minion traits got moved to base line on minions and this new trait has the option to make them be rather nasty or so i think.


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Idea for Death Magic itself is good - passive sustain boosts, perfectly tailored for shroud builds or builds without tons of stunbreaks and active defenses on utility bar.

It's the implementation that sucks. Most lines offer better sustain *and* healing (be it for base health or life force) + their own valid traits.


Currently compared to other lines that at least have 2 potent uses (like healing + damage for Spite) Death Magic feels like half a traitline, not a whole one.

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If you ask me, Unholy Sanctuary should work like this;


In shroud gain 200 health per second while in shroud. Activates shroud if you are to take a lethal blow. Leaving shroud while under sanctuary will convert your remaining Life force into health.


This way, you can leave shroud up to soak up damage while regenerating, or chose to leave shroud and gain that life force back into health, as a trade.

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Still think that deathmagoc could be much more if minions wouldn't be that passive.

Minions would be cool if they would be similar to illusions. So you have weaponskills and utilities related to them.

MH weapons (or just 1-3) could have 1 minion skill and the OH (or 4-5) have corresponding sacrifice skills. Each kind of minion has its unique kind of effect when its sacrificed and each sacrifice skill has its own unique effect when it kills a minion.


For example:

Scepter: Grasping Dead: Summon the hand of the dead to dmg foes in the area and summon a bone minion per enemy hit.


Spinal Shivers:

Deal dmg to your target and sacrifice minions arround it. Remove 1 boon per minion sacrificed.


So OH could be tailored fir utility (CC, boon removal, Mobility etc) and the MH decides the role (power, condi, sustain etc)



This would also increase the minion roster for each MH / two handed weapon.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> My current and stupid ideas would flow as follows (for the time being as of me writing this)

> I will not move traits from other lines because the focus was mostly be primary helping death magic. Not simply shoving other traits into this line then trying to make new ones for those which makes a bigger mess.


> #Ill start wit the minors#

> They are all very lackluster to be honest. The best one is armored shroud and its a flat 180 toughness which does nothing these days. Toughness is more or less seen as a wasted attribute. Anyways to start off my idea here looks from a core perspective so lets forget about reaper for a moment. Though i will list scourge details where required.


> - **Armored shroud-** Gain Retaliation when you enter shroud and every few seconds while you remain in shroud.

> Retaliation duration 5 seconds/ Interval application 5 seconds


> - **Soul Comprehension-** Degeneration of Life force and Shroud activation cool down are reduced (skills cost less for scourge)

> Life force Degeneration reduced by 20% / Shroud entry cooldown reduced by 20%: 2 seconds (Shade skills cost 20% less life force/ Desert shroud entry reduced by 10% 2 seconds)


> - **Beyond the Veil-** Endurance regenerates faster, This bonus is doubled while in shroud

> Endurance regeneration increased by 15%, 30% while in shroud.


> The idea is that passive toughness increases are pointless. Retaliation fits much better in to shrouds identity crisis to be both a defensive and offensive mechanic at the same time such is the boons nature. Soul comprehension restores some of the most beloved things players have been asking for but now it comes at the cost of committing to a defensive line. Protection is nice but having optional management to avoid damage is overall better. (Besides you can get protection from wells in blood magic)


> #Adepts#

> - **Flesh of the master** The increased hp is moved to a baseline for minions and this trait is replaced with **Pestiferous Flesh**

> **Pestiferous Flesh-** When struck foes pull a a copy of a condition currently on you.

> Copy One condition to foes who strike you/ Interval activation 5 seconds per unique foe. (note this does not cleanse you of the condition)


> - **Shrouded Removal-** Lose a "Damaging" condition when you enter shroud and every few seconds while you remain in shroud.

> Conditions included (Torment, Bleeding, Burning, Confusion, Poison.) / Interval activation 3 seconds


> - **Putrid defense-** Reduce incoming damage for each unique condition on a foe.

> Damage Reduced per Unique condition 1%


> Simply put Shroud keeps its ideal as both a mix of defensive and offensive capabilities with "Pestiferous Flesh". "Shrouded Removal" now only targets damaging conditions but overall remains the same. We already have traits for movement impairing conditions so there is no reason to have those mixed in the list. While the old idea for "Putrid Defense" is ideally stronger its either used some of the time when you actually manage to inflict those short poisons or not at all because necro has no dedicated poison synergy build like ranger and thief do. With this idea " can be used at all times when you opt to pick up the this trait and because both power and condition necromancer are bound to apply at least a few conditions it will always now provide some use.


