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Build advice for newer WvW Thief

Karma Crimzin.5079

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Hello everyone I just got back into gw2 and wanted to take the game more seriously as my main mom and wanted to start WvW on my thief to see what's going on. I made a build that I think could be good as a solo play roaming since I dont have any one to play with currently. I wanted to know if you guys who do play WvW a lot could give me some advice on it? If its good or bad and what I should change to make things a bit easier on me.


Thanks in advance.




Edit: needed to paste build.

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You're build seems like a dual 1vs1 or +1 fights like in pvp. What you need to understand is in wvw; there are roamingers, small groups, guild groups, and massive zergs(guilds or pugs especially on the high traffic times). You need some skills that you can help you avoid/run from massive zergs running you down like a train. That's why I play d/p and shortbow to either invis, teleport, and shadowstep. You have shadowstep which is good but if its on cd during a fight.... you are kind of screwed after that. You need a bit more versatile build especially for thief because in wvw zergs love targeting you first. Thats my opinion for you but in wvw you can play whatever you want. Try to following a commander's tag. You will make friends in no time.

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> @"Karma Crimzin.5079" said:


Spellbreaker rune is useless. You cannot strip the boons fast enough in WvW before another boon is applied. In other words, there will be no opportunity to take advantage of the 7% damage boost. You're better off with the Daredevil rune.


Withdraw is only good if you're going to take Trickster, otherwise you're better of with Channeled Vigor. You just get more heal for roughly the same cooldown. CV gets even better if you also take Brawler's Tenacity. You should also take the best stun break in the game, Bandit's Defense.


About Burst of Agility:

How are you going to break stun through this?

If you're stunned, you're not attacking. If you're immobilized, you're not attacking from side or back.

In other words, the stun break will rarely be beneficial if not never.


So, having a 60s cooldown makes it unpredictable and unreasonable. Keep in mind that this is a **lesser** Haste having a 60s cooldown while the actual Haste is only 30s CD.


Until they remove the stunbreak and reduce the cooldown to 20s, you shouldn't pick this. Uncatchable is the best partner for a 3 dodges especially when using P/P.

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I'd definitely recommend taking Bandit's Defense in place of Haste, just to make your life easier. Without a full suite of defensive utilities it's hard to sustain fights as a thief in WvW. The main issue is definitely the runes though; Spellbreaker won't give you much with S/D even though you've got a ton of boonsteal. I'd recommend either Pack or Durability runes depending on whether you'd prefer to burst or brawl. Since you have a lot of fury from the CS traitline though, you might get more out of durability runes.

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A lot of feedback on the build is good and construcgive. Thanks everyone for all the input. I changing the runes to pack runes and adding bandits defense. I mainly took the haste trait to I can lead with fast attacks on a target and the haste skill so I can break stun but there was a good point in ill be focused and stunned that its not that great. Again thanks for all the feedback.

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> @"Karma Crimzin.5079" said:

> Hello everyone I just got back into gw2 and wanted to take the game more seriously as my main mom and wanted to start WvW on my thief to see what's going on. I made a build that I think could be good as a solo play roaming since I dont have any one to play with currently. I wanted to know if you guys who do play WvW a lot could give me some advice on it? If its good or bad and what I should change to make things a bit easier on me.


> Thanks in advance.


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQRAsY6al0MhinYhTw0Jw/EL7E2WAo20mmPgRwLo3SIKcFA-jFCFQBKU5HAeCAC4kAcRlgpR/g+UTJk7PUIVLCAcAcezbezDO/8zP/8zb6zP/8zP/8zP/+7LFggKjA-w


> Edit: needed to paste build.


Looks pretty chillen to me, I may change runes and add a little more condi cleanse cause everybody has crazy boons now and there are tons of condi players out there. Other than that I prefer shortbow to p/p but that's a personal preference, there's a lot of projectile hate out there tho.

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Don't play the RP thief with dagger or sword, it's old fashion and here just for "duels".



For party group and small fights : critical strikes over acrobatics, more bursty http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQJAVWn8lCFOh9OBmOB0PhlxiabDLrbzbACgDY+279iH-j1BBQBYRpxJVCCgjAg+0EEgDBgGVmpQ1fCAgAE28mBQKgqUGB-w

You can take escapist's Absolution over Staff master ; No Quarter(perma fury + ferocity bonus) over Invigorating Precision.

For runes : scholar, pack, rage, ogre, etc (change your accessories if you cap the 100% precision with fury) If you need more toughness, change accessories, not runes.


