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I don't care for the game


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I was playing a lot vanilla gw2, but then I stopped to like it and only log in once in a while to check if anything has changed and to be honest each time I am more disappointed. I logged in few days ago to check how this game is going and omg, it has become like lineage.



I don't see much has changed here, but I don't own pof, so hard to say. What is definitely a horrible mechanic are stuff encapsulation (loot bags inside loot bags) and thousands of trash items you have to mow through like every half an hour. Items that serve no purpose. A lot of currencies, seriously, if someone would be new to this game you have like thousands of currencies to get to know. I get hundreds of items I don't know if I can destroy or sell, or will I need them in the future. During these few days I've spent more time on wiki than in game.



Was always my favorite game mode, but can't say much about it as not many people were playing it. I remember queues on every bg, few last nights nothing. Probably would have to change the server to play some wvw. Entered and there were some skirmishes going but nothing organized.



Since last few seasons is horrible imho and not much has changed. MM is still very flawed and you get matches where team1 has already won, before the game even started, because you see their composition and there is no way in hell to win it with your team composition. I played just few games but it was like always, either team1 is totally obliterating the enemy or the other way around. Games with 5xx vs 1xx score.


What I see though is a lot of work going into skins, chopping tools animations, wings, companions, chairs... oh my god...


I was also wondering, what makes you keep on playing and what do you hate most in the game at the moment?

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PvP: OK, pvp is flawed, I've never been a huge fan of the way they structure pvp. But you're making it sound entirely broken, and that's just a radicalized viewpoint because I have played it recently and it's certainly in an acceptable state. Do you realize how hard it is to balance pvp in a game with 8 classes and almost endless build customization? People find one trick/combo and try to exploit it, anet has to deal with this and make changes that keep other builds possible but also address issues with tricky builds at the same time. And are you sure that being matched with people who aren't great at the game is something unique to GW2?


WvW: has literally never been more fun to me than now. Yes, you probably do need to transfer off of your dead server, unless you were just in off-stacked hours where hardly anyone is playing because it's 2 am in the predominant timezone, which is the most likely explanation. If you stack NA guilds you end up having very few people on in non-NA timezones.


PvE: I'm really not sure what you expected, the new content has been available for those who purchased the latest expansion. The core of your complaint was .... currencies, loot boxes and ---- learning ? Just right-click and open-all the loot boxes and then right-click your salvage item and salvage-all. You had to spend some time on wiki - we all have, it's a great resource, most games don't even have a wiki resource yet are equally or more complicated. I don't understand this, are you having a bad day because these all seem like such non-issues to most people I've talked to here. All due respect, I'm getting the impression your instinct was to complain before it was to attempt to troubleshoot the issues you were having AKA sounds like a personal problem my dude.

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It truly does sound as though you just need to play a bit more to learn all the new quality of life changes that have been added since the time you played before. I totally get the 'I don't know what to salvage or keep', as I've experienced that in other games that I've tried -- until i played enough to learn what to keep and learn the mechanics of the game.

I have enjoyed GW2 since launch and don't have any real beef with the game. There may be areas for improvement, but nothing to the extent that it prevents me from enjoying it. (though the constant/perma KD from foes in areas of some of the maps annoy me to no end at times)

Give it another go, ask people for help & advice in map chat; you'll find a helpful community out there.

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I quickly learned to manage items like this, maybe it helps you:

- open all containers

- salvage all rare and below (gives skins / mats / luck)

- check if exotic are worth more than 1g in TP -> sell there / otherwise salvage

- deposit all materials in bank via inventory menu

- sell junk to npc via button on vendor window (previously: also sell sigils but they're gone now)

- consume all luck

- wiki remaining stuff and check need


Later, if your bank material storage fully stacked up one material:

- refine it (like logs to planks)

- or stack another pile of it in your inventory -> sell next complete stack in TP

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