> #Masters#

> oh boy...

> - **Necromantic Corruption** The increased damage is moved to baseline for minions and this trait is replaced with **Fiendish Deliverance**

> **Fiendish Deliverance-** When stunned, dazed, knocked back, pulled, knocked down, sunk, floated, inflicted with fear, taunted, or launched, while over the condition threshold, Break stun and consume all conditions on yourself for health.

> Breaks Stun / Condition threshold: 2 / Health per condition 600 / Interval 60 seconds.

> This trait also trades slots with Reapers protection for QoL and thematic consistency.


> - **Reapers Protection** Removed and replaced with **Retaliating Reprisal**

> **Retaliating Reprisal-** Retaliation increases in effectiveness (the damage it strikes back not the boon duration) based on your current hp threshold.

> Effectiveness increase / above 75% hp: 20% / Below 75% hp: 35% / Below 50% hp: 50%

> This trait swaps places where Necromantic Corruption use to sit for QoL and thematic consistency


> - **Deathly Strength-** Flop its stat conversions. This trait now grants bonus toughness based on effective power. Still doubled in shroud.

> Power converted to toughness 7% / In shroud 14%


> Ok so here we have a dependable break stun (and while it wont grant stability or resistance or make you invuln to damage) it will cure all conditions on yourself for hp when its triggered. "Retaliating Reprisal" synergies with Armored shroud and fits the theme of taking hits in shroud on purpose because soo many things around necro revolves around getting hit to be rewarded. "Deathly Strength" is honestly not so bad but it seems oddly out of place giving only power for toughness i personally think it should be flipped the other way around


> #Grand Masters#


> (lets get this out of the way you get 1 minion trait cause its all you need) **Death Nova** This effect goes baseline to minions... done with that... Death nova is replaced with **Masters Affliction**

> - **Masters Affliction-** Minions Gain all effects from all death magic traits that effect you. (not even sure if thats possible but it sounds cool imo >_>)

> Armored shroud gives them retaliation/ Pestiferous Flesh causes them to copy conditions on them to foes when struck etc. etc.


> - **Corrupter's Fervor-** Remains as it is this trait is completely fine perfect idea trait for bonus toughness and fighting against condition damage


> - **Unholy Sanctuary-** Scale up the base heal to about 240 ish and increase the scaling power from healing power at least like (.160)


> Honestly not much changes here Corrupters is solid as is and Unholy literally just needs a stronger base heal and a (fair) scale from healing power. Previous minion traits got moved to base line on minions and this new trait has the option to make them be rather nasty or so i think.



I really enjoy the idea but I'm pretty sure ANet value retaliation to much to allow such traits to ever exist.


I think ANet could move the 50% power/condition baseline damage reduction while in shroud into one of the minor trait, compensating the baseline loss by a reduced decay of the shrouds. That's how I'd change _armored shroud_ knowing that interestingly enough this could benefit scourge's survivability as well.


I know "auras" aren't really a necromancer's thing but "auras" are way easier to balance than retal due to their 1 second ICD. I'd really like ANet to make the necromancer more "aura friendly" through death magic with changes such as:

_Soul comprehension_: gain 0.5% - 1% LF when you are struck while under the effect of an aura. ICD 1 second.

_Putrid defense_: Take 10% less damage from poisoned foes. Poison foe for 1s when stuck under the effect of an aura. ICD 1 second.

_Beyond the veil_ changed to _Blight aura_: Grant light aura (4s) whenever you enter shroud.

And to support that, they could even give _Spectral armor_ and _Spectral walk_ the statut of "aura". (Well that might be to much for ANet)


This would lead to a slight change on your _retaliating reprisal_ into _corrosive aura_, a trait that increase aura duration by 33% on the necromancer (and maybe give it an additionnal lengthier poison stack (2-3s) when stuck while under the effect of an aura.


As for the "minion trait", I think what minions need the most is an incensitive to use the active part and thus the trait should affect the active skill not the minion itself. For example:

_Death infusion_: Minion's active skills damage now scale on the necromancer's stats. Minions gain quickness for 3s whenever you use a minion's active skill.


