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Latency/Ping/FPS Issues [merged]

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> @"adisofiyan.8352" said:

> Im from SEA and this game is now unplayable, ping spikes even on an empty map, i've been playing for 2 years and mayve i consider moving to another game


Hi, fellow player from SEA (Jakarta, Indonesia) here. I've been getting an avg of 250-400 ping on a daily basis, and *sometimes* a 1000ms++ spike. By all means doing fractals is painful when you see the **rubber band** effect or even WvW, but it's somewhat playable when you're running dungeons. What ping numbers are you seeing?



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It definitely has something to do with the server connections ever since the switch to Amazon servers, because I've tried using VPN services such as Tunnel Bear and it does seem to correct the latency. (My actual ping doesn't improve from the standard 200+ I see as a SEA player, of course, but the high to insane ping increases of 500 - sometimes 3k+ are gone.) The downside to this is that Tunnel Bear and other free VPNs can be unstable (I often seem to drop connection to Tunnel Bear after an hour or so of play), and it really should not be necessary for us to subscribe to a paid VPN service in order to play one game. (Other online games through Steam etc. have no issues whatsoever.)

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> @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> It definitely has something to do with the server connections ever since the switch to Amazon servers, because I've tried using VPN services such as Tunnel Bear and it does seem to correct the latency. (My actual ping doesn't improve from the standard 200+ I see as a SEA player, of course, but the high to insane ping increases of 500 - sometimes 3k+ are gone.) The downside to this is that Tunnel Bear and other free VPNs can be unstable (I often seem to drop connection to Tunnel Bear after an hour or so of play), and it really should not be necessary for us to subscribe to a paid VPN service in order to play one game. (Other online games through Steam etc. have no issues whatsoever.)


The fact that a VPN service fixed your ping spikes just shows the the problem you were having was in your connection to the game server. The problem is not Anet, therefore there is nothing for them to fix. Other online games have their servers located in different places, thus your connection takes a different route to them than it does to GW2.

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> @"SASHI.7260" said:

> Currently playing between 500 - 4.5K ping from my old 250 - 300 ping range. Its not funny anymore. It's getting to the point that the game is unplayable. Even interacting with an NPC vendor takes 5 seconds before the purchase/sell screen/tab opens.


> I'm from the Philippines and this started just this week.


I've been playing for 5 years. I've seen the same issue crop up for me roughly since the PoF release. I'm in USA, Florida. It's been getting worse.


When I dbl-click an item while standing on Royal Terrace (or in EbohHawke) and it takes 2 seconds to transfer to my guild bank, something is wrong. I then immediately press F11, as usual, the ping report is 100. So, ping report isn't dealing with the same 'net assets as the inventory I suppose.


As OP has said, dying in challenging fights due to the non-responsive game client is not fun. Other MMOs play fine for me and I will spend more time there for a while.

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> @"Gator.5729" said:

> > @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> > It definitely has something to do with the server connections ever since the switch to Amazon servers, because I've tried using VPN services such as Tunnel Bear and it does seem to correct the latency. (My actual ping doesn't improve from the standard 200+ I see as a SEA player, of course, but the high to insane ping increases of 500 - sometimes 3k+ are gone.) The downside to this is that Tunnel Bear and other free VPNs can be unstable (I often seem to drop connection to Tunnel Bear after an hour or so of play), and it really should not be necessary for us to subscribe to a paid VPN service in order to play one game. (Other online games through Steam etc. have no issues whatsoever.)


> The fact that a VPN service fixed your ping spikes just shows the the problem you were having was in your connection to the game server. The problem is not Anet, therefore there is nothing for them to fix. Other online games have their servers located in different places, thus your connection takes a different route to them than it does to GW2.


My VPN service does nothing for me regardless of which server location I connect to. Are you really claiming that all of these people complaining about latency issues have problems with their connections, rather than it is Anet's new servers that are causing the problems? Please don't try to justify inaction on Anet's part about this issue.

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FWIW I'm in the US. For the past two years my average ping was between 40-60ms, somewhere around November I started experiencing occasional lag for the first time with spikes upwards of 600ms. For the past few days I'm seeing frequent 1500-2000ms spikes. I, nor anyone else in my home, experience these spikes with any other games or streaming services. Using the link below as a point of reference, what some of us in the US are experience is hardly typical.


