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Latency/Ping/FPS Issues [merged]

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This is happening to me as well, but ~~the sluggish performance seems to go away immediately if I press Alt+Enter to put the game into windowed mode. I then Alt+Enter to maximize the game again and it'll perform as per usual without the incredible frame stutter.~~ I'm not sure if this started happening with the latest Nvidia drivers, with the latest Windows 10 version 1709 update, or if the issue were there with the previous iterations. Haven't had it occur in other games either, though I mainly just play GW2 and Overwatch, so that's not a big pool to draw any conclusions from. ~~Anyways, try to Alt+Enter into windowed mode and then to Alt+Enter again to get it back into fullscreen for a temporary fix to the problem. The issue may also not be present if it's running in Windowed Fullscreen mode, I haven't tried changing it from dedicated fullscreen mode to confirm that myself.~~


Seems that Alt+Enter does nothing, it must have been a coincidence that it sorted itself. I did flush out the Standby list from the RAM prior to swapping window modes though, so perhaps that had something to do with it. It could point towards the issue being related to memory maintenance. More and more points towards this being an issue within GW2's code since the most recent patch though.

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> @Mewcifer.5198 said:

> Been happening to me mostly in PoF areas and events since PoF launched. I will drop to 1 or 2 fps. Particular instances would be during serpent's ire and round 3 of casino blitz. Lowering the number of players visible and the quality of player models only got me maybe 1 more fps.

I've never checked in PoF areas so don't know if there are any differences.


> @abomally.2694 said:

> What's your CPU temperature when this happens?

It wasn't higher than normal but I'm gonna check if it happens again.


> @Absconditus.6804 said:

> This is happening to me as well, but the sluggish performance seems to go away immediately if I press Alt+Enter to put the game into windowed mode. I then Alt+Enter to maximize the game again and it'll perform as per usual without the incredible frame stutter. I'm not sure if this started happening with the latest Nvidia drivers, with the latest Windows 10 version 1709 update, or if the issue were there with the previous iterations. Haven't had it occur in other games either, though I mainly just play GW2 and Overwatch, so that's not a big pool to draw any conclusions from. Anyways, try to Alt+Enter into windowed mode and then to Alt+Enter again to get it back into fullscreen for a temporary fix to the problem. The issue may also not be present if it's running in Windowed Fullscreen mode, I haven't tried changing it from dedicated fullscreen mode to confirm that myself.

I suspect to Nvidia too because It seems like it started after last Nvidia driver update. If I can't fix the problem, I will try to go back to previous update. But first, I will try what you said and update the post.

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Okay, this is the third post that I have read about people in FL complaining of packet loss, ping/lag spikes and other ISP issues.

I live in FL as well and I don't know what the hell is going on.


My ISP is Comcast and they actually did find issues in my neighborhood but they FIXED them. I am still having major spikes and dropped packets regardless of the fix.

I have a feeling this is from the wrath of Irma and they might still be trying to fix it...

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> @lightfairy.2873 said:

> Okay, this is the third post that I have read about people in FL complaining of packet loss, ping/lag spikes and other ISP issues.

> I live in FL as well and I don't know what the hell is going on.


> My ISP is Comcast and they actually did find issues in my neighborhood but they FIXED them. I am still having major spikes and dropped packets regardless of the fix.

> I have a feeling this is from the wrath of Irma and they might still be trying to fix it...


Yeah, Irma and Harvey did us no favors. I'm from Texas and... still we're having problems with latency and our internet not wanting to upload things. In this case, it's our internet, though. I hope things get better before you. :D

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Recently Microsoft accepted DX9 games experiencing frame rate problems, you can try their solution [here](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/games_windows_10/frame-rates-may-drop-on-some-directx-9-games-at/c7e47851-06bc-408a-a355-231a2c23181a?auth=1 "here"). However this didn't work for some players but the solution below is worked for them. If Microsoft's steps don't help you, feel free to do this:


1 - Go into your Guild Wars 2 installation folder

2 - Rightclick "Gw2-64.exe" (or "Gw2-32.exe" for 32-bit users)

3 - Select properties

4 - Navigate to "compability" (if there is no "compatibility" tab just create a shortcut from the original GW2.exe and continue with that). If you're running windows 7 and the compatibility settings are greyed out for you, try this: Modify the compatibility flags for your application directly in the registry (using regedit) You can find all the application compatibility flags at the following location in the registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers In that key, create a String entry with: Name = The full path to your GW2.exe Type = String (REG_SZ) Data = HIGHDPIAWARE

5 - Check "Override high DPI scaling behavior" and select "application" in the drop-down menu (if you're on windows 7 or 8 it just says "Disable DPI scaling" without dropdown-menu. Just tick it and you're fine.