I'd put the poison field of "death nova" onto _putrid explosion_ baseline.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Generally, I agree except I disagree strongly about the minion traits being marginal benefit in PVE; sure they aren't all the useful on trash mob, but then again, who plays a minion build to fight trash mobs anyways? It's just not what they excel at, that's not why anyone should make and use it.


> If you build and play a full out Minion build, it should be for soloing harder content, then ALL those traits are actually really good. The fun part is that stacking the minion skills and playing a minion build at the highest level removes the need for more 'useful' stunbreaks and CC.


By harder content you mean champions(lol)? or raids(lol). There is no highest level of play for minions. You either take dm and bm with curses/spite or you dont take full minions at all. Solo minions are for passive damage for dps in raids which i dont need to tell you is not good.

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First off, it's OK if you don't like minions. I personally have found them one of the most beneficial choices for most open world content. If you take a Healy Scourge and Minions you're going to have an amazing time. First off your support skill work on minions, this mean Might and Barriers for them. Second and most importantly they are hands down the best condi removal the Necro can grab. But why should I go on about it? Boots bad builds did this one and yes it's the easy button necro. It's trash for PVP, Fractals, and Raids, but that doesn't mean it's useless or in the case of open world or living world. To put it simple I can in Shaman's gear on a Scourge tear through content and with over 30K health there's very little I can't survive. I've taken this build into dungeons and soloed bosses. Basically with Death Magic is the strongest trait line at low level. And the necromancer really doesn't outgrow it until high level.


If I'm not running Minions it's a trait line I have no use for it. So yes I completely agree that it's trash from an overall view, but for beginners it's actually highly recommended and for open world since it's the most forgiving build they can play. My personal preference is the path of least resistance, so open world and living world minions is how I roll. You haven't really experienced Minions and what makes them fun, until you jump into a solo fight with a champ or legendary and walk away victorious. I soloed the Labyrinth Horror for fun this year. It was a crazy long fight, but I totally took it down. As for impossible tasks like soloing Metas, bouties, and world bosses, well I'm not in god mode so yeah it's bad news bears for me as well. I'm fine if they change the other traits to have better synergy with other builds since the one trick pony isn't a cure all and in end game does more to exclude you from content than to allow you to progress as a Necromancer.

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> @"Egrimm Van Horstmann.7921" said:

> First off, it's OK if you don't like minions. I personally have found them one of the most beneficial choices for most open world content. If you take a Healy Scourge and Minions you're going to have an amazing time. First off your support skill work on minions, this mean Might and Barriers for them. Second and most importantly they are hands down the best condi removal the Necro can grab. But why should I go on about it? Boots bad builds did this one and yes it's the easy button necro. It's trash for PVP, Fractals, and Raids, but that doesn't mean it's useless or in the case of open world or living world. To put it simple I can in Shaman's gear on a Scourge tear through content and with over 30K health there's very little I can't survive. I've taken this build into dungeons and soloed bosses. Basically with Death Magic is the strongest trait line at low level. And the necromancer really doesn't outgrow it until high level.


> If I'm not running Minions it's a trait line I have no use for it. So yes I completely agree that it's trash from an overall view, but for beginners it's actually highly recommended and for open world since it's the most forgiving build they can play. My personal preference is the path of least resistance, so open world and living world minions is how I roll. You haven't really experienced Minions and what makes them fun, until you jump into a solo fight with a champ or legendary and walk away victorious. I soloed the Labyrinth Horror for fun this year. It was a crazy long fight, but I totally took it down. As for impossible tasks like soloing Metas, bouties, and world bosses, well I'm not in god mode so yeah it's bad news bears for me as well. I'm fine if they change the other traits to have better synergy with other builds since the one trick pony isn't a cure all and in end game does more to exclude you from content than to allow you to progress as a Necromancer.


Can we stop assigning necro to be beginners level and let other classes take that role. Sick of having a dead traitline because it carries all beginners in openworld. No other class has this kind of shit.

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > @"Egrimm Van Horstmann.7921" said:

> > First off, it's OK if you don't like minions. I personally have found them one of the most beneficial choices for most open world content. If you take a Healy Scourge and Minions you're going to have an amazing time. First off your support skill work on minions, this mean Might and Barriers for them. Second and most importantly they are hands down the best condi removal the Necro can grab. But why should I go on about it? Boots bad builds did this one and yes it's the easy button necro. It's trash for PVP, Fractals, and Raids, but that doesn't mean it's useless or in the case of open world or living world. To put it simple I can in Shaman's gear on a Scourge tear through content and with over 30K health there's very little I can't survive. I've taken this build into dungeons and soloed bosses. Basically with Death Magic is the strongest trait line at low level. And the necromancer really doesn't outgrow it until high level.

