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Salvage Kits Can't Extract Runes Anymore? This is Stupid.

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > > The purpose wasn't to make the most demanded runes/sigils less expensive. It was, rather, to make the non-demanded runes/sigils not completely worthless

> > Aside from some of the runes I've mentioned, most are still at around 10s. So mission successful? I would say no

> >


> A rise to 10s represents an average of 8x increase for most runes/sigils, compared to only a 4x increase for the runes/sigils on the "most demanded" list.

> This means that over time, all players' ability to get the best runes/sigils will have improved since the stuff we get is worth more now that it was in the past and in a higher ratio than the price increase for the things we wanted to get.


> I.E. selling my junk now improves my buying power at twice the rate that the prices increased on the items I want to buy. Net win in the long run, we just need to wait until we are IN the long run to see the benefit.



But wouldnt you have to buy gems in order get those runes out of your junk in order to sell them for 8x their previous sell price? Buying gems with a credit card in order to purchase extractors in order to be able to sell the rune for 10s instead of the 1.12s you could get before seems like a poor return to me.

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The feature whereby salvage also breaks down runes so they don't clutter up inventories is the sugar coating on the medicine pill whereby the economy gets a shot in the arm. This way, ANet did not have to create new items whose recipes require mats that have lowered values due to the obscene amounts of supply generated by the "more rewarding" farms we've seen since HoT dropped. They threw in a long-demanded rune/sigil revamp to sweeten the pill further. The bottom line is, though, that runes/sigils are going to cost more to buy, and more to craft.


Also, 8x value for a Superior Rune whose vendor price is 2s16c, thus whose TP price would have been at minimum somewhere around 2s40-something copper would be about 20s. A 10s price for such a rune represents about a 4x increase -- about the same as the snapshot price increases for the Scholar runes.


Then, there's Ashen's point about what is now needed to get those runes out of gear to be able to sell them...

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I'm still leveling several chars old school way (no trading). Before patch, I was able to have 6 runes and 2 sigils at any moment, using gold salvaging kit. They might not be the ones I wanted, at least I had something.


Now, I am not able to get any rune or sigil. I still have some because of some rewards and loots.

But overall, it is a great loss in my case.

Previously, when I droped an unwanted weapon with a wanted sigil, I was happy : 75% to extract it.


Now, it is just a few materials that might be used one day when my craft will be high enough, when I will get those recipes and of course enough material.


I used to have a lot of sigils and runes, using forge to get a chance to have an upper tier.

Now I mainly play without, not to mention I see no point to level my armor craft during leveling phase since loots will be better because they have runes inside.

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > > The purpose wasn't to make the most demanded runes/sigils less expensive. It was, rather, to make the non-demanded runes/sigils not completely worthless

> > Aside from some of the runes I've mentioned, most are still at around 10s. So mission successful? I would say no

> >


> A rise to 10s represents an average of 8x increase for most runes/sigils, compared to only a 4x increase for the runes/sigils on the "most demanded" list.

> This means that over time, all players' ability to get the best runes/sigils will have improved since the stuff we get is worth more now that it was in the past and in a higher ratio than the price increase for the things we wanted to get.


> I.E. selling my junk now improves my buying power at twice the rate that the prices increased on the items I want to buy. Net win in the long run, we just need to wait until we are IN the long run to see the benefit.



Your theory would work if people were actually selling the runes / sigils. Are they? Because I'm salvaging every rune/ sigil I get to try and get Charms so ill be able to craft upgrade components myself.


It's also worth pointing that nobody needs Minor/Major runes or sigils, but everyone needs Superior Runes / Sigils at LV 80. So the benefit you describe may not be realized by many players if the sigils/ runes they post don't sell, but ALL players must now pay the inflated cost for endgame Runes and Sigils.


I have over 500 tomes of knowledge in the bank, so any character I want will be LV 80 within ten minutes of the character creation screen, so the way that minor/major components have been ruined for leveling players won't bother me. I also have more than enough gold to buy anything I want ever, so again, not a problem for me.


But as I said above, this was a terrible change that hasn't helped anyone. It's like someone saying "yes, housing prices have gone up 200%, my house is worth so much more than what I paid for it", only to realize that if they sell the home to cash in, they will be forking out just as much money to buy a new house, so they aren't any richer.


Either ANET allows players the option to salvage runes/sigils while still in the gear or salvage the gear only, leavin the rune/sigil intact, or they drastically increase the chances of getting charms from salvage. I doubt the former would happen because Gem Store Extractors. Maybe they will come to the obvious conclusion and implement the latter.

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