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Reduce Loot - Repeating Loot Boxes

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Is it possible to reduce loot boxes? I like the fact that there was a "Open All" option but i dont understand why there are boxes inside of boxes. Most of the loot isn't even scaled with the level of the character. Majority of the loot is just low level armor and / runes / sigils that no one at lvl 80 will ever use and will just ultimately salvage any way. Instead of giving players More loot boxes why not just give players what will be salvaged? like the cloth boxes / bone boxes.

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Because giving what is inside containers takes up more inventory?

Because giving what is inside containers doesn't allow us to open, say Champion Bags, on other (mid-level, for example) characters?


I think most of the loot _is_ scaled with the level of the character opening the containers. If they come pre-opened, then most of the loot is L80.

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> @"Sazukikrah.5036" said:

> Is it possible to reduce loot boxes? I like the fact that there was a "Open All" option but i dont understand why there are boxes inside of boxes. Most of the loot isn't even scaled with the level of the character. Majority of the loot is just low level armor and / runes / sigils that no one at lvl 80 will ever use and will just ultimately salvage any way. Instead of giving players More loot boxes why not just give players what will be salvaged? like the cloth boxes / bone boxes.


Salvaging low level gear is the main source for luck. Making loot heavy runs like AB, Silverwastes and Bitterfrost Frontier allows players to source both materials and luck. Drops in bags/boxes keeps things from overwhelming the inventory bags.

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> @"Sazukikrah.5036" said:

> i dont understand why there are boxes inside of boxes.

Because one 'super box' takes up less room than 3-10 different types of boxes. Among the biggest quality-of-life changes this game has seen is the introduction of Pieces of Unidentified Gear (unID gear). Instead of getting 100s of different types of armor, weapons, accessories, you only get three kinds of unID bags, allowing you to stack them and wait until later (when you can also super-max your MF for better loot or sell them on the TP).


Generally speaking, most other containers of containers come from reward tracks, which drop a ton of stuff, some of which is intended to mimic the drops from killing specific foes, e.g. the super-container "Champion Head Scientist Loot Box" is supposed to be exactly the same loot you'd get if you ran CoE.


> Most of the loot isn't even scaled with the level of the character.

All of the loot in containers dropping in Core or HoT scales with the level of the character. A lot of PoF containers do not scale, notably unID gear containers, which, as noted above, are a major QoL change.


> Majority of the loot is just low level armor and / runes / sigils that no one at lvl 80 will ever use and will just ultimately salvage any way.

Yes, that's exactly the point: instead of people depending on getting lucky drops to fund their game needs, GW2 drops a ton of relatively low-value stuff. So you can choose to use or (more likely) salvage for other stuff.


> Instead of giving players More loot boxes why not just give players what will be salvaged? like the cloth boxes / bone boxes.

The biggest reason is psychological. On the surface, skipping the effort sounds like a great way of reducing tedium and thus leaving more time to have fun. In practice, if we don't put in any effort, we take the loot for granted.


One notable in-game example of this is spirit shards, which used to drop as an item but, per our request to eliminate the extra step of consuming something. They still drop at the same rate from mobs of all sorts and from champ bags, but people don't notice, because it's just one of many, many other things. As a result, people have come to believe that the only source of spirit shards comes from XP gained after maxing masteries. That's ultimately bad for the game.



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I need 100 silk bolt for each damsac thread (spelling). Silverwastes bags of loot provide a fair amount of junk which fuels my silk needs. I need all the loot i can get as it is.


I have 1 character for all vanilla jobs, that's a lot of ascended stuff. I'm not doing all of them, i don't like some jobs, but i would dress all the ones i like.

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I don't know about you guys, but personally I am fed up with the loot. I take more time selling/salvaging it than playing. The amount of gear we get as loot is ridiculous, especially when it drops from animals. Like, why do we get pants when we kill a mosquito???

I wish we would gain more money and crafting materials, and less garbage gear.

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> @"Magicienne Endormie.5182" said:

> I don't know about you guys, but personally I am fed up with the loot. I take more time selling/salvaging it than playing.

That seems unlikely.

* How much time do you spend playing? What sorts of things do you do?

* How much time do you spend selling/salvaging? How do you go about it that takes so long?

Perhaps there are some tips/tricks some of us could offer you that would speed things up (or make it less tedious).


> The amount of gear we get as loot is ridiculous, especially when it drops from animals. Like, why do we get pants when we kill a mosquito???

Why not? Stuff drops from foes (since the first computer games) because it's a convenient distribution mechanism. It was never been meant to be realistic.


> I wish we would gain more money and crafting materials, and less garbage gear.

There are several reasons why that won't happen. It's better for the community overall to have most of the loot be stuff instead of currency. Direct coin increases the money supply, increasing market demand, while reducing market supply. Stuff increases community engagement in markets, which is better in the long run, even if some people are always going to hate it.


Similarly, garbage gear is a design choice that makes sense for this game. This game throws us a ton of junk which we can use as we like: craft or sell. Either way, overall it gives us a steady amount of junk that increases our wealth gradually, allowing us to spend on what we want. Other games throw fewer things less often and thus players depend more on getting lucky to gear up as they please.


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