> >

> > If I'm not running Minions it's a trait line I have no use for it. So yes I completely agree that it's trash from an overall view, but for beginners it's actually highly recommended and for open world since it's the most forgiving build they can play. My personal preference is the path of least resistance, so open world and living world minions is how I roll. You haven't really experienced Minions and what makes them fun, until you jump into a solo fight with a champ or legendary and walk away victorious. I soloed the Labyrinth Horror for fun this year. It was a crazy long fight, but I totally took it down. As for impossible tasks like soloing Metas, bouties, and world bosses, well I'm not in god mode so yeah it's bad news bears for me as well. I'm fine if they change the other traits to have better synergy with other builds since the one trick pony isn't a cure all and in end game does more to exclude you from content than to allow you to progress as a Necromancer.


> Can we stop assigning necro to be beginners level and let other classes take that role. Sick of having a dead traitline because it carries all beginners in openworld. No other class has this kind of kitten.


Warrior and Ranger are EZ too and their traitlines are filled up with awesome stuff. BUT SECOND HEALTHBAR YOU KNOW :D

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> @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > @"Egrimm Van Horstmann.7921" said:

> > > First off, it's OK if you don't like minions. I personally have found them one of the most beneficial choices for most open world content. If you take a Healy Scourge and Minions you're going to have an amazing time. First off your support skill work on minions, this mean Might and Barriers for them. Second and most importantly they are hands down the best condi removal the Necro can grab. But why should I go on about it? Boots bad builds did this one and yes it's the easy button necro. It's trash for PVP, Fractals, and Raids, but that doesn't mean it's useless or in the case of open world or living world. To put it simple I can in Shaman's gear on a Scourge tear through content and with over 30K health there's very little I can't survive. I've taken this build into dungeons and soloed bosses. Basically with Death Magic is the strongest trait line at low level. And the necromancer really doesn't outgrow it until high level.

> > >

> > > If I'm not running Minions it's a trait line I have no use for it. So yes I completely agree that it's trash from an overall view, but for beginners it's actually highly recommended and for open world since it's the most forgiving build they can play. My personal preference is the path of least resistance, so open world and living world minions is how I roll. You haven't really experienced Minions and what makes them fun, until you jump into a solo fight with a champ or legendary and walk away victorious. I soloed the Labyrinth Horror for fun this year. It was a crazy long fight, but I totally took it down. As for impossible tasks like soloing Metas, bouties, and world bosses, well I'm not in god mode so yeah it's bad news bears for me as well. I'm fine if they change the other traits to have better synergy with other builds since the one trick pony isn't a cure all and in end game does more to exclude you from content than to allow you to progress as a Necromancer.

> >

> > Can we stop assigning necro to be beginners level and let other classes take that role. Sick of having a dead traitline because it carries all beginners in openworld. No other class has this kind of kitten.


> Warrior and Ranger are EZ too and their traitlines are filled up with awesome stuff. BUT SECOND HEALTHBAR YOU KNOW :D


Having op skills for ez play is different from having unusable traitlines that give passive effects only usable in open world by beginners.

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> @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> Warrior and Ranger are EZ too and their traitlines are filled up with awesome stuff. BUT SECOND HEALTHBAR YOU KNOW :D


To be honest I think hammer guardian is way easier at beginner level than any other profession. From my point of view, no profession can hold a candle to it. I can still recall how bored I felt when leveling my guardian. To put things into perspective I leveled my necro and guardian in the first year of the game and if necromancer are now a lot stronger than they used to be, minion masters are a lot weaker than they used to be while hammer guardian would be a lot stronger than it used to be.


The reality is more that necromancers are seen as a beginner profession because they tend to play tanky in PvE while other professions tend to discard the idea of playing tanky in PvE.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:


Another thing Is all these classes Are really Simple. Rangers pet, warriors burst, Guard F1-F3 Mesmer shatters. You JUST have them all thé time. Thats a Reason why Are these classes good at PVP too. You dont have to enter different "stance" in which one you loose other stuff, like shroud,legend swap, atunment swap too.