So............. Why you should try this build ? It's nobrain, works in both Roaming AND zerg, good sustain (near perma evade), strong mobility and STRONG BURST !!!!!!!!!! Staff #5 is 10k to 20k (depend of traits, assassin's signet or not, and armor of course) : _**dodge > staff #5 > staff #5 > Dodge,, etc. **_

A perma stealth thief in front of you ? Dodge> F1+Staff #5 = One shot

SpB ? You're too fast to take the dmg from Full Counter.

Mirage/chrono ? You instant kill all his clones, you have more evades than him. You see an opportunity, no aegis, no mirage cloak ? Dodge> F1+Staff #5 = One shot


About skills :

Agility signet is a must IMO : cleansing + endurance, all you need.

Infiltrator's signet : it's a "second" F1 you can coupling with Staff #5

Assassin's signet for a strong burst

Devourer Venom to immobilize

Roll for initiative, good synergy with daredvil.

Impact strike allow you to stomp an enemy very fast.


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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > @"Karma Crimzin.5079" said:


> Spellbreaker rune is useless. You cannot strip the boons fast enough in WvW before another boon is applied. In other words, there will be no opportunity to take advantage of the 7% damage boost. You're better off with the Daredevil rune.


> Withdraw is only good if you're going to take Trickster, otherwise you're better of with Channeled Vigor. You just get more heal for roughly the same cooldown. CV gets even better if you also take Brawler's Tenacity. You should also take the best stun break in the game, Bandit's Defense.


> About Burst of Agility:

> How are you going to break stun through this?

> If you're stunned, you're not attacking. If you're immobilized, you're not attacking from side or back.

> In other words, the stun break will rarely be beneficial if not never.


> So, having a 60s cooldown makes it unpredictable and unreasonable. Keep in mind that this is a **lesser** Haste having a 60s cooldown while the actual Haste is only 30s CD.


> Until they remove the stunbreak and reduce the cooldown to 20s, you shouldn't pick this. Uncatchable is the best partner for a 3 dodges especially when using P/P.


I would argue in favor of withdraw even without trickster depending on what your choice is. Some prefer the low cooldown extra evade heal, others prefer the better heal of CV with end regen.


Typically, I take withdraw if I don't run brawlers tenacity. I take CV if I do.

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> @"Bezerker.2379" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > @"Karma Crimzin.5079" said:

> >

> > Spellbreaker rune is useless. You cannot strip the boons fast enough in WvW before another boon is applied. In other words, there will be no opportunity to take advantage of the 7% damage boost. You're better off with the Daredevil rune.

> >

> > Withdraw is only good if you're going to take Trickster, otherwise you're better of with Channeled Vigor. You just get more heal for roughly the same cooldown. CV gets even better if you also take Brawler's Tenacity. You should also take the best stun break in the game, Bandit's Defense.

> >

> > About Burst of Agility:

> > How are you going to break stun through this?

> > If you're stunned, you're not attacking. If you're immobilized, you're not attacking from side or back.

> > In other words, the stun break will rarely be beneficial if not never.

> >

> > So, having a 60s cooldown makes it unpredictable and unreasonable. Keep in mind that this is a **lesser** Haste having a 60s cooldown while the actual Haste is only 30s CD.

> >

> > Until they remove the stunbreak and reduce the cooldown to 20s, you shouldn't pick this. Uncatchable is the best partner for a 3 dodges especially when using P/P.


> I would argue in favor of withdraw even without trickster depending on what your choice is. Some prefer the low cooldown extra evade heal, others prefer the better heal of CV with end regen.


> Typically, I take withdraw if I don't run brawlers tenacity. I take CV if I do.


I'm simply looking at the value of Withdraw in your build. You already spec for Unhindered and using Daredevil, you already have plenty of evade plus anti-CC. You also have anti-condition utilities.


So what's left is Withdraw as a source of health, which makes it inferior to CV. The only real advantage of Withdraw is displacement (roll back) but getting more endurance through CV gives you plenty of displacement power using Dash. The cooldown difference is 2s, with Brawler's, CV is 2s better.


Since you choose not to take Brawler's, then I have to agree that Withdraw would be a better pick. But at least you're considering how good CV is with Brawlers.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > @"Bezerker.2379" said:

> > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > > @"Karma Crimzin.5079" said:

> > >

> > > Spellbreaker rune is useless. You cannot strip the boons fast enough in WvW before another boon is applied. In other words, there will be no opportunity to take advantage of the 7% damage boost. You're better off with the Daredevil rune.