US Network Latency

[ipnetwork.bgtmo.ip.att.net/pws/network_delay.html](http://ipnetwork.bgtmo.ip.att.net/pws/network_delay.html "ipnetwork.bgtmo.ip.att.net/pws/network_delay.html")



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I have been playing Guild Wars since it came out. I have gone through many years of video card replacements and driver updates to keep up with the game updates. Currently, I connect with fiber optic, my machine has a Nvidia GTX1080 TI, an Intel I7700K chip and 24GB ram. This far exceeds the stated requirements of the game, and yet with this most recent update, I have found the game to have become unplayable. It is absolutely unstable and I cannot stay connected. ArenaNet needs to resolve this problem or refund our money.

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> @"Gator.5729" said:

> > @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> > It definitely has something to do with the server connections ever since the switch to Amazon servers, because I've tried using VPN services such as Tunnel Bear and it does seem to correct the latency. (My actual ping doesn't improve from the standard 200+ I see as a SEA player, of course, but the high to insane ping increases of 500 - sometimes 3k+ are gone.) The downside to this is that Tunnel Bear and other free VPNs can be unstable (I often seem to drop connection to Tunnel Bear after an hour or so of play), and it really should not be necessary for us to subscribe to a paid VPN service in order to play one game. (Other online games through Steam etc. have no issues whatsoever.)


> The fact that a VPN service fixed your ping spikes just shows the the problem you were having was in your connection to the game server. The problem is not Anet, therefore there is nothing for them to fix. Other online games have their servers located in different places, thus your connection takes a different route to them than it does to GW2.


Strictly speaking, the problem is with the location of the servers ANet are using, which means that there is something that they could fix. It’s just that they are probably more willing to lose the (relatively) small number of players being affected by this than they are to change server locations again.

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This is seriously screwing with my game play, I used to manage fine with the oceanic ping difference but now...the game is often unplayable. Sad to see a change like this, rather than them seeking a compromise I guess they couldn't care in the least about those who have been impacted negatively by this. I don't recall seeing threads like this enough to have warranted a change in servers. I'm near certain it is due to financial issues rather than anything else. I'd like to keep playing as I have since gw1 but honestly if it keeps like this any sense of enjoyment in this game would be lost.

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> @"jdmThor.3806" said:

> > @"Gator.5729" said:

> > > @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> > > It definitely has something to do with the server connections ever since the switch to Amazon servers, because I've tried using VPN services such as Tunnel Bear and it does seem to correct the latency. (My actual ping doesn't improve from the standard 200+ I see as a SEA player, of course, but the high to insane ping increases of 500 - sometimes 3k+ are gone.) The downside to this is that Tunnel Bear and other free VPNs can be unstable (I often seem to drop connection to Tunnel Bear after an hour or so of play), and it really should not be necessary for us to subscribe to a paid VPN service in order to play one game. (Other online games through Steam etc. have no issues whatsoever.)

> >

> > The fact that a VPN service fixed your ping spikes just shows the the problem you were having was in your connection to the game server. The problem is not Anet, therefore there is nothing for them to fix. Other online games have their servers located in different places, thus your connection takes a different route to them than it does to GW2.


> My VPN service does nothing for me regardless of which server location I connect to. Are you really claiming that all of these people complaining about latency issues have problems with their connections, rather than it is Anet's new servers that are causing the problems? Please don't try to justify inaction on Anet's part about this issue.


I'm not trying to justify anything for Anet. The move of the server only accounts for a increase of about 30-40ms to the ping. Those people closer to the server would actually have a lower ping. All these reports of spikes to 1000 or whatever are related to the players connection. If it was a problem with the servers, every single player would have the problem. There is a post above this one where a player in Florida is having problems, guess what, I'm also in Florida and I have 0 ping issues. Its very easy to determine where the problem is, run ping plotter and provide the results to Anet, they will help you all they can. I have been following this post from the beginning and I can't recall anyone providing actual proof that the spikes are coming from Anet. Its much easier for players to just blame the servers and hope for them to fix something that isn't broke. Anet is in Seattle and believe me they play their own game, with the server move to Amazon they also have seen the increased pings (30-40ms). If it was a server issue they would have the problem as well. There are way more people without these issues than there are with it, again that proves its not a server issue.

