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> @folk.8190 said:

> > @Ahlen.7591 said:

> > Is the player cap on PoF maps too low? I'm running around and if I want to do an event there's nobody anywhere. Everything is solo.


> most people have already completed a personal story, finished collecting mounts and achivments. Thats all. there is nothing to do more, in the crystal desert. actually, what did you expect from the addon for 30 bucks ?


Started a thread about this on 25th


There were some arguments that people will have something to do for months ahead in Crystal Desert with this expansion :)


Here is the thread




Sadly more and more people will move away from the Crystal Desert to do either more efficient gold/mat farm or just to enjoy more challenging/epic events/boss fights.


If it wasn't sad I would laugh at all those people telling me that they have a lot of things to do there.


I am pretty sure that in few weeks those that would farm crystal desert for months will start such threads too.


But you are right - it's 30$.

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The maps are big, running around is annoying because of mob aggro, some people already finished story / maxing masteries and there are no big meta events: no reason to stay on the maps, people go back to the good loot - SW, fractals, HoT metas. In an other thread I said this is why we need more group events (metas) but some solo players started attacking me for it. Oh well. :) Congrats to the solo players, Anet listened to their whining and we got no map-wide metas. Enjoy your dead maps, I guess.

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Me, still need to finish up in Crystal Oasis.

It is so good looking, Amnoon City, and the coast.

(ok, i got a new gaming laptop and now play on medium graphics quality instead of low)


Did first two story parts of Act1

Now i am busy getting all mounts (not Griffon) and pets for my ranger.

So i have been to the other maps a little.

But i am still not done in the first map.

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I'm playing solo and trying to do the events but they're too hard for my solo play and there's too few people on these maps to happen by and join in reliably.. The events seem to have way too many mobs and vets with those mobs for a solo player. I got wrecked trying to do a simple escort event when the first wave of attackers had a vet and his friends (and of course these vets all seem to have special abilities and shields). A simple "find and release prisoners" event ended up with 2 vets with ranged abilities and a shied against projectiles!!! plus about 5 regular mobs guarding the last prisoners. That's way to much for me to tackle with my solo play. No other players happened by to join in like they would on other maps and I had to abandon that event.

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> @otto.5684 said:

> The maps do look big, but they are really skinny content wise. There is not much to do solo or in group. The maps are also poorly designed events wise and the hearts were pretty boring for the most part.


> I understand it is a desert, **and it literally empty**


fixed. do not thank



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Story was great (this comes from someone who usually isn't into lore) and the maps are beautiful. The content that is engaging is a mile wide and an inch deep. I understand not wanting dragon stand length metas. Running around in circles for bounties in a big Zerg for overtuned champs sucks.

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> @folk.8190 said:

> > @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

> > Seems like PoF needs its own dailies.... like season 3 had but more like core...


> not only daily, but also meta events.


They have meta events.


Serpent's Ire and Maw of Torment are literal cancer at the moment though. The scaling and rewards of these events need to be looked at.

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Once you have all your alts second elites, done map completion and the storyline the incentives to stay are a bit low unless you're going for AP/legendary items. I am back to my old farming maps now. Hopefully they add something in the future, would have been nice to see just at least 1 massive Egypt type world boss to bring everyone together on the POF maps.

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I find it sad to see, that people all kind of rushed through the whole content in less than half a week after release, have done already basicalyl everythign and the maps provide absolutely nothing at all, which keeps people wanting to play also actively in the maps.


Yes, PoF maps are alot bigger in site, than say Sivler Wastes or the HoT Maps, but it is very unfortunate to see, that the poF maps are as it looks like so extremely uninteresting for by by SW and HoT spoiled players, that people see no reason at all to stay in the poF maps (especialyl when you think ablout it, that PoF is so scaled by design, that you need to do mostly everythign there in large groups, except hero points and some champions (except bounties) which you can't solo at all.


PoF Maps hopefully get tweaked enough with LS4, so that people actually see a good reason to stay also actively in these maps, that you actualyl can get things done there, otherwise do the mechanics of the maps need a rework and SCALE DOWN significantly, so that also smaller groups of people or you alone can do the events and bounties in PoF as well, even if it meants, it will be for you mpore challenging, but it shoudl at least be possible with enough player skill ,right build and equiupment + buffs ect. and not be completely impossible at all.


The maps have become basically the perfect go to maps, if you need alot of orihaclum and ancient wood.. but you see barely anyone harvstign for these materials in the map, which is kind of weird...


Bounties need a rework, they shoudl be more rewarding and give people more reasons to do them, like every Bounty should have its own chance to drop unique ascended loot for weapons and armor sets. Then would have people enough of a reason to constantly farm the bounties, if they would give you each the chance to earn unique looking weapons and armors of ascended quality, that makes it worth it to do the bounties.. not because you get a huge load of gold out of them, but because you get realyl helpful and valuable items from them, that are uniquely dropping only from them.


5 Maps with each like 10 Bounties or so , thats 50 unique items Anet could let these bounties drop from a full set of unique weapons - 2 for each category (32), to two full set of armors for each body part a box from which you can choose 1 of 3 armor types from of choice ( 10), to a unique looking backpacks (2), unique aqua breathers (2) and maybe 4 unique other loot drops (Miniature, Recipe, Tonic, Outfit), then people woudl have alot to do.


Combine this then with another "Treasure Hunter" Achievement that rewards you with a new title, some good AP and an item, you will need for later to make the Precursor Ring for the first Legendary Ring Item Accessoire, and I'm pretty sure, peopel will be constantly farming the PoF maps then non stop dpoing all kinds of bounties there actively.