> > >

> > > Withdraw is only good if you're going to take Trickster, otherwise you're better of with Channeled Vigor. You just get more heal for roughly the same cooldown. CV gets even better if you also take Brawler's Tenacity. You should also take the best stun break in the game, Bandit's Defense.

> > >

> > > About Burst of Agility:

> > > How are you going to break stun through this?

> > > If you're stunned, you're not attacking. If you're immobilized, you're not attacking from side or back.

> > > In other words, the stun break will rarely be beneficial if not never.

> > >

> > > So, having a 60s cooldown makes it unpredictable and unreasonable. Keep in mind that this is a **lesser** Haste having a 60s cooldown while the actual Haste is only 30s CD.

> > >

> > > Until they remove the stunbreak and reduce the cooldown to 20s, you shouldn't pick this. Uncatchable is the best partner for a 3 dodges especially when using P/P.

> >

> > I would argue in favor of withdraw even without trickster depending on what your choice is. Some prefer the low cooldown extra evade heal, others prefer the better heal of CV with end regen.

> >

> > Typically, I take withdraw if I don't run brawlers tenacity. I take CV if I do.


> I'm simply looking at the value of Withdraw in your build. You already spec for Unhindered and using Daredevil, you already have plenty of evade plus anti-CC. You also have anti-condition utilities.


> So what's left is Withdraw as a source of health, which makes it inferior to CV. The only real advantage of Withdraw is displacement (roll back) but getting more endurance through CV gives you plenty of displacement power using Dash. The cooldown difference is 2s, with Brawler's, CV is 2s better.


> Since you choose not to take Brawler's, then I have to agree that Withdraw would be a better pick. But at least you're considering how good CV is with Brawlers.


The other thing to consider is how likely you are to be interrupted. CV is a positive liability against a D/P thief with any brains, withdraw is much more useful in that situation.

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > @"Bezerker.2379" said:

> > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > > > @"Karma Crimzin.5079" said:

> > > >

> > > > Spellbreaker rune is useless. You cannot strip the boons fast enough in WvW before another boon is applied. In other words, there will be no opportunity to take advantage of the 7% damage boost. You're better off with the Daredevil rune.

> > > >

> > > > Withdraw is only good if you're going to take Trickster, otherwise you're better of with Channeled Vigor. You just get more heal for roughly the same cooldown. CV gets even better if you also take Brawler's Tenacity. You should also take the best stun break in the game, Bandit's Defense.

> > > >

> > > > About Burst of Agility:

> > > > How are you going to break stun through this?

> > > > If you're stunned, you're not attacking. If you're immobilized, you're not attacking from side or back.

> > > > In other words, the stun break will rarely be beneficial if not never.

> > > >

> > > > So, having a 60s cooldown makes it unpredictable and unreasonable. Keep in mind that this is a **lesser** Haste having a 60s cooldown while the actual Haste is only 30s CD.

> > > >

> > > > Until they remove the stunbreak and reduce the cooldown to 20s, you shouldn't pick this. Uncatchable is the best partner for a 3 dodges especially when using P/P.

> > >

> > > I would argue in favor of withdraw even without trickster depending on what your choice is. Some prefer the low cooldown extra evade heal, others prefer the better heal of CV with end regen.

> > >

> > > Typically, I take withdraw if I don't run brawlers tenacity. I take CV if I do.

> >

> > I'm simply looking at the value of Withdraw in your build. You already spec for Unhindered and using Daredevil, you already have plenty of evade plus anti-CC. You also have anti-condition utilities.

> >

> > So what's left is Withdraw as a source of health, which makes it inferior to CV. The only real advantage of Withdraw is displacement (roll back) but getting more endurance through CV gives you plenty of displacement power using Dash. The cooldown difference is 2s, with Brawler's, CV is 2s better.

> >

> > Since you choose not to take Brawler's, then I have to agree that Withdraw would be a better pick. But at least you're considering how good CV is with Brawlers.


> The other thing to consider is how likely you are to be interrupted. CV is a positive liability against a D/P thief with any brains, withdraw is much more useful in that situation.


Thats why i took withdrawal it kept getting interrupted but I main like that fact that I can get out of somewhere and heal really quickly even though I dont heal as much. I also wanted to squeeze as much damage out as possible.