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> @"Cormac.3871" said:

> > @"Gator.5729" said:

> > > @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> > > It definitely has something to do with the server connections ever since the switch to Amazon servers, because I've tried using VPN services such as Tunnel Bear and it does seem to correct the latency. (My actual ping doesn't improve from the standard 200+ I see as a SEA player, of course, but the high to insane ping increases of 500 - sometimes 3k+ are gone.) The downside to this is that Tunnel Bear and other free VPNs can be unstable (I often seem to drop connection to Tunnel Bear after an hour or so of play), and it really should not be necessary for us to subscribe to a paid VPN service in order to play one game. (Other online games through Steam etc. have no issues whatsoever.)

> >

> > The fact that a VPN service fixed your ping spikes just shows the the problem you were having was in your connection to the game server. The problem is not Anet, therefore there is nothing for them to fix. Other online games have their servers located in different places, thus your connection takes a different route to them than it does to GW2.


> Strictly speaking, the problem is with the location of the servers ANet are using, which means that there is something that they could fix. It’s just that they are probably more willing to lose the (relatively) small number of players being affected by this than they are to change server locations again.


I completely disagree, my ping as improved since the move. So no, there is nothing wrong with the location. The new server location is not causing the ping spikes that everyone is complaining about. Its the nodes within the hundreds and thousands of miles between the servers and their routers. This could and would happen regardless of where they are located. It would just move the ping spikes to other areas and affect other players.

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> @"Gator.5729" said:

> > @"jdmThor.3806" said:

> > > @"Gator.5729" said:

> > > > @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> > > > It definitely has something to do with the server connections ever since the switch to Amazon servers, because I've tried using VPN services such as Tunnel Bear and it does seem to correct the latency. (My actual ping doesn't improve from the standard 200+ I see as a SEA player, of course, but the high to insane ping increases of 500 - sometimes 3k+ are gone.) The downside to this is that Tunnel Bear and other free VPNs can be unstable (I often seem to drop connection to Tunnel Bear after an hour or so of play), and it really should not be necessary for us to subscribe to a paid VPN service in order to play one game. (Other online games through Steam etc. have no issues whatsoever.)

> > >

> > > The fact that a VPN service fixed your ping spikes just shows the the problem you were having was in your connection to the game server. The problem is not Anet, therefore there is nothing for them to fix. Other online games have their servers located in different places, thus your connection takes a different route to them than it does to GW2.

> >

> > My VPN service does nothing for me regardless of which server location I connect to. Are you really claiming that all of these people complaining about latency issues have problems with their connections, rather than it is Anet's new servers that are causing the problems? Please don't try to justify inaction on Anet's part about this issue.


> I'm not trying to justify anything for Anet. The move of the server only accounts for a increase of about 30-40ms to the ping. Those people closer to the server would actually have a lower ping. All these reports of spikes to 1000 or whatever are related to the players connection. If it was a problem with the servers, every single player would have the problem. There is a post above this one where a player in Florida is having problems, guess what, I'm also in Florida and I have 0 ping issues. Its very easy to determine where the problem is, run ping plotter and provide the results to Anet, they will help you all they can. I have been following this post from the beginning and I can't recall anyone providing actual proof that the spikes are coming from Anet. Its much easier for players to just blame the servers and hope for them to fix something that isn't broke. Anet is in Seattle and believe me they play their own game, with the server move to Amazon they also have seen the increased pings (30-40ms). If it was a server issue they would have the problem as well. There are way more people without these issues than there are with it, again that proves its not a server issue.


You probably know more about the technicalities of this than I do, but there has to be something you're missing in your analysis. The fact is, these issues only started for a lot of people since the move to the new servers. Myself, I've been playing this game for more than 5 years and I've never had a problem with latency in GW2 until this happened. It is very reasonable to assume that it has something to do with it. Most of us complaining also don't have latency issues with any other games/applications.


