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Endurance, Mirages and Deadeyes


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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> Ranger:

> Already have +25% endurance regen in Wilderness Survival + Companion's Defense + Rugged Growth.

> With food it means +65% endurance, one dodge every 6sec, each dodge gives 2s protection and 520 heals.


> Holosmith :

> You have Adrenal implant in tool spec : +50% endurance regen. Or you can take kinteic battery ( which works way too strong with Photon Forge and major traits, but ok) and the food +40% endurance + perma vigor.

> Thermal release Wave is 2k dmg easily + burning + -15% heat.


> Warrior :

> Reckless Dodge + MMR, each dodge do dmg + gives power that heals to 133 and give 2%endurance.

> With food it means you earn 2 mights and heal to 266, 4% endurance every 6sec.

> Okai MMR got nerfed, but now with mending update, with runes and sigils which give 5 mights it's quite viable ; with food it's exponentially insane.


> Deadeye/daredevil :

> Need to explain ? Daredevil : Spamming Bounding Dodger + staff #5 + Escapist Absolution + Driven Fortitude + Endless Stamina + food + (perma) vigor + sigil and all the endurance gain from skills and staff, you have a dodge every <4sec (Try it, I don't lie)

> Actually Darevil is really stupidly strong ( not only in raid): staff (#5) + acrobatics + Trickery + food + Rune of the Daredevil, (why not sigil of intelligence), you can be 80% of the time evading atttacks, it's just insane.

> Deadeye : more stealth, more stealth attacks ...


> Mirage :

> Same as thief. With vigor, food and sigil, mirage cloak is >20%invulnerability uptime, more ambushs, more daze, more mirror, more infinite horizon, more dune cloak, etc etc.


> Vigor is fair, vigor is a boon, you have to manage to get it, to get more duration, the enemy can remove/corrupt it. But Gameplay mechanics on Endurance ???? But food ??????? Food shoud not be the lifeblood of a build.

> Sigil of Energy ... hmmmmmmmm it could be 25% like in PvP.


> Edit: there is weaver/elem too with arcane Grandmaster trait, but I won't talk about it because elem is already dying since years and I don't want Balance team to nerf it to the underground.


You also forgot that Vent Exhaust activates heat therapy healing the facerollosmith.




You also forgot a few rev traits for removing a condition, gaining retal and the guardian 1k heal on dodge which is a backbone of WvW.


You also didn't count the VAST amount of skills that give you something for evading an attack.

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I don't think Elusive Mind is a issue in the current state... Most mesmer I see are running Infinite Horizon anyway... My only beef is with Silent Scope and Deadeye.


I understand that they wanted to give easier stealth access while holding a rifle so a DE could make use of their Signature Skill (Death's Judgement) more often, but Silent Scope is a ridiculous design. Imo, they should make Silent Scope actually give some other kind of defense to the Deadeye and move Death's Judgement to some other button that don't require you to be stealthed to make use of it (Give back Cursed Bullet!). The specialization mechanic is actually the Kneel. Don't force it to be humping stealth.

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> @"C Cspace Cowboy.5903" said:

> Why not just change energy sigil to grant vigor on weapon swap, and cancel mirages ability to use skills while evading?


> No other class can cast or use skills while invuln, why is mirage immune to this?


Depends on what you define as Invulnerability... Conditions still tick through Mirage Cloak, so you can problably compare it to Endure Pain or Signet of Stone which also allow their respective professions to continue fighting while being immune to direct damage.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> I don't think Elusive Mind is a issue in the current state... Most mesmer I see are running Infinite Horizon anyway... My only beef is with Silent Scope and Deadeye.


> I understand that they wanted to give easier stealth access while holding a rifle so a DE could make use of their Signature Skill (Death's Judgement) more often, but Silent Scope is a ridiculous design. Imo, they should make Silent Scope actually give some other kind of defense to the Deadeye and move Death's Judgement to some other button that don't require you to be stealthed to make use of it (Give back Cursed Bullet!). The specialization mechanic is actually the Kneel. Don't force it to be humping stealth.


kneel is a rifle mechanic not a specialization mechanic. the specialization mechanic is mark/malice wich improves all stealth attacks. so deadeye will allways have decent stealth access, especially on their exclusive weapon. unless we get another rework to the specialization mechanic wich i think is unlikely that it will get 2 reworks while other specs in need do not even get one.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"C Cspace Cowboy.5903" said:

> > Why not just change energy sigil to grant vigor on weapon swap, and cancel mirages ability to use skills while evading?

> >

> > No other class can cast or use skills while invuln, why is mirage immune to this?


> Depends on what you define as Invulnerability... Conditions still tick through Mirage Cloak, so you can problably compare it to Endure Pain or Signet of Stone which also allow their respective professions to continue fighting while being immune to direct damage.


They last long but they don't have charge, they have CD, you just need to temporize a bit then you know you're free to DPS him; Mirage cloak you spam it whenever you want. It makes a big difference.

Good mirages, after already all the TP/shadowstep/stealth/detargeting, just press V right when you're going to hit them (like a dodge in fact, except it's stronger, and you have also TP/shadowstep/stealth/detargeting etc)

Okai there is weakness, endurance regen, etc; but with food, vigor, sigil, this argument is inconsequent. I won't say they are "OP" in wvw, to not offend pro-cheesy condi mirage but they don't have that much counters, and for the rest they just can flee away easily. Delete sigil and food, and look at half the mirages changing class for another cheesy build.

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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> Nerf sigil of Energy, delete endurance food. Problem solved.

> The food (and endurance in general) shoud not be the lifeblood of a build, it should help a bit beginners, not sustain completly broken builds.