You lock yourself out from some spells in exchange fór different ones, you cannot think about it if you shatter clones or pop Guard F3 cuz there Is ONLY cooldown no mana . And this Is Reason why Are these classes JUST better. They Are still in this one "stance" do they Are ez to balance. (Mesmer gameplay wise Is one od thé simpliest classes, Whats maké them hard to play are unending possibilities) no "mana" ONLY CDs. Anet babies? Maybe. Few times i didnt agree on something in warrior section in Therms of DPS And get warrnings from admins..So i Guess Something might be true about this. Are in thé game bad traitlines like deathshroud Is? Thats true but not on A-classes.


-if core necro Have scourge mechanic. Whole necro would ve a different Story.


Back to topic: if we atleast get DM pushed to samé lvl with traits(stunbreak,poisionvloud projectile hate etc.)like A-classes have. This traitline Will be much better option.



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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > @"Xaylin.1860" said:

> > * **Terror** - Can't really come up with a name... Maybe **Gloom**? Entering Shroud blinds nearby foes.


> Darkening Shroud/Darkness Shroud/Veil of Darkness


> I really like your ideas here. Just wondering though, since the only minion you sacrifice is the blood fiend and the bone twins, wouldn't that make 1/2 of necrotic sacrifice only work with those 2 minions?




Thanks. I'd really love to see more Fear play on Necros and Death Magic could be the place.


Regarding Minions, you're right about that. I didn't write it specifically, but I'd prefer all Minions to be sacrificed on their active. It is more in line with other minion type utility skills and encourages more active game play because you can't rely on your minions to passively transfer conditions etc. However, I can understand if people preferred keeping their passive pet zoo. I just don't believe it does anything good for the game.

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> @"Xaylin.1860" said:

> > @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > > @"Xaylin.1860" said:

> > > * **Terror** - Can't really come up with a name... Maybe **Gloom**? Entering Shroud blinds nearby foes.

> >

> > Darkening Shroud/Darkness Shroud/Veil of Darkness

> >

> > I really like your ideas here. Just wondering though, since the only minion you sacrifice is the blood fiend and the bone twins, wouldn't that make 1/2 of necrotic sacrifice only work with those 2 minions?

> >

> >


> Thanks. I'd really love to see more Fear play on Necros and Death Magic could be the place.


> Regarding Minions, you're right about that. I didn't write it specifically, but I'd prefer all Minions to be sacrificed on their active. It is more in line with other minion type utility skills and encourages more active game play because you can't rely on your minions to passively transfer conditions etc. However, I can understand if people preferred keeping their passive pet zoo. I just don't believe it does anything good for the game.


It doesn't. Just jump in the time machine back to when Turret Engi was a meta PvP build. Literally *no one* enjoyed it. Allowing the game to play itself to benefit the player can only lead in two directions: The performance is awful or the performance is oppressive. You need player intervention in order to enable a scope of play where it's possible to achieve a certain skill ceiling, but requires thought or planning. If the game does it for you, then you as a player don't really gain benefit while the other guy suffers.


As for more Fear play, they would need to remove the duration hardcap from it. If a player wants to dump everything they can into improving the duration of Fear in order to make all of the synergies worth running, I don't see why ANet doesn't allow us to. It would be no different than a Spellbreaker that ran Hammer with a bunch of Physical skills, except Fear is also a condition, so there's actually a greater amount of counterplay to it than Warrior CC.

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> @"Zero Solstice.9754" said:

> It doesn't. Just jump in the time machine back to when Turret Engi was a meta PvP build. Literally *no one* enjoyed it.


Oh, I do remember. Those knockbacks... ugh. I also remember Spirit-Zoo-Rangers. :s


> @"Zero Solstice.9754" said:

> As for more Fear play, they would need to remove the duration hardcap from it. If a player wants to dump everything they can into improving the duration of Fear in order to make all of the synergies worth running, I don't see why ANet doesn't allow us to. It would be no different than a Spellbreaker that ran Hammer with a bunch of Physical skills, except Fear is also a condition, so there's actually a greater amount of counterplay to it than Warrior CC.


I'm not 100% sure on the cap. But I feel that we need slightly better access through weapons (e.g. WH). I also think that conditional duration buffs (e.g. being in Shroud) would make it less faceroll. What I certainly don't want back is tanky Necros who bomb you with conditions and then fear you to death. It could potentially be worse than back then because of Scourge and Torment. But I feel like making it scale on power could work and make Death Magic way more interesting.


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