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Prime Greek.1092

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> I believe he means whatever that revive is on shroud 4 where the downed is teleported to the necro and revived at a quick rate. If this is what they mean, then yes that trait shouldn't even exist, and nor should the mercy runes.


> There just needs to be a new rune set, called the rune of anti-reviving or something. The 6th bonus on the rune instantly kills anyone on hit. No downstate, just instantly dead.


Runes of ruthlessness: Primary bonus ferocity, Secondary bonus expertise, 6th bonus stomp your target if it's down when you use a heal skill (ICD 30s)

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

If he gets instaoneshotted through full health of paladin reaper/dowendstate that doesnt mean he is bad... that could be that mysterious ranger that stealth for an hour and then suddenly 1 shot you while you alive and second when you downed xD

> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Runes of ruthlessness: Primary bonus ferocity, Secondary bonus expertise, 6th bonus stomp your target if it's down when you use a heal skill (ICD 30s)


INB4 hybrid mirages running mantra healing for free instakills or firebrand stomping everything with insta-mantra heal... Its gonna be shit fest

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> @"Zex Anthon.8673" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > @"Zex Anthon.8673" said:

> > > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > > > @"Zex Anthon.8673" said:

> > > > > All jokes aside revive speed is rather cancerous right now. The only option to secure downs is to cleave the body because stomping is too slow. If we ever want to tone down the burst meta then revives will need to be adjusted as well.

> > > >

> > > > Even cleaving with the top dps specs gets outhealed by revive speed, it's a pretty dumb mechanic.

> > > > I know downstate plays a good role in pvp for bleeding enemies or because if you are downed on cap you can prevent the cap or cap or decap a node, but a downed revived through 2 guys cleaving him it's just cancer.

> > > >

> > > > They should remove all the revive speed traits, maybe leaving them only to scrapper and range(only if traited), one have gyro and one have the pet so that counts as 2 people ressing one guy, but all the others should have normal ress speed, and even that should be nerfed.

> > > >

> > > > This way the gamemode becomes more healthy and even new players can learn fast to play and use cleave correctly.

> > >

> > > Ive gotten insta gibbed in downstate by a wordly impact as a necro with paladin's. Burst meta is pretty cancerous too. The way I see it, you cant tone one down without the other.

> >

> > Instagib by a full zerk soulbeast is a troll build.

> >

> > You talk of burst meta and play reaper (necro with paladin) which is one of the major spamming burst skills in the meta who can melt enemies in 2 seconds in a team fight.

> >

> > I doubt you are legendary or platinum rank, those kind of things happens from bronze to mid gold elo, if you step up to plat they start to become less viable, because people is not dumb.

> >

> > I am not saying you are dumb of course, but if you and your team mates are pretty skilled players, no way that soulbeast can keep oneshotting people the whole match. Maybe he caught you once because not expecting it, but not the whole match, and if focused he dies in 2 seconds.

> >


> I'm upper plat 1, but i'm definitely feeling the downsides of necro. Burst meta is very real. I was talking about being insta gibbed while already in down state. If I was playing the burst meta I would have been running demolisher's with reaper's onslaught. But, I like Blighter's Boons too much.



> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > You can't have a meta not burst or how in the world to you deal with scourges paired with firebrands? Or how you deal with holos and boonbeasts?

> > They have crazy sustain, and only burst dps kills them before they kill you.


> This is why burst dps cannot be nerfed without also nerfing revive (of sustain for that matter). If Anet decided to nerf only the burst dps , we would see a bunker meta. Games would last forever.




If burst dps gets nerfed a lot we return to condi spam fiesta meta if scourge and mirage are untouched, or we go into a stupidly unfun bunker meta where to kill one bunker 3 people are needed.


As a reaper you are a team fighter, you shine with a support, same as scourge, without a support pally (firebrand) you will feel the dps burst pain a lot.


And usually necro is one of the priority target for focus, so you get focused by 3 people at the same time you can't say anything, even with dps nerfed nobody survives a good focus burst by 3 or 4 people.


I would simply nerf revive speed and make downed state bleed faster, if you get downed that's your fault, you shouldn't have second chances, like the stupid ress signet which can flip completely an entire game.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:


> And usually necro is one of the priority target for focus, so you get focused by 3 people at the same time you can't say anything, even with dps nerfed nobody survives a good focus burst by 3 or 4 people.

FB must be first because of a signet I guess ? Unless you have thief that just steal on FB if he atempt to signet necro

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> Anything that's insta revive, not just on necro, should be removed.


I wouldn't be against the idea since those utility aren't great in anyway but, just for philosophical purpose, can we really consider skills with a 2-3 second cast time as skills that instant revive? The "revive" burst is great but the setup is easily interruptible and far from being instantaneous.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > Anything that's insta revive, not just on necro, should be removed.


> I wouldn't be against the idea since those utility aren't great in anyway but, just for philosophical purpose, can we really consider skills with a 2-3 second cast time as skills that instant revive? The "revive" burst is great but the setup is easily interruptible and far from being instantaneous.


Well half a second is not instantaneous but it sure near damn close.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> I believe he means whatever that revive is on shroud 4 where the downed is teleported to the necro and revived at a quick rate. If this is what they mean, then yes that trait shouldn't even exist, and nor should the mercy runes.


> There just needs to be a new rune set, called the rune of anti-reviving or something. The 6th bonus on the rune instantly kills anyone on hit. No downstate, just instantly dead.


As long as it's removal was purely in PvP.

The trait that gives Necros the ability to pull and revive downed players is a great addition to the PvE game, I use it all the time saving players and playing the combat medic role which is great considering so many people run your typical Hurrr Zerker glass canon builds and get their faces smashed in seconds after they pick a fight with something that they can't burst down in 3 seconds..

I will not see that awesome feature removed from the game because of some bitter PvP players.. Skill split sure.. but this nerfing skills and abilities game wide because some players in one game mode don't like it has got to stop.

It only turns players against each other.

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