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What are these guys AFK farming for?


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My only backup is that no one should be assuming they know everything about how Anet handles these situations because of an email ... but carry on thinking they don't do anything if that is what satisfies you. The only motive here is to attempt to get people to take pause and think about what they say and think; lofty goals for an MMO forum I suppose. I never said mass farming doesn't exist but I do again see massive levels of assumption from you guys that you know the extent of how it is present and how affects the game. You don't.


here is what I think, and it's based on thinking, not emotion; Anet's response to this 'problem' is likely in proportion to the seriousness and frequency this occurs. In otherwords, whatever they do and have put in place is inline with what is necessary to minimize the impact AFK farming has on the game, which is if you think about it, almost nothing to begin with. If you think people are getting rich or affecting your ability to get rich AFK farming common mats, you aren't paying attention to how this game works.


You're thinking is based on some expected level of morality (ThoU shalt not AFK farm in MMO's), that's not a practical consideration. That just doesn't make sense.

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It annoys me, this spot in particular, because it makes completing that heart quest take a lot longer as the farmers' are able to kill ghosts much faster an in larger quantities and then you have to wait for respawns and hope that you can get a shot or two in. This specific location has been farmed for quite a while, so it's clear that ANet has no problems with it.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > > Are you one of those AFK farmers I wonder, do you have a vested interest in trying to defect against these practices just like the obvious market manipulations within the sigil thread perhaps, that of course we shall never know, but as I said keep pushing the smoke out because it plain to see there is a genuine desire on your part to not have these issues gain traction imo.

> > > >

> > > > Yeah, I'm a big AFK farmer ... I make hundreds of copper a week selling common mats to a trash vendor >< Look how I ruin everyone's game doing it.

> > > >

> > > > I have no problem with issues gaining traction ... if they are real. Someone AFK farming isn't a issue in this game; we know what measures Anet has taken ... this isn't a new topic here.

> > > >

> > > > It's funny you accuse you me of having nothing to back up my argument ... except the fact this is old news. You certainly aren't bringing anything to the discussion we haven't already heard before. If anything, this is just a rehash. No one is arguing what GM's say isn't true. What I'm saying is that you don't have a comprehensive understanding of how Anet handles AFK farmers from a single email a GM gives you.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > TBH your whole attitude through this thread kind of demonstrates your desire to kill the topic.. downplay as much as you like.

> > > What is funny is that you yourself have acknowledged this is not a new issue, this is very much been going on for too long.. glad we agree on something then...

> > > As for comprehensive understanding.. neither do you.. therefore we can only go by what is seen, discussed and issued to us.. if a GM makes a statement that certain violations are not being actioned.. that is very clear and requires no further understanding.. it is factual unless you think they are secretly playing a game behind that such statement.. i prefer to think they are a little more honest than that.

> >

> > You can't go by what you only see because we can't see much. Just because a GM says violations aren't being actioned doesn't mean Anet doesn't do anything about AFK farming. GMs' actions are not the only way to deal with this, in the event it's even a problem in the first place. Assumptions based on lack of understanding and knowledge are worthless.

> >


> By your very own words you acknowledge its not a new thing its been around some time, so when those kind of statements get issued around violations and those same masses of AFK farmers are still solidly planted across maps 24/7 365 then what do you surmise is actually being done to combat it..


There are two things that I **actually** know that are in place to combat it ... auto logout and DR. I'm also convinced that if it was a significant problem, Anet would take further actions ... just like they do for all other areas of the game that have significant problems that they do fix.


I mean, this is yet again another example of people assuming the worst, simply because of their emotions on the subject; clearly AFK farming offends people. What people haven't done is look at this 'problem' and gain any understanding of the actual impact it has on the game. Do you have any game experience with actually trying to farm mats in this manner? Do you know what kinds of returns they get for doing it? What is your take on the negative impact this has on the game other than your assumptions about it being 'bad'? If the impact was minimal, do you think it's sound practice to have armies of GM's policing AFK farming areas to ban the accounts? I think that's hardly a good way for them to spend their time ... obviously Anet thinks so to. I guess they know a little more about the impact this issue has than any average player does. That needs no assumptions on my part; I'm CONVINCED that if anyone knows the significance of this problem, it's Anet.


So it just gets back to the the point of my first post ... don't assume you know enough about what's going on to cast judgement on what Anet should do and how.





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