Its completely fine if PoF isn't designed to be the gold farm map, like Silver Wastes or HoT, but when its not a gold farm map, then it should be kind of a material/gear farm map instead, which puts focus on helping players gettign quicker their characters geared for high end content/raids, while doing the bounties as PoF's form of "Meta Events"

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Hmm cant solo PoF? Perhaps you should change your build from glass cannon to a decent build. I've soloed every event i've ran into and honestly they need to buff the events so they are at least a challenge. Also note there is a ton of players in the starter zones thats where most people are. And for gold making if you havn't figured out the insane mat generation that pof maps give you by now reading this wont help you at all and you'd need to be lead around by a leash

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Believe me, I'm a decent good player enough ,to absolutely handle mostly everythign solo in PoF.. I'm achievement hunter and earned mostly everythign of my current 27,5k AP alone. What I meant with "can't sol,o poF" is specificly the Bounties, because they don#t scale down and are all designed around doing them either a group of like 5+ playrs to large zergs..

Theres no single bounty, you can do alone, because you simply lack the DPS to deal enough damage, before the timers would run out, or you deal no damage at all, because you can't deal alone enough CC to break the foes bars so that you can deal even at all damage to the bounty...


Yeah, insane mat generation, which again also works only if you farm the bounties, because these are the enemies which let you earn the mount unidentified items with that you actualyl generate all the tons of mats by just salvagign all the stuff, which gives you now more materials while salvaging it undentified, plus aditionalylyou receive tons of chest keys by doing the bounties which you can then use to upen up everywhere in the map hidden chests which can give you quite soem good amoutn of materials..


I'm not blind to not to see and realize, where and how to get quickly lots of materials in PoF, plus the maps as mentioned are also very good for orihalcum and ancient wood too, which is why on the other side people are now again complaining, that these mats are currently alot lesser worth now, cause peopel naturally overfarm these mats now, until ANet adds again some material sinks for those things.

However, what I think, and thats just my personal impression I got from bounties, which I wrote down in my previous posting is, that bounties in itself seem to be too unrewarding/uninterestign for the peopel that are spoiled by the massive rewards you get in HoT Maps and SW in regard of gold making, which is why aside of the maps being much larger, you get kind of the impressiobn by now already, that poF maps are empty - and i think its a bad game design sign, that shoudl make Anet alarm bells ring loudly, if their player base seems to be already a few days after release bored, cause they think the new content isn't rewardign and interesting enough for them to stay active in the new map for longer, than just only the few days they needed to rush through the whole story content and unlock specs/mounts/griffon ect. already in such a short time, that they think, it woudl be a waste of time for them, if they don't immediately return back HoT, or even much older maps like SW, just because these maps are significantly much more rewarding for players, than the neweest maps.


I think also with Pof havign not like Hot huge Meta Events and beign by its map design again more casual friendly and feels more like the vanilly game, just with mounts now, doesn#t have to mean, that poF should/couldn#t also be equally as rewarding in a different way, than HoT or SW per se.

But at the moment it feels like, people can easily earn much more over hsort time by staying in HoT/SW, than if they woudlstay the same amount of time in PoF maps and would do the bounties....


Cause Bounties so fare are pretty much unrewarding and absolutely boriung and uninterestign the very moment you have done them all once just for the achievements of doing so, but aside of that, you have absolutely no reason so far anymore, to ever do any of the bounties ever again, once you have done them once, have learned all masteries, and bought everythign you care for with Karma, because aside of this tiny things, bounties reward you with nothing, than the stereeoptypical exp, karma and a bit money like doign a successful event. Thats why I proposed in my postign before, that Anet should make the bounties more interestign by addign more unique loot to them, which shouldn#t be sellable by TP, you would need to have to earn it through participatign in the bounty hunt,s. thats the way how you bring people to do something, by addign unique rewards to something, that you ca't just simpyl buy from TP. That will increase the interest on people to actualyl participate in bounties then non stop, cause people wil lwant then to earn these unique things as loot drops from the specifique bounties they would have to defeat for these items.


As long bounties are nothign but just boring exp, karma and lousy amoutns of gold..peopel wil limmediately leave Pof the moment they have done everythign there and go back to SW and HoT to stay there for gold farming and doign the large meta events, that do make also more fun, than the bounty hunts, cause the fights are also alot more challenging, than the bounties are, which get just zerged down easily, like every simple vanilla game world boss as long you just have enough people...

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> @Mea.5491 said:

> Congrats to the solo players, Anet listened to their whining and we got no map-wide metas. Enjoy your dead maps, I guess.


Reward wise, PoF is not even solo content. A lot of things can be soloed but you'll almost ever get better loot by grouping up with other people, so it's like calling dungeons solo content because many of them can be soloed.

PoF is just Core Tyiria bland style again. It favors group play all over the place without providing real group content, so it can't get better than mindless zerging. It's a beautiful one time experience though.



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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> Bounties need a rework, they shoudl be more rewarding and give people more reasons to do them


Before they make bounties more rewarding they need to make them more interesting. They are a sad excuse for a meta replacement, basically you get a huge group of players and just farm them, there is zero skill involved. Even world bosses in core tyria have more mechanics, the bounties are just slightly more challenging champions. Bounties are amazing with 5 or 10 people, their mechanics work wonders with low number of players, but as the group size increases they become nothing more than HP sponges, that you semi-afk until they are killed. A bounty train is not different than a champion train.


Heart of Thorns dealt with this in an amazing way, by splitting the players on multiple bosses/lanes, bounties do not require splitting so what happens is someone creates a squad, 20+ join up and they kill all bounties in order, making it nothing more than a champion train. Also, bosses like Octovine, Chak Gerent and the Mouth of Mordremoth are DESIGNED for lots of players and have wide area of effect attacks. Even "simpler" bosses like the Legendary Wyvern or the Axemaster are far more exciting than the bounties that you face in Path of Fire and that's because their attacks force everyone to play.

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