I did use pingplotter. The figure came up to about 460ms+ average, from my former latency of 250ms give or take since I started playing. It's definitely not the 30-40ms increase you're claiming. I would take a screenshot to post here but coincidentally, I've been having normal ping since yesterday. Who knows why. As for proof from the other people complaining? Why would anyone lie about this?

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> @"Gator.5729" said:

> > @"Cormac.3871" said:

> > > @"Gator.5729" said:

> > > > @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> > > > It definitely has something to do with the server connections ever since the switch to Amazon servers, because I've tried using VPN services such as Tunnel Bear and it does seem to correct the latency. (My actual ping doesn't improve from the standard 200+ I see as a SEA player, of course, but the high to insane ping increases of 500 - sometimes 3k+ are gone.) The downside to this is that Tunnel Bear and other free VPNs can be unstable (I often seem to drop connection to Tunnel Bear after an hour or so of play), and it really should not be necessary for us to subscribe to a paid VPN service in order to play one game. (Other online games through Steam etc. have no issues whatsoever.)

> > >

> > > The fact that a VPN service fixed your ping spikes just shows the the problem you were having was in your connection to the game server. The problem is not Anet, therefore there is nothing for them to fix. Other online games have their servers located in different places, thus your connection takes a different route to them than it does to GW2.

> >

> > Strictly speaking, the problem is with the location of the servers ANet are using, which means that there is something that they could fix. It’s just that they are probably more willing to lose the (relatively) small number of players being affected by this than they are to change server locations again.


> I completely disagree, my ping as improved since the move. So no, there is nothing wrong with the location. The new server location is not causing the ping spikes that everyone is complaining about. Its the nodes within the hundreds and thousands of miles between the servers and their routers. This could and would happen regardless of where they are located. It would just move the ping spikes to other areas and affect other players.


Gator....I have filed a support ticket with Anet and been through the process. I play from Oceania (yeah rip my game) and the lag spikes are indeed caused inside the Amazon server set up. Just count yourself very lucky that you have an improved game and don't pour scorn on others who post here. Having played GW2 in the States in September last year (on hotel wifi what's more)...it is like God mode compared to playing from Oceania and that was before the server move. I have to say that if I get any further increase in latency I may as well log out never to return, wvw is almost impossible to play in NA for me.


All other people experiencing increased latency.....I STRONGLY urge you to put in a support ticket. Get it escalated to a Lead GM who is collating information relating to the new server locale. If the server devs become more aware of the crippling effects of the server move for some players, they may address it. But if no-one supplies hard evidence of the in game latency experience then no amount of forum posts are going to make any difference.



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> @"Shazmataz.1423" said:

> > @"Gator.5729" said:

> > > @"Cormac.3871" said:

> > > > @"Gator.5729" said:

> > > > > @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> > > > > It definitely has something to do with the server connections ever since the switch to Amazon servers, because I've tried using VPN services such as Tunnel Bear and it does seem to correct the latency. (My actual ping doesn't improve from the standard 200+ I see as a SEA player, of course, but the high to insane ping increases of 500 - sometimes 3k+ are gone.) The downside to this is that Tunnel Bear and other free VPNs can be unstable (I often seem to drop connection to Tunnel Bear after an hour or so of play), and it really should not be necessary for us to subscribe to a paid VPN service in order to play one game. (Other online games through Steam etc. have no issues whatsoever.)

> > > >

> > > > The fact that a VPN service fixed your ping spikes just shows the the problem you were having was in your connection to the game server. The problem is not Anet, therefore there is nothing for them to fix. Other online games have their servers located in different places, thus your connection takes a different route to them than it does to GW2.

> > >

> > > Strictly speaking, the problem is with the location of the servers ANet are using, which means that there is something that they could fix. It’s just that they are probably more willing to lose the (relatively) small number of players being affected by this than they are to change server locations again.

> >

> > I completely disagree, my ping as improved since the move. So no, there is nothing wrong with the location. The new server location is not causing the ping spikes that everyone is complaining about. Its the nodes within the hundreds and thousands of miles between the servers and their routers. This could and would happen regardless of where they are located. It would just move the ping spikes to other areas and affect other players.


