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Why is PvP not a 1 vs 1 already.


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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"TheDevice.2751" said:

> > Again, I don't believe that just by your word. anyone can say stuff like that.

> First of all: I don't care whether anyone in this forum believes what I am saying or not.


> Now, to answer your question (a Spellbreaker duelling build):


> Demolisher or Marauder Amulet (both can do the job)

> Scholar Rune

> Spite/SR/Reaper (313 / 312 / 213)

> Axe/F + GS works as well as Axe/F + D/Wh

> Energy Sigil on both weaponsets (mandatory)

> Corrupt Boon (for obvious reasons)

> Spectral Armor (SA+Shroud combo when he bursts and you run out of dodges)

> Spectral Walk (to kite Rampage - you can also fear chain Rampage with Corrupt Boon if you are skilled enough)


> Bait auto stunbreak (and stability) right a the beginning of the fight with Wh4 or GS5, corrupt might and retaliation, then burst to 50% to bait auto Endure Pain, then kill him.


> edit: Ah I forgot the most important and of course most obvious thing: Predict Full Counter!


> > Guards are allowed to do _multiple_ things. Necromancers can do ONE thing: do aoe damage.

> Your burst as a Reaper hardcounters Firebrands (in every teamfight I am the one who destroys the Firebrand) and NCSY! + burst is a hardcounter to the whole Guardian defense mechanic which is blocks.


> I have to ask: Which league division are you? I guess not above silver.


I actually tried to make a thread in regards to Guardians balancing design being flawed now days with the immense amount of unblockables... Especially for DH and Shield of Courage and Shelter, same went for Core Engie using Shield and Gear Block.


Take a good burst and a few seconds of unblockables and you can delete any Guardian because you cut right through their balancing design and throw it out the window.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"TheDevice.2751" said:

> > Again, I don't believe that just by your word. anyone can say stuff like that.

> First of all: I don't care whether anyone in this forum believes what I am saying or not.


> Now, to answer your question (a Spellbreaker duelling build):


> Demolisher or Marauder Amulet (both can do the job)

> Scholar Rune

> Spite/SR/Reaper (313 / 312 / 213)

> Axe/F + GS works as well as Axe/F + D/Wh

> Energy Sigil on both weaponsets (mandatory)

> Corrupt Boon (for obvious reasons)

> Spectral Armor (SA+Shroud combo when he bursts and you run out of dodges)

> Spectral Walk (to kite Rampage - you can also fear chain Rampage with Corrupt Boon if you are skilled enough)


> Bait auto stunbreak (and stability) right a the beginning of the fight with Wh4 or GS5, corrupt might and retaliation, then burst to 50% to bait auto Endure Pain, then kill him.


> edit: Ah I forgot the most important and of course most obvious thing: Predict Full Counter!


> > Guards are allowed to do _multiple_ things. Necromancers can do ONE thing: do aoe damage.

> Your burst as a Reaper hardcounters Firebrands (in every teamfight I am the one who destroys the Firebrand) and NCSY! + burst is a hardcounter to the whole Guardian defense mechanic which is blocks.


> I have to ask: Which league division are you? I guess not above silver.


Chill can also mess up Firebrand rotations if a cover condi is used and they can't remove it in time.

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> @"everyman.4375" said:

> Can't wait for weaver duels lasting for 3 hours each.


Set a time limit of 2-3 minutes per round/match and if the time runs out, the player that dealt the most damage within that timeframe wins.

This lets people that go in there with bunker builds that do nothing besides.. well, not dying not get anywhere with it.


> @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> As with other games, some enjoy tanks, some supports, some DPS more.


> Should we disable 2 of those for everyone just to favor the ones who enjoy duel classes?


Well, yes and no? If you go into a 1v1 with the intent of boonsharing, healing or tanking then you'll probably get whats coming for you. If someones playstyle is more of a teamplayer one, then why would you even play a 1v1 mode? It's not like anyone is forced to play it.


Of course there are classes more fitting for 1v1's but there are also classes more fitting to run across a map and take points as fast as possible or holding them.

If anything, thats even more of a reason why we need more game modes where different classes can shine.

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> @"TheDevice.2751" said:

> Because anet has brilliantly resorted to a holy trinity for a few classes and allow others to perform exceptionally well as duelists... its like in their class descriptions.


> The don't balance around 1v1's at all. Some classes are better at it than other, purposefully so.




Multiple classes are not designed for dueling. Some are. Dueling has much more tight constraints on the usefulness of skills.

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> @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> > @"TheDevice.2751" said:

> > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > > @"TheDevice.2751" said:

> > > > > @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

> > > > > > @"everyman.4375" said:

> > > > > > > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > > > > > > > @"TheDevice.2751" said:

> > > > > > > > Because anet has brilliantly resorted to a holy trinity for a few classes and allow others to perform exceptionally well as duelists... its like in their class descriptions.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > The don't balance around 1v1's at all. Some classes are better at it than other, purposefully so.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Well, perhaps with the 1 vs 1 matchups they will start to see what classes perform better than the others and then they will balance them.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > No, because the game shouldn't be balanced around 1v1.

> > > > >

> > > > > Every class has 1v1 builds though and it's pretty popular despite being only in servers. There's demand for it though up to Anet if they want to add it in.

> > > >

> > > > If a necro has a 1v1 build, it is worse than every other 1v1 build from other classes.

> > > > You're just trying to deny the actual game design the devs have purposefully implemented. There are 1v1 classes that are better than others. That doesn't mean all classes can't try to build for 1v1.

> > > >

> > > > The demand is from mesmers, theives, warriors, revs, engis and rangers. Thats it. Some guards, some eles but necros are just kitten on.

> > > Well to be honest there are some pretty effective spellbreaker shut down builds for reaper (The OP is a warrior main if I remember correctly).

> >

> > What builds are these? care to add any proof. Anyone can say "Well actually there are some pretty foolproof builds for X class that counter Y class"

> >

> > > The annoying thing is: like everything on reaper these builds are very one dimensional and pretty useless in every other encounter. But if you can change your build in between every 1v1, then reaper is capable of successfully duelling everything except rifle deadeye and bunker druid.

> >

> > Again, I don't believe that just by your word. anyone can say stuff like that. The fact is, necromancers are designed to hit multiple enemies and thats supposed to be their "strength" (actually im not even sure it is considering gaurds, wars and mesmers deal the most damage on average). Compare warrior shouts to necromancer shouts. Only necromancer shouts are weaker if they hit less stuff. War shouts are strong no mattter what, juts like gaurd shouts.

> >

> > Necro's have a lot of tab-taget stuff that is easily played around in a 1v1. Think of Axe2 or Dagger2. Channel stuff like that is easily dealt with.

> >

> >


> If everyone's an all-arounder, no one feels special.


> That's a dead game for you. It's that simple.


It would depend on the build. Each build would have a role, not just one role for an entire class.

I never said they should do everything well all at once.

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1v1 in GW2 is HIGHLY reliant on a rock-paper-scissors paradigm. Rotating roamers in conquest will often avoid a lot of fights entirely just by virtue of knowing that they would lose or that a fight would take far too long when weighed against the time it would take to eventually decap a node versus certain builds. If 1v1s became the central focus of PvP, you'd see what happens in WvW or "PvE stat 1v1s": that being two players with a truck load of defensive gear stats in the middle of an open field, shrugging off damage while endlessly maypole dancing around each other at the speed of slow until eventually one of them dies due to either attempting to carve out a health advantage by doing something remotely interesting/aggressive or by real-life falling into a coma out of boredom.

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