What helps the Mirage so much is not just the faster dodge availability, in fact if they run Elusive Mind they don't benefit as much from the Endurance food, however what makes their dodges so frequent is that they have so many, and can make their clones evade as well whenever they gain Mirage Cloak which can be *frequent* and near *on demand* which almost completely nullifies one of the main ways to counter Mesmers in fights (i.e killing clones to keep them from shattering). I've said it before and I will say it again, Mesmers did not need that rework they got *at all* in regards to their clones. It was an entirely unnecessary change that needs to get rolled back, even the very good Mesmers you might watch on youtube say that Mirage just vomits out clones nonstop.


Its no secret that Rangers have excessive boon uptime, and the Protection on Dodge certainly doesn't help that and paired with Druid and boonbeast builds it gets crazy. Rangers probably have the best boon uptime next to maybe Guardians and Chronos just *in general*, excluding Revs and their near permanent 25 Might stacks. However thats just how the class works and I'm fine with that but I do think they need to tone down on the *amount* of healing a Druid can do to themselves because they can run mara/zerk, have near perma prot and regen and *then* stealth and heal to full with minimal effort, or they can kite about a mile away from melee, heal and then rapid fire a *LONGBOW*. Soulbeast can get tricky there but that is almost entirely due to Rangers innate ability to kite for very long distances which can make securing a kill on a Soulbeast that is even mildly competent at kiting a bit difficult.




Just on Longbow as a note, I very much dislike that a weapon that is designed for long range accuracy has a skill that makes it fire like an automatic weapon. With the range Longbow has on top of the damage it can do, while it can be countered no doubt, is just one other excessive thing that this class has that looks and behaves silly in my eyes. Do I want them to remove *damage* from Longbow? No, no, I just want it to be appropriate to the theme of the weapon. Give it a snipe skill in place of it, bring back Precision Shot from GW1 since Anet seems to be fans of giving long range , high damage skills an Unblockable effect (looks at Deadeye's Death's Judgment). Or Keen Arrow which deals even more damage if it lands as a critical hit. GW1 at least had the courtesy of making Rapid Fire a Preparation skill which essentially functioned like Quickness does, increased attack speed for a duration and even that had a 12 second cooldown, Rapid Fire in GW2 is on a 10 second cooldown, 8 second cooldown when traited *and* benefits from Quickness.




Most Holosmiths don't even take Adrenal Implant *because* Kinetic Battery is so good with the spec, they'd be sacrificing a significantly helpful utility that allows their photon Forge 5 skill to be much harder to avoid. In fact vigor uptime isn't even the "broken" thing about Holosmith, its more related to the *amount* of damage they can put out on top of the kind of sustain they have while having one of the best invuln passives in the game that can be double popped (invulnerable to damage and condis).


Warrior got MMR nerfed a while ago and while yes it is still very viable and helps with endurance regeneration we're still talking about a class whose sustain is almost entirely regulated by actually *landing* a burst skill, assuming Defense line is used which it *usually* is with the exception of the tetherbreaker build thats gotten popular recently. Even then that is *mostly* viable in sPvP and tends to be very, very squishy in WvW with slightly less effectiveness because people aren't forced to stand on a pinprick size capture point when fighting Spellbreakers in WvW. Also if you're using the dodges to *heal* yourself or to deal out damage then you're wasting dodges which leaves you open for getting exploded. In most cases, Warrior sustain is built behind landing highly telegraphed skills that actual good players know to dodge and Mending being a somewhat viable option doesn't necessarily change that nor does it make Warrior OP. People still prefer Healing Signet over Mending unless in specific circumstances of needing a more on demand heal depending on *who* they are fighting (not what) or in need of slightly more condi cleanse. Warrior is honestly probably the most balanced class right now despite how people might view it. Why? Because most people *waste* dodges for *no* reason in PvP and its funny af to watch it happen because I know I now have an opportunity to hit with my burst skills.


Daredevil can be annoying with their amount of dodges, I won't dispute you on that, however even despite that they aren't *that* OP and if they are spending all of their time dodging you can very easily predict where their bounding dodge will land and avoid their damage. Or CC them at the very end of their dodge to lock them down and kill them. More often than not if you're fighting a DD that is spending the majority of their time kiting and dodging it means they aren't putting any pressure on you and if the fight just goes on like that forever just walk away, maybe they'll get cocky and chase and give you an opening for CC to then blow them up. I've done that before, it was hilarious. Though I will admit...the whole Pistol Whip spam stuff still being a thing that can be abused is uh...well yeah they need to fix that.


Deadeye needs to get fixed beyond needing to remove endurance regeneration from them. The problem with their stealth on dodge is that it has no ICD. It *needs* an ICD and it would fix the problem easily, and I can't stress this enough. **Silent Scope needs an ICD**. Also Malicious Backstab needs a *longer cast time*. Malicious backstab **NEEDS** a longer cast time, the amount of damage that skill can do *instantly* out of stealth forces that to be a required change because otherwise the DE will be perma stealthed and simply appear, instantly hit you for 18k+ and they can do that *whenever* they want. It needs the same windup time as Death's Judgment.




People need to stop trying to treat the symptoms of these issues, they need to actually address the disease itself. Which...well...to be honest the "disease" is technically just the fact that ArenaNet tests balance changes and such *internally* which is a horrible idea. They need a test server, or a test environment so they can unleash this stuff to the community *beforehand* and address problems that are found by players that are, and no disrespect meant to the devs, just *better* than them at this game. Internally testing it themselves and then having the community test things in the live servers has just not been going well, because we get these changes and then end up sitting here for months waiting for the larger issues, not the immediate ones like Rune of Sanctuary, to get addressed if they even get addressed at all.

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