> Gator....I have filed a support ticket with Anet and been through the process. I play from Oceania (yeah rip my game) and the lag spikes are indeed caused inside the Amazon server set up. Just count yourself very lucky that you have an improved game and don't pour scorn on others who post here. Having played GW2 in the States in September last year (on hotel wifi what's more)...it is like God mode compared to playing from Oceania and that was before the server move. I have to say that if I get any further increase in latency I may as well log out never to return, wvw is almost impossible to play in NA for me.


> All other people experiencing increased latency.....I STRONGLY urge you to put in a support ticket. Get it escalated to a Lead GM who is collating information relating to the new server locale. If the server devs become more aware of the crippling effects of the server move for some players, they may address it. But if no-one supplies hard evidence of the in game latency experience then no amount of forum posts are going to make any difference.




The point of bringing up the fact my ping has improved and there are no lag spikes is only meant to show that the issue is not coming from the Amazon servers. If they were coming from the Amazon servers as you say they are, it would be affecting every single player connected to the same server you are and its just not happening. The only explanation for that is, it's not the server causing the lag spikes.

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> @"jdmThor.3806" said:

> > @"Gator.5729" said:

> > > @"jdmThor.3806" said:

> > > > @"Gator.5729" said:

> > > > > @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> > > > > It definitely has something to do with the server connections ever since the switch to Amazon servers, because I've tried using VPN services such as Tunnel Bear and it does seem to correct the latency. (My actual ping doesn't improve from the standard 200+ I see as a SEA player, of course, but the high to insane ping increases of 500 - sometimes 3k+ are gone.) The downside to this is that Tunnel Bear and other free VPNs can be unstable (I often seem to drop connection to Tunnel Bear after an hour or so of play), and it really should not be necessary for us to subscribe to a paid VPN service in order to play one game. (Other online games through Steam etc. have no issues whatsoever.)

> > > >

> > > > The fact that a VPN service fixed your ping spikes just shows the the problem you were having was in your connection to the game server. The problem is not Anet, therefore there is nothing for them to fix. Other online games have their servers located in different places, thus your connection takes a different route to them than it does to GW2.

> > >

> > > My VPN service does nothing for me regardless of which server location I connect to. Are you really claiming that all of these people complaining about latency issues have problems with their connections, rather than it is Anet's new servers that are causing the problems? Please don't try to justify inaction on Anet's part about this issue.

> >

> > I'm not trying to justify anything for Anet. The move of the server only accounts for a increase of about 30-40ms to the ping. Those people closer to the server would actually have a lower ping. All these reports of spikes to 1000 or whatever are related to the players connection. If it was a problem with the servers, every single player would have the problem. There is a post above this one where a player in Florida is having problems, guess what, I'm also in Florida and I have 0 ping issues. Its very easy to determine where the problem is, run ping plotter and provide the results to Anet, they will help you all they can. I have been following this post from the beginning and I can't recall anyone providing actual proof that the spikes are coming from Anet. Its much easier for players to just blame the servers and hope for them to fix something that isn't broke. Anet is in Seattle and believe me they play their own game, with the server move to Amazon they also have seen the increased pings (30-40ms). If it was a server issue they would have the problem as well. There are way more people without these issues than there are with it, again that proves its not a server issue.


> You probably know more about the technicalities of this than I do, but there has to be something you're missing in your analysis. The fact is, these issues only started for a lot of people since the move to the new servers. Myself, I've been playing this game for more than 5 years and I've never had a problem with latency in GW2 until this happened. It is very reasonable to assume that it has something to do with it. Most of us complaining also don't have latency issues with any other games/applications.


> I did use pingplotter. The figure came up to about 460ms+ average, from my former latency of 250ms give or take since I started playing. It's definitely not the 30-40ms increase you're claiming. I would take a screenshot to post here but coincidentally, I've been having normal ping since yesterday. Who knows why. As for proof from the other people complaining? Why would anyone lie about this?


That is exactly what I explained, the server move has caused your route and everyone's to change because it is in a different location. The lag spikes are coming from the nodes along that route. All those in-between nodes are owned and operated by third parties. Anet has no control over them and your ISP does not maintain them. What does happen is your ISP pays those third party nodes to move their data.


