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PSA: DON'T Stat Change a Precursor


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Just last night, I had the misfortune to lose my Zojja blade (don't ask me how, I still can't find the thing?), I figured I would change the stats on Save the Queen (Shining Blade precursor). A very bad idea considering I am now out around 750 gold, but hey, at least I have my Zojja blade back, haHa!

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Usually, as long as you submit the ticket immediately (or as close as you can manage), support is much more willing to help. Accidents happen, after all. I've had pretty good luck in the few times I've had to reach out in similar situations.


The sticking points usually are when people wait months and decide that they changed their mind. That might be a tougher egg to crack. Good luck.

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> @Jabronu.4207 said:

> Update: I submitted the ticket as soon as I lost the precursor to the toilet, it has been a week now and I've yet to receive a response.


CS are pretty busy with the bugs and account issues that came with PoF, so be patient.


While you're waiting, **do not destroy, reforge or put an expensive sigil into the Zojja blade**. If they can help you, it is likely CS will ask you to destroy it before giving back the precursor.

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> @SyDragon.5136 said:

> > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > How... did the toilet even accept that? You shouldn't be able to stat change a precurssor because it is of exotic rarity. And the stats are set, not selected.


> The new precursors from HoT are ascended.


Huh, are they? Well I wouldn't know. I'm still working on a core Tyria legendary.

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> @Jabronu.4207 said:


> I submitted a ticket a little over 13 hours ago, almost as soon as it had happened, and I'm ready for the worst. I've read up on people having no luck and being told there is nothing support could do, but fingers crossed.



Actually, they probably will.


After 2+ weeks considering how swamped they are. :S But they should help. They've helped me with ascended weapon accidents.


The Assassin of Rata Sum

Proud Member of Wards of the Mists [WARD]

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