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Nerf Holosmith- and Start with Shockwave


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I completely DISAGREE with OP. They need to increase the radius to 1000, maybe 1200, but keep the animation as like a 300 range. The clear intention for the skill is that it knocks everyone down with no warning, so they should really pursue proper PURITY OF PURPOSE!


People on the forums just don't understand game design.

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> @"BlackBeard.2873" said:

> I completely DISAGREE with OP. They need to increase the radius to 1000, maybe 1200, but keep the animation as like a 300 range. The clear intention for the skill is that it knocks everyone down with no warning, so they should really pursue proper PURITY OF PURPOSE!


> People on the forums just don't understand game design.


Well, the clear intention of traps on DH was to CC and instant jab the target. So please rebuff traps to where the where and add the 1 sec daze. Clearly whatever the fuck the intention of the skill does not determine class balance. If a skills is outperforming because it’s design is broken then the design needs to change.


If they remove the CC it will be fine. The game desperately needs less aoe CC anyway.

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> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > > the perma stab is what annoys me the most.

> > > >

> > > > Corona burst 10s cd and 1 hit only . Bam. No problem . But even then accordin to 1 guardianmainwhosnameiwontcall its extremeley spammable anyway

> > >

> > > It's actually two hits, then there's the Elixir for Stab. Just mentioning.

> >

> > I think he was suggesting a nerf, at least I assume so. threw me threw a loop at first too lol.

> Yes thats a suggestion to nerf it . xD


Oh I see =D

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

I think many people dont understand simple truth.

Anet not interested in bringing balance to pvp or classes.

They are totally fine with HOT specs being bad compared to PoF specs. They are totally fine for sake of possible sales . They are totally fine with butchering core class to gut some elite spec that affect all builds ,not only that people cry about.

Same was with HoT in the end of it before PoF released. Its got nerfed and released new busted elite specs as HoT been at launch.

First comes on my mind chrono being gutted to not being able to 1x1 even. Too lazy to check but roughly in same time daredevil dodge got exhaust ? (Dont mention renegade pls XD)

If nerf , nerf all classes at once. And take start from FIREBRAND , why no threads about it ? Everyone okay with most broken support spec that overshadow everything else by a mile ?

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Almost every class you listed has one or more overpowered skills. Dodge it and if you are with the zerg you will have stability and heals so what are you worried about? L2P issue clearly. So many good players i faced have either blocked, dodged or stepped out of my aoe range :P whenever i cast it and then there are players who just eat up all my burst. :# :3


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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> I don't mind the damage and the CC. I feel like that's what Holosmith's SHOULD be doing in very high extremes. What really annoys me about Holos is their survivability and sustain. Elixer traitline provides tons of boons, automatic condition conversions and elixir S, almost permanent vigor, and they have healing whenever they gain a boon. Between Holo's Prismatic Converter, Heat Therapy, Thermal Release Valve, and Elixir's Transmute, Compounding Chemicals, and literally the best heal skill in the game with Heal Turret Holos have ridiculous sustain for a build that's supposed to be high risk high reward glass cannon. And they're running around with tons of boons with their extremely ridiculous levels of condition conversion. In addition with Holo's ridiculous levels of stability.


> They're so well equipped defensively and offensively they've completely muscled out Scrapper as an elite spec. Why run a highly defensive spec when you can run a high damage high defense spec?


> Also Leadership runes should be nerfed in PvP just in general. Like let's name all the classes that run it on a meta build or perfectly viable close to meta build: Soulbeast, Holosmith, Revenant, Dagger Spellbreaker, while Weaver isn't meta it's part of their best build as well. When over half the classes are running one rune, you know something funny is going on.


Yep I don't think most people truly appreciate the complete synergy that exists in the build through a lot of the minor traits across all 3 trait lines or how much kit holosmith as a trait line adds baseline. Usually when such synergy exists the classes get significant nerfs but not usually where it needs.


Personally I'd start reducing trait and skill effects across the board, for example why does prismatic converter have to convert, why not just cleanse? CC:Eclipse doesn't need to add barrier per target, stab is fine. Vent exhaust, does it really need to be a 1.1 modifier? Maybe a little less might help, mind you if corona burst didn't stack 10 might per use it might not need to change.


Little clips like this across all traits and classes would set the game on a better track while some will complain we really need a handle on the power creep, the game isn't fun for a lot of veterans because any noob can blow up anyone now because of how much damage is flying around with so little set up compared to previous metas. TFW you miss hambow being the most broken thing in the game.


Leadership runes are taken only for the boon duration, there's only 3 that give 25% boon duration andd the other options have worse stats and/or poor bonuses. I think leadership runes being widely used are more of a symptom of vastly larger boon access rather than them being anything too strong. You'd pretty much have to drop Leadership boon duration down to 15% where other options lie and then it becomes a choice of main stat and bonus where leadership would lose out because you can get better choices else where. Then it becomes another rune barely anyone uses.

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> @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> Honestly remove runaway classes. Stand and fight if you build to run away and just disengage you’re not playing the game right.


This is nonsense. In case you didnt notice the game isnt about scoring kills but holding points. You might have missed that.

Some of the strongest plays you can make in spvp dont involve combat at all.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> so this happened to me yesterday... I was second level khylo, and shockwave somehow travelled up that pole and got me lol. holo was at yellow .