As far as pingplotter, your ping is only part of what you want to look at. Packet loss is big part of the problem. Look at each node and see what the packet loss % is. You can have a 250ms ping with zero packet loss and have a better connection than someone with a 60ms ping and 30% packet loss.

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> @"Gator.5729" said:

> > @"jdmThor.3806" said:

> > > @"Gator.5729" said:

> > > > @"jdmThor.3806" said:

> > > > > @"Gator.5729" said:

> > > > > > @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> > > > > > It definitely has something to do with the server connections ever since the switch to Amazon servers, because I've tried using VPN services such as Tunnel Bear and it does seem to correct the latency. (My actual ping doesn't improve from the standard 200+ I see as a SEA player, of course, but the high to insane ping increases of 500 - sometimes 3k+ are gone.) The downside to this is that Tunnel Bear and other free VPNs can be unstable (I often seem to drop connection to Tunnel Bear after an hour or so of play), and it really should not be necessary for us to subscribe to a paid VPN service in order to play one game. (Other online games through Steam etc. have no issues whatsoever.)

> > > > >

> > > > > The fact that a VPN service fixed your ping spikes just shows the the problem you were having was in your connection to the game server. The problem is not Anet, therefore there is nothing for them to fix. Other online games have their servers located in different places, thus your connection takes a different route to them than it does to GW2.

> > > >

> > > > My VPN service does nothing for me regardless of which server location I connect to. Are you really claiming that all of these people complaining about latency issues have problems with their connections, rather than it is Anet's new servers that are causing the problems? Please don't try to justify inaction on Anet's part about this issue.

> > >

> > > I'm not trying to justify anything for Anet. The move of the server only accounts for a increase of about 30-40ms to the ping. Those people closer to the server would actually have a lower ping. All these reports of spikes to 1000 or whatever are related to the players connection. If it was a problem with the servers, every single player would have the problem. There is a post above this one where a player in Florida is having problems, guess what, I'm also in Florida and I have 0 ping issues. Its very easy to determine where the problem is, run ping plotter and provide the results to Anet, they will help you all they can. I have been following this post from the beginning and I can't recall anyone providing actual proof that the spikes are coming from Anet. Its much easier for players to just blame the servers and hope for them to fix something that isn't broke. Anet is in Seattle and believe me they play their own game, with the server move to Amazon they also have seen the increased pings (30-40ms). If it was a server issue they would have the problem as well. There are way more people without these issues than there are with it, again that proves its not a server issue.

> >

> > You probably know more about the technicalities of this than I do, but there has to be something you're missing in your analysis. The fact is, these issues only started for a lot of people since the move to the new servers. Myself, I've been playing this game for more than 5 years and I've never had a problem with latency in GW2 until this happened. It is very reasonable to assume that it has something to do with it. Most of us complaining also don't have latency issues with any other games/applications.

> >

> > I did use pingplotter. The figure came up to about 460ms+ average, from my former latency of 250ms give or take since I started playing. It's definitely not the 30-40ms increase you're claiming. I would take a screenshot to post here but coincidentally, I've been having normal ping since yesterday. Who knows why. As for proof from the other people complaining? Why would anyone lie about this?


> That is exactly what I explained, the server move has caused your route and everyone's to change because it is in a different location. The lag spikes are coming from the nodes along that route. All those in-between nodes are owned and operated by third parties. Anet has no control over them and your ISP does not maintain them. What does happen is your ISP pays those third party nodes to move their data.


> As far as pingplotter, your ping is only part of what you want to look at. Packet loss is big part of the problem. Look at each node and see what the packet loss % is. You can have a 250ms ping with zero packet loss and have a better connection than someone with a 60ms ping and 30% packet loss.


Lol 0 packet loss till it hits amazon mate....not sure what you are smoking. But aren't you the lucky one with no lag....maybe have some sympathy for those who do. There are sooooo many complaints in this forum about game performance and everyday as I play wvw with my mostly NA friends since the servers were migrated....