6 - Done

Credit goes to /u/VikingWarriorSkjald


And a small information about fps problems caused by polling rate can be found [here](

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> @Jaestrasz.7582 said:

> Recently Microsoft accepted DX9 games experiencing frame rate problems, you can try their solution [here](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/games_windows_10/frame-rates-may-drop-on-some-directx-9-games-at/c7e47851-06bc-408a-a355-231a2c23181a?auth=1 "here"). However this didn't work for some players but the solution below is worked for them. If Microsoft's steps don't help you, feel free to do this:


> 1 - Go into your Guild Wars 2 installation folder

> 2 - Rightclick "Gw2-64.exe" (or "Gw2-32.exe" for 32-bit users)

> 3 - Select properties

> 4 - Navigate to "compability" (if there is no "compatibility" tab just create a shortcut from the original GW2.exe and continue with that). If you're running windows 7 and the compatibility settings are greyed out for you, try this: Modify the compatibility flags for your application directly in the registry (using regedit) You can find all the application compatibility flags at the following location in the registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers In that key, create a String entry with: Name = The full path to your GW2.exe Type = String (REG_SZ) Data = HIGHDPIAWARE

> 5 - Check "Override high DPI scaling behavior" and select "application" in the drop-down menu (if you're on windows 7 or 8 it just says "Disable DPI scaling" without dropdown-menu. Just tick it and you're fine.

> 6 - Done

> Credit goes to /u/VikingWarriorSkjald


> And a small information about fps problems caused by polling rate can be found [here](



Well, I rolled back the last Nvidia Driver and since then FPS drops seems to be gone. But anyway, I did those too, just to be sure. Also sometimes the game still freezes and generally I have to restart my computer to cancel it(This is not only for Gw2, it happens to most of my online full-screen games.) I hope those solve this problem too. Thank you!



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> @Jaestrasz.7582 said:

> Recently Microsoft accepted DX9 games experiencing frame rate problems, you can try their solution [here](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/games_windows_10/frame-rates-may-drop-on-some-directx-9-games-at/c7e47851-06bc-408a-a355-231a2c23181a?auth=1 "here"). However this didn't work for some players but the solution below is worked for them. If Microsoft's steps don't help you, feel free to do this:


> 1 - Go into your Guild Wars 2 installation folder

> 2 - Rightclick "Gw2-64.exe" (or "Gw2-32.exe" for 32-bit users)

> 3 - Select properties

> 4 - Navigate to "compability" (if there is no "compatibility" tab just create a shortcut from the original GW2.exe and continue with that). If you're running windows 7 and the compatibility settings are greyed out for you, try this: Modify the compatibility flags for your application directly in the registry (using regedit) You can find all the application compatibility flags at the following location in the registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers In that key, create a String entry with: Name = The full path to your GW2.exe Type = String (REG_SZ) Data = HIGHDPIAWARE

> 5 - Check "Override high DPI scaling behavior" and select "application" in the drop-down menu (if you're on windows 7 or 8 it just says "Disable DPI scaling" without dropdown-menu. Just tick it and you're fine.

> 6 - Done

> Credit goes to /u/VikingWarriorSkjald


> And a small information about fps problems caused by polling rate can be found [here](





I did this and it hasn't fixed the issue.

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I have been having this problem as well after one of the recent patches. I have a GTX1070, i7, 16GB etc. have never had this problem before, always play on the highest settings. But now every now and then the game drops to 8FPS, until I relog. I do alot of commanding in the LAB but with this happening I just can't do it. Would be nice if a fix happened before Halloween was gone...


I play other games like GTA5 in high setting with no FPS problems, it's only here in GW2 and after a recent patch.

It's very frustrating, was worried it was only me.


Also I tried the windowed mode and that didn't work, it still happens here and there.

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I notice this on the weekend as well. While doing the JP in Draconis Mons I was getting framerate drops and later during the same session, just standing at the bank in Rata Sum, not even moving around, I was getting a consistent 9fps...a far cry from the 100-150fps I typically get. I had to exit the game and go back to clear it up. That is a desktop system with an eVGA gtx1080 that doesn't even hit 60C running GW2, liquid cooled Intel i7-7700k processor, 16gb of RAM and GW2 installed on a 6Gbps M.2 drive. Given the meager system requirement for GW2, this system should barely be working. GW2 is doing something that's not using the hardware properly, and/or not releasing resources properly.

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I have ran into a couple of problems impacting the performance of the GW2 client that started happening over the weekend. The first issue is the lower fps that some have posted about, although not as severe to the point it gets to single digits. Then the second issue seems to be an old problem that occurred for some years ago, which is the fps cap being randomly set to 30. My fps will go from the constant 60~61 (due to monitor cap) and then suddenly drop down to 30~31. There isn't much of a requirement or anything to be going on for this to happen. I could be alone with nothing else on my screen and it will still randomly cap down to 30~31. This issue is rather frustrating especially when it starts happening in the middle of pvp.


My desktop is not displaying any anomalies. All temperatures are rather low, no other software hogging up resources, there's no throttling occurring either. The degraded performance has only been present in GW2 as well.


Desktop specifications:

Intel i7 6700k; overclocked to 4.6GHz

Founders GTX 1070 [stock], using the most recent drivers

16GB RAM, 2,400

Windows 10 Home Fall Creator's version

Installed on an NVM SSD

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