> it never really hit me before how ridiculous this skill is.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/qiDRHXn.jpg "")





It didn't travel up the pole, that shockwave just has a pretty much 1200 range vertical hitbox that really needs to be brought down to around the same vertical hitbox as a regular melee attack. A shockwave should be as low to the ground (if not lower) than a melee attack if anything, I mean that's videogame logic 101 and that's how most every shockwave in pve works.

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> @"allias.1420" said:

> Reduce holographic shockwave radius to 400. That itself is still a significant range, I would even go as far as reducing it to 300 but people would probably consider that too much.


No, the skill is not supposed to match the animation or require intelligence or positioning to use. Make it 1000 range to properly match purity of purpose and design intent.

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I don't understand this thread TBH... If a Holo used forge 5 when in a hard to get to elevation, then that's pretty much it. All he can do after that is rifle 3 since it also avoids terrain. You wouldn't even have to use a stunbreak since no real follow up can be done as other classes who can easily port to other elevations. Not only that, but doesn't shockwave only do around 3k damage in exchange for 40%(?) Heat? Which if used at a bad time it can cost the Holo around 7k of it's healthpool.


A good thief, rev, warrior, soulbeast, mesmer, reaper, guardian are able to 1v1 a Elixer holo. It's like what, 50/50 or near?

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> @"allias.1420" said:

> Reduce holographic shockwave radius to 400. That itself is still a significant range, I would even go as far as reducing it to 300 but people would probably consider that too much.


A range shave is all that is needed to "balance" holo. Agreed.


I also would love them to remove/rework the auto elixir S trait.


> @"Bossun.2046" said:

> I don't understand this thread TBH... If a Holo used forge 5 when in a hard to get to elevation, then that's pretty much it. All he can do after that is rifle 3 since it also avoids terrain. You wouldn't even have to use a stunbreak since no real follow up can be done as other classes who can easily port to other elevations. Not only that, but doesn't shockwave only do around 3k damage in exchange for 40%(?) Heat? Which if used at a bad time it can cost the Holo around 7k of it's healthpool.


> A good thief, rev, warrior, soulbeast, mesmer, reaper, guardian are able to 1v1 a Elixer holo. It's like what, 50/50 or near?


Agreed on this one mate. I want them to bring everything down a tad, which is why I advocate for some holo shaves. Threads like this are made in the heat of the moment, which OP admits. The range is a bit long on shockwave, but it is a VERY heavy heat skill.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > I don't mind the damage and the CC. I feel like that's what Holosmith's SHOULD be doing in very high extremes. What really annoys me about Holos is their survivability and sustain. Elixer traitline provides tons of boons, automatic condition conversions and elixir S, almost permanent vigor, and they have healing whenever they gain a boon. Between Holo's Prismatic Converter, Heat Therapy, Thermal Release Valve, and Elixir's Transmute, Compounding Chemicals, and literally the best heal skill in the game with Heal Turret Holos have ridiculous sustain for a build that's supposed to be high risk high reward glass cannon. And they're running around with tons of boons with their extremely ridiculous levels of condition conversion. In addition with Holo's ridiculous levels of stability.

> >

> > They're so well equipped defensively and offensively they've completely muscled out Scrapper as an elite spec. Why run a highly defensive spec when you can run a high damage high defense spec?

> >

> > Also Leadership runes should be nerfed in PvP just in general. Like let's name all the classes that run it on a meta build or perfectly viable close to meta build: Soulbeast, Holosmith, Revenant, Dagger Spellbreaker, while Weaver isn't meta it's part of their best build as well. When over half the classes are running one rune, you know something funny is going on.


> Yep I don't think most people truly appreciate the complete synergy that exists in the build through a lot of the minor traits across all 3 trait lines or how much kit holosmith as a trait line adds baseline. Usually when such synergy exists the classes get significant nerfs but not usually where it needs.


> Personally I'd start reducing trait and skill effects across the board, for example why does prismatic converter have to convert, why not just cleanse? CC:Eclipse doesn't need to add barrier per target, stab is fine. Vent exhaust, does it really need to be a 1.1 modifier? Maybe a little less might help, mind you if corona burst didn't stack 10 might per use it might not need to change.


> Little clips like this across all traits and classes would set the game on a better track while some will complain we really need a handle on the power creep, the game isn't fun for a lot of veterans because any noob can blow up anyone now because of how much damage is flying around with so little set up compared to previous metas. TFW you miss hambow being the most broken thing in the game.


> Leadership runes are taken only for the boon duration, there's only 3 that give 25% boon duration andd the other options have worse stats and/or poor bonuses. I think leadership runes being widely used are more of a symptom of vastly larger boon access rather than them being anything too strong. You'd pretty much have to drop Leadership boon duration down to 15% where other options lie and then it becomes a choice of main stat and bonus where leadership would lose out because you can get better choices else where. Then it becomes another rune barely anyone uses.


Yeah. My problem with Leadership runes might have more to do with the sheer number of builds running around with literally every boon in the game.

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here's what i think


nerf warrior sustain, damage and cc

nerf holo sustain, damage and cc

nerf reaper damage and cc

nerf soulbeast sustain and cc

nerf fb heals

nerf mirage dmg

nerf rev dmg

nerf weaver sustain

nerf renegade cc

nerf scourge dmg

nerf core guard dmg and cc


have i missed anything?

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> What if we could avoid shockwave by jumping over it? Like in that molten fractal.


> Could still be used to chain-CC and whatnot at the very least


Fun idea, but that's a serious balance issue. Assuming completely flat ground, no player-based skill in the game currently can be avoided by vertical positioning, meaning you can't jump/leap finisher to avoid any attack.

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