If you reading this and have poor game performance since the server migration please file a support ticket.

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> @"Gator.5729" said:

> > @"jdmThor.3806" said:

> > > @"Gator.5729" said:

> > > > @"jdmThor.3806" said:

> > > > > @"Gator.5729" said:

> > > > > > @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> > > > > > It definitely has something to do with the server connections ever since the switch to Amazon servers, because I've tried using VPN services such as Tunnel Bear and it does seem to correct the latency. (My actual ping doesn't improve from the standard 200+ I see as a SEA player, of course, but the high to insane ping increases of 500 - sometimes 3k+ are gone.) The downside to this is that Tunnel Bear and other free VPNs can be unstable (I often seem to drop connection to Tunnel Bear after an hour or so of play), and it really should not be necessary for us to subscribe to a paid VPN service in order to play one game. (Other online games through Steam etc. have no issues whatsoever.)

> > > > >

> > > > > The fact that a VPN service fixed your ping spikes just shows the the problem you were having was in your connection to the game server. The problem is not Anet, therefore there is nothing for them to fix. Other online games have their servers located in different places, thus your connection takes a different route to them than it does to GW2.

> > > >

> > > > My VPN service does nothing for me regardless of which server location I connect to. Are you really claiming that all of these people complaining about latency issues have problems with their connections, rather than it is Anet's new servers that are causing the problems? Please don't try to justify inaction on Anet's part about this issue.

> > >

> > > I'm not trying to justify anything for Anet. The move of the server only accounts for a increase of about 30-40ms to the ping. Those people closer to the server would actually have a lower ping. All these reports of spikes to 1000 or whatever are related to the players connection. If it was a problem with the servers, every single player would have the problem. There is a post above this one where a player in Florida is having problems, guess what, I'm also in Florida and I have 0 ping issues. Its very easy to determine where the problem is, run ping plotter and provide the results to Anet, they will help you all they can. I have been following this post from the beginning and I can't recall anyone providing actual proof that the spikes are coming from Anet. Its much easier for players to just blame the servers and hope for them to fix something that isn't broke. Anet is in Seattle and believe me they play their own game, with the server move to Amazon they also have seen the increased pings (30-40ms). If it was a server issue they would have the problem as well. There are way more people without these issues than there are with it, again that proves its not a server issue.

> >

> > You probably know more about the technicalities of this than I do, but there has to be something you're missing in your analysis. The fact is, these issues only started for a lot of people since the move to the new servers. Myself, I've been playing this game for more than 5 years and I've never had a problem with latency in GW2 until this happened. It is very reasonable to assume that it has something to do with it. Most of us complaining also don't have latency issues with any other games/applications.

> >

> > I did use pingplotter. The figure came up to about 460ms+ average, from my former latency of 250ms give or take since I started playing. It's definitely not the 30-40ms increase you're claiming. I would take a screenshot to post here but coincidentally, I've been having normal ping since yesterday. Who knows why. As for proof from the other people complaining? Why would anyone lie about this?


> That is exactly what I explained, the server move has caused your route and everyone's to change because it is in a different location. The lag spikes are coming from the nodes along that route. All those in-between nodes are owned and operated by third parties. Anet has no control over them and your ISP does not maintain them. What does happen is your ISP pays those third party nodes to move their data.


> As far as pingplotter, your ping is only part of what you want to look at. Packet loss is big part of the problem. Look at each node and see what the packet loss % is. You can have a 250ms ping with zero packet loss and have a better connection than someone with a 60ms ping and 30% packet loss.


Okay, let's say you're right. Are you saying Anet should just turn a blind eye to all these people complaining like they're doing right now? Fact: There is a problem for a lot of people where none was, and it's because of the server move which is completely reversible. What now? This is all that an Anet customer should care about, really. When you say things like 'There's nothing to fix', you spit in the face of all of these extremely frustrated players who just want to play the game normally. Please stop.

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My ping went from 200-220 to 280-300 and pretty damn inconsistent when Anet switched servers. It's pretty awful, and I'm really holding off on any gemstore purchases if there's a distinct possibility that my ping will become unplayable without any notice.

Very frustrating in WvW, and I haven't even bothered joining PvP games because of it.


