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I bought GW2 on it's release as i had been an avid player of GW 1 for many years and still am on and off.

I STILL can't play GW2 as i have the severest form of arthritis in both hands meaning using the keyboard is almost impossible in games.

I've asked NC many times if they would add the old-style point and click feature that made GW1 an ideal game for me, but they don't seem to give a monkey's about disabled players.

One last time..........PLEASE could you add this feature to GW2 so i can finally play the darn thing?

Hope someone reads this who can do something about it, thanks in advance but i won't hold my breath. By the way, any suggestions anyone has, i've tried them all and only point and click is viable.

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well.. given that gw1 was a flat world exploration, and gw2 contains elements of platforming, evasion, and reaction-based combat..

I doubt that point-and-click is *possible* for this game.

I don't mean to demean you in any way, but I simply don't see how gw2 would be able to work with just the mouse controls.

Maybe turn-based games, or point-and-click games like Dragon Age might help you better. (just a suggestion)

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Thanks for your reply. I played Aion until recently, (i hopped between gw1 and Aion a lot) and did pretty well there until the last update when they completely destroyed the game. I would'nt have thought GW2 would be any harder than Aion? I don't know. There must be something they could do?

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I could'nt really do that. i play on a laptop and need a flat stable surface for a mouse. As my arthritis covers all my body (it's a pretty extreme form) i find sitting at a table or desk really uncomfortable and my hands are almost closed so i have to type and use the mousepad with my thumbs so i can't use a proper mouse as i can't spread my fingers to hold it. I tried it before, but the mousepad is still the easiest way to play. Gaming probably is'nt ideal for someone like me, but i've always done it and it passes the time i guess.

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There are many clickable elements of UI that can handle majority of functions, if not optimally, so lets think...


aside your left and right mouse keys, you'd need 5 more for wsad + jump.

pet window if you ever want to use a ranger needs another key, ctrl + t would be two more BUT call target isn't much used outside of squads anyway so i imagine that could be ignored. i thiiiiiiink everything else is clickable

so... 7 buttons on a gaming mouse minimum, there are mice with a lot more buttons out there for sure. might take a bit to get used to though.


otherwise not sure, gw2 can't really do point and click because of the requirement to jump not only for puzzles and world exploration but also as a combat mechanic, additionally the gryphon mount would be difficult to transfer to point and click.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> well.. given that gw1 was a flat world exploration, and gw2 contains elements of platforming, evasion, and reaction-based combat..

> I doubt that point-and-click is *possible* for this game.

> I don't mean to demean you in any way, but I simply don't see how gw2 would be able to work with just the mouse controls.

> Maybe turn-based games, or point-and-click games like Dragon Age might help you better. (just a suggestion)


I think it could MAYBE be possible for like 95% of the game. Pathfinding for NPCs exists. ANet could make it so the character walks to the clicked position using this pathfinding.


The problem is the remaining 5% of the game. The obvious problem is jumping. The AI can't jump and ANet's pathfinding doesn't support jumping. For those places there is no alternative to using movement keys. The less obvious (to anyone except thief players) problem is terrain that breaks path finding. ANet will never fix path finding for all maps unless they write a program that can fix it automatically.


However even if ANet implemented click-based movement in GW2 (something I would certainly use when strolling through towns and sometimes in addition to key-based movement), I doubt it would fix OPs problem. Combat in GW1 was very different from GW2. You could just move to a position, stand there and klick through your skills. The healer would curse at you (unless it's an NPC) and you'd be ridiculed for being a lazy kitten, but even in a solo group (you + npcs) it was a viable tactic. Not so much in GW2 (especially past HoT Content). You either dodge and move out of aoes or you die.

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