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Adrenaline decay out of combat - suggestion


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Pre-generating adrenaline out of combat is imposible because it **decay immediately** and i mean immediately! It's problem for rifle and berserker builds. Or when u just jump for one fight to another (weak mobs). It's probably working as intended.

But in case i could improve/fix that with some suggestions i have decided to create a discussion about it.


First of all. There is really simple solution and that is just put some delay. Once your adrenaline is generated it wont decay for lets say 5 sec no matter if you are in combat or not.


Second idea follow the first one as result. Signet of rage generate adrenaline periodically. If every time adrenaline is generated its stays that way for 5 sec. Signet of rage would just prevent decay at all. It would even slowly generate adrenaline out of combat. Which i belive is great idea.



It's probably not big problem for most of warriors builds but still it's worth of talk about it.


**For other players:** Share your thought or other ideas.

**For devs:** Please consider it.

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I was suggesting similar thing, adrenaline not decaying immediately when gained outside of combat.


My dream is that anet removes aftercast from To The Limit and makes adrenaline outside of combat to have like 3-5 seconds delay before it starts to decay.

Jesus this would be so amazing. All the annoyance it causes every single day in fractals and open world is immesurable and it ruins every day.

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Adrenaline didn't decay immediately long time ago. It was nerf for some (bad) reason. As I have already pointed out, it usually even decay while in combat.

You are in combat when you take damage, but it is not uncommon in a group fight to get out of combat when you are still moving to your next target.

Because of that, you are either praying to have a ranged attack available or getting hit by something.



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I will repeat what I said in the other thread: Why? Adrenaline is generated so easily that there is no need for any changes. This could be an idea for another elite spec, where you want to maintain adrenaline instead of spending it, but for warrior as it is right now? No thanks. Burst skills have power attached to them because they have the condition that you are in combat and that you have hit your opponent beforehand. Removing that condition changes the power budget of the skills, making them either too strong or too weak.


Besides: What would the point of adrenaline be? It would just be another meaningless class mechanic that gates your skills. It's a resource to spend, that's boring. If you have to build it up properly first then at least it will feel like some sort of reward.

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> @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> It's to prevent you from instakilling someone out of the blue without warning with gunflame and killshot.


You can already do that with killshot but with lvl 2 adrenaline damage burst instead of lvl 3. It's enough against squishy classes (at least in wvw).

Gunflame is lvl 1 adrenaline burst that hits like 1/3 - 2/3 of killshot damage + you can even enter berserk mode and use burst skill if you are outside of combat (if you use some skill that gives you full adrenaline + berserker stance).

Adrenaline would decay shorty (few seconds) after gained outside of combat, I think it would be more of QoL change than making warrior class super broken. Also, people should be aware of their surroundings. What about sudden rapid fire from soulbeast with all the damage modifiers, thief surprise bursts from stealth, etc (WvW in mind)? You can achieve what you wrote already even without this change.


> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> I will repeat what I said in the other thread: Why? Adrenaline is generated so easily that there is no need for any changes. This could be an idea for another elite spec, where you want to maintain adrenaline instead of spending it, but for warrior as it is right now? No thanks. Burst skills have power attached to them because they have the condition that you are in combat and that you have hit your opponent beforehand. Removing that condition changes the power budget of the skills, making them either too strong or too weak.


> Besides: What would the point of adrenaline be? It would just be another meaningless class mechanic that gates your skills. It's a resource to spend, that's boring. If you have to build it up properly first then at least it will feel like some sort of reward.


As you said, it's resource to spend. We do that literally every time as we use bursts... so according to what you wrote, it's boring already.

You still wouldn't be able to carry adrenaline with you all the time like before the nerf. It would improve combat initiation in all game modes depending what build you are using. You can already prebuild some adrenaline with To The Limit, Signet of Fury, etc. So the only difference would be that when you initiate combat right after you activate one of those skills, instead of lvl 2 adrenaline damages and buffs at the beginning, you will get level 3. You will have only few seconds for this so after you fail to get into combat within this time, it will be same as before the change. This QoL would be really great for PvE :)

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I'm on the fence. I CAN see why it decays when you aren't in a fight. I CAN also see it's current implementation is holding Berserker back. You still can use your Adrenaline when not in a fight if you have some.


I don't actually have a problem with how Adrenaline works in Core and SB. My issue to the Adrenaline mechanic is limited to Berserker. I believe if there is a fix, it should be limited to Berserker and not change Core or SB. I think the quick fix would be to link Berserker duration to Adrenaline spent.

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> @"Luna.6203" said:

> Okay i was really busy during weekdays. So sorry for being silent so long.


> Anyway there isn't probably anything else to say. From what read most of you agree.


> That's it. Now we can only hope it gets to developers.


> Thanks for supporting that thread.


You're asking for buffs to a profession on the profession's subforum of course you're going to get people voicing approval.

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