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Beetle Racetracks [FEEDBACK]


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I finally earned the achiev "beetle racing", I finished 3 of the 5 tracks as GOLD, this is not a real complaining post but more suggestions. The remaining tracks are the ones from Snowen Drifts and Brisban Wildlands. Where I have silver.

I found these issues about why I can't have GOLD.


Snowen Drifts: The laggiest map I tried, I cannot see where I'm going, half the time I fall outside the road, and the other, my drift isn't working in the last turn, the best I done, was 15 secs late compared to the required gold time. The real problem here are lags, the track is okay in himself.


Now for Brisban Wildlands where I have so much to complain:

-Beginning + valley + Thaumacore Inquest Complex = OK

-After, in the slope, you have to pass precisely under the swamp vines/ tree root or you are stuck.

-Middle race from after that slope to Venlin vale asuran walkway (2nd bridge) it's OK

-After the third asuran bridge, you have a root just at the middle of your path, one that will stuck you AGAIN.

-After that root, the jungle part is OK

-You finally arrive at the Bandit cannons valley where you lose a ton of Health and catch conditions for a mysterious reason, very annoying, note that you can be stuck in bandit's barricade.

-The final jungle part is HELL, a ton of roots that simply STOP your beetle, but the worst was that one: She wasn't enough anoying that you added a sapling!!! What's that stupid idea of that sapling location?


And you can't avoid it because you have before a cliff side of the side of my red hatched area at the left on the screen. Sapling in red circle.

Note that my low health is due to those mysterious Conditions AOE, near bandit's cannons. Just when I took the screen, my gold timer disappeared, I need 15 more seconds.


Positive part: I have almost nothing to say about maelstrom, gandarran and diessa ones, you just have to use your boost (Endurance skill within the skillbar too) at a perfect moment:

-Correct slope or straight line, don't use it when entering the volcano cavern, you should arrive slowly, same for the end of the cavern at the lava pool. (maelstrom)