But i do see everyones point. Ive Also been trying out shortbow and I can see the appeal. Its just getting use to it for me is the problem but that's a me issue not the weapon. But still thabks eveyone for this feedback I keep checking back every so often so I can try things out.

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > @"Bezerker.2379" said:

> > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > > > @"Karma Crimzin.5079" said:

> > > >

> > > > Spellbreaker rune is useless. You cannot strip the boons fast enough in WvW before another boon is applied. In other words, there will be no opportunity to take advantage of the 7% damage boost. You're better off with the Daredevil rune.

> > > >

> > > > Withdraw is only good if you're going to take Trickster, otherwise you're better of with Channeled Vigor. You just get more heal for roughly the same cooldown. CV gets even better if you also take Brawler's Tenacity. You should also take the best stun break in the game, Bandit's Defense.

> > > >

> > > > About Burst of Agility:

> > > > How are you going to break stun through this?

> > > > If you're stunned, you're not attacking. If you're immobilized, you're not attacking from side or back.

> > > > In other words, the stun break will rarely be beneficial if not never.

> > > >

> > > > So, having a 60s cooldown makes it unpredictable and unreasonable. Keep in mind that this is a **lesser** Haste having a 60s cooldown while the actual Haste is only 30s CD.

> > > >

> > > > Until they remove the stunbreak and reduce the cooldown to 20s, you shouldn't pick this. Uncatchable is the best partner for a 3 dodges especially when using P/P.

> > >

> > > I would argue in favor of withdraw even without trickster depending on what your choice is. Some prefer the low cooldown extra evade heal, others prefer the better heal of CV with end regen.

> > >

> > > Typically, I take withdraw if I don't run brawlers tenacity. I take CV if I do.

> >

> > I'm simply looking at the value of Withdraw in your build. You already spec for Unhindered and using Daredevil, you already have plenty of evade plus anti-CC. You also have anti-condition utilities.

> >

> > So what's left is Withdraw as a source of health, which makes it inferior to CV. The only real advantage of Withdraw is displacement (roll back) but getting more endurance through CV gives you plenty of displacement power using Dash. The cooldown difference is 2s, with Brawler's, CV is 2s better.

> >

> > Since you choose not to take Brawler's, then I have to agree that Withdraw would be a better pick. But at least you're considering how good CV is with Brawlers.


> The other thing to consider is how likely you are to be interrupted. CV is a positive liability against a D/P thief with any brains, withdraw is much more useful in that situation.


I'm sorry but this build will not last long against D/P with or without Withdraw. 16k HP with base armor will only take D/P 5s to take apart. Besides, D/P will interrupt you whether you are healing or not. However with Haste, I can use CV in half the time narrowing the interrupt window.


But if we are building against D/P, then I would highly suggest taking Bandit's Defense with Brawler's. I've countered multiple Backstab attempts with this skill.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > > @"Bezerker.2379" said:

> > > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > > > > @"Karma Crimzin.5079" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > Spellbreaker rune is useless. You cannot strip the boons fast enough in WvW before another boon is applied. In other words, there will be no opportunity to take advantage of the 7% damage boost. You're better off with the Daredevil rune.

> > > > >

> > > > > Withdraw is only good if you're going to take Trickster, otherwise you're better of with Channeled Vigor. You just get more heal for roughly the same cooldown. CV gets even better if you also take Brawler's Tenacity. You should also take the best stun break in the game, Bandit's Defense.

> > > > >

> > > > > About Burst of Agility:

> > > > > How are you going to break stun through this?

> > > > > If you're stunned, you're not attacking. If you're immobilized, you're not attacking from side or back.

> > > > > In other words, the stun break will rarely be beneficial if not never.

> > > > >

> > > > > So, having a 60s cooldown makes it unpredictable and unreasonable. Keep in mind that this is a **lesser** Haste having a 60s cooldown while the actual Haste is only 30s CD.

> > > > >

> > > > > Until they remove the stunbreak and reduce the cooldown to 20s, you shouldn't pick this. Uncatchable is the best partner for a 3 dodges especially when using P/P.

> > > >

> > > > I would argue in favor of withdraw even without trickster depending on what your choice is. Some prefer the low cooldown extra evade heal, others prefer the better heal of CV with end regen.

> > > >

> > > > Typically, I take withdraw if I don't run brawlers tenacity. I take CV if I do.

> > >

> > > I'm simply looking at the value of Withdraw in your build. You already spec for Unhindered and using Daredevil, you already have plenty of evade plus anti-CC. You also have anti-condition utilities.