That's to say nothing of the wildly fluctuating, sometimes >1000 ping that everyone has been enjoying for the past 30 or so minutes.

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I am playing from Singapore and since they move the servers to amazon, I always encounter high PING and disconnection from 6:30 AM EST to 7:45 AM EST.

Did they reboot/switch off their servers during this period? Can anyone help me?


Example below is the ping trace using NCSOFT Game Advisor.


Route for [GW2 Auth Gate:US/EU] (


*--> pathping.exe -w 500 -q 100 -4 <--*


Tracing route to ec2-34-225-225-173.compute-1.amazonaws.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

0 Kelvin-PC []






6 *


8 paix01-sfo4.amazon.com []


10 *

11 * * *

Computing statistics for 250 seconds...

Source to Here This Node/Link

Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address

0 Kelvin-PC []

0/ 100 = 0% |

1 0ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% TIME-CAPSULE []

0/ 100 = 0% |

2 2ms 1/ 100 = 1% 1/ 100 = 1%

0/ 100 = 0% |

3 2ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%

0/ 100 = 0% |

4 1ms 2/ 100 = 2% 2/ 100 = 2%

0/ 100 = 0% |

5 --- 100/ 100 =100% 100/ 100 =100%

0/ 100 = 0% |

6 --- 100/ 100 =100% 100/ 100 =100%

0/ 100 = 0% |

7 1ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%

67/ 100 = 67% |

8 201ms 67/ 100 = 67% 0/ 100 = 0% paix01-sfo4.amazon.com []

33/ 100 = 33% |

9 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0%

0/ 100 = 0% |

10 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0%


Trace complete.




Route for [GW2 Auth Gate:US/EU] (


*--> pathping.exe -w 500 -q 100 -4 <--*



Tracing route to ec2-35-158-175-20.eu-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

0 Kelvin-PC []





5 snge-b1-link.telia.net []

6 mei-b1-link.telia.net []

7 ffm-bb4-link.telia.net []

8 ffm-b1-link.telia.net []

9 * amazon-ic-322373-ffm-b1.c.telia.net []



12 *

13 *

14 *

15 *

16 * * *

Computing statistics for 375 seconds...

Source to Here This Node/Link

Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address

0 Kelvin-PC []

0/ 100 = 0% |

1 0ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% TIME-CAPSULE []

0/ 100 = 0% |

2 2ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%

0/ 100 = 0% |

3 2ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%

0/ 100 = 0% |

4 1ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%

0/ 100 = 0% |

5 3ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% snge-b1-link.telia.net []

34/ 100 = 34% |

6 180ms 35/ 100 = 35% 1/ 100 = 1% mei-b1-link.telia.net []

0/ 100 = 0% |

7 175ms 34/ 100 = 34% 0/ 100 = 0% ffm-bb4-link.telia.net []

17/ 100 = 17% |

8 261ms 52/ 100 = 52% 1/ 100 = 1% ffm-b1-link.telia.net []

0/ 100 = 0% |

9 264ms 51/ 100 = 51% 0/ 100 = 0% amazon-ic-322373-ffm-b1.c.telia.net []

49/ 100 = 49% |

10 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0%

0/ 100 = 0% |

11 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0%

0/ 100 = 0% |

12 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0%

0/ 100 = 0% |

13 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0%

0/ 100 = 0% |

14 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0%

0/ 100 = 0% |

15 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0%


Trace complete.


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> @"yoporla.1596" said:

> I'm having the same problem, High ping 1000-3000 where ever I am on the map.

> Did anyone found out why?


when i stoped playing that would hapen always when i engaged on 10vs10 or similiar numbers, more than that the ping would go from 140 to 3k... if i try to get close to the combat zone >_>.

If i get to close the client would lost conections sometimes..

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i'm from Australia and i avg 210 - 250 ping and i only play WvsW and when 15 people fight my ping spikes to over 1.5k and sometimes i'm not even in the fight but experience the lag, iv'e checked my connections when these problems happen and my internet is fine, but having 5 sec skill delay in WvsW is unplayable.. you guys are killing this game mode and making it impossible for people to play.. please address this or get a serious server update..

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