> > >

> > > So what's left is Withdraw as a source of health, which makes it inferior to CV. The only real advantage of Withdraw is displacement (roll back) but getting more endurance through CV gives you plenty of displacement power using Dash. The cooldown difference is 2s, with Brawler's, CV is 2s better.

> > >

> > > Since you choose not to take Brawler's, then I have to agree that Withdraw would be a better pick. But at least you're considering how good CV is with Brawlers.

> >

> > The other thing to consider is how likely you are to be interrupted. CV is a positive liability against a D/P thief with any brains, withdraw is much more useful in that situation.


> I'm sorry but this build will not last long against D/P with or without Withdraw. 16k HP with base armor will only take D/P 5s to take apart. Besides, D/P will interrupt you whether you are healing or not. However with Haste, I can use CV in half the time narrowing the interrupt window.


> But if we are building against D/P, then I would highly suggest taking Bandit's Defense with Brawler's. I've countered multiple Backstab attempts with this skill.


Maybe, I'm just saying that in duels against experienced thieves running pistol offhand I've found channeled vigour to be a liability due to the interrupt potential. This was in HoT tho, admittedly damage pressure has gotten rather silly since then so it may not matter like you say.

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > > > @"Bezerker.2379" said:

> > > > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > > > > > @"Karma Crimzin.5079" said:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Spellbreaker rune is useless. You cannot strip the boons fast enough in WvW before another boon is applied. In other words, there will be no opportunity to take advantage of the 7% damage boost. You're better off with the Daredevil rune.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Withdraw is only good if you're going to take Trickster, otherwise you're better of with Channeled Vigor. You just get more heal for roughly the same cooldown. CV gets even better if you also take Brawler's Tenacity. You should also take the best stun break in the game, Bandit's Defense.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > About Burst of Agility:

> > > > > > How are you going to break stun through this?

> > > > > > If you're stunned, you're not attacking. If you're immobilized, you're not attacking from side or back.

> > > > > > In other words, the stun break will rarely be beneficial if not never.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > So, having a 60s cooldown makes it unpredictable and unreasonable. Keep in mind that this is a **lesser** Haste having a 60s cooldown while the actual Haste is only 30s CD.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Until they remove the stunbreak and reduce the cooldown to 20s, you shouldn't pick this. Uncatchable is the best partner for a 3 dodges especially when using P/P.

> > > > >

> > > > > I would argue in favor of withdraw even without trickster depending on what your choice is. Some prefer the low cooldown extra evade heal, others prefer the better heal of CV with end regen.

> > > > >

> > > > > Typically, I take withdraw if I don't run brawlers tenacity. I take CV if I do.

> > > >

> > > > I'm simply looking at the value of Withdraw in your build. You already spec for Unhindered and using Daredevil, you already have plenty of evade plus anti-CC. You also have anti-condition utilities.

> > > >

> > > > So what's left is Withdraw as a source of health, which makes it inferior to CV. The only real advantage of Withdraw is displacement (roll back) but getting more endurance through CV gives you plenty of displacement power using Dash. The cooldown difference is 2s, with Brawler's, CV is 2s better.

> > > >

> > > > Since you choose not to take Brawler's, then I have to agree that Withdraw would be a better pick. But at least you're considering how good CV is with Brawlers.

> > >

> > > The other thing to consider is how likely you are to be interrupted. CV is a positive liability against a D/P thief with any brains, withdraw is much more useful in that situation.

> >

> > I'm sorry but this build will not last long against D/P with or without Withdraw. 16k HP with base armor will only take D/P 5s to take apart. Besides, D/P will interrupt you whether you are healing or not. However with Haste, I can use CV in half the time narrowing the interrupt window.

> >

> > But if we are building against D/P, then I would highly suggest taking Bandit's Defense with Brawler's. I've countered multiple Backstab attempts with this skill.


> Maybe, I'm just saying that in duels against experienced thieves running pistol offhand I've found channeled vigour to be a liability due to the interrupt potential. This was in HoT tho, admittedly damage pressure has gotten rather silly since then so it may not matter like you say.


I understand, however the OP's build is S/D with little access to stealth. The only way to duel against D/P is to have Valk gear with Dolyak runes spec with Hidden Killer, Brawler's and Bandit's. Even with these, D/P spikes with high damage using MBS. D/P will have the upper hand since they use stealth a lot. Thus, having a glass cannon build against D/P is not a good build against it. D/P shatters glass cannons. Interrupt is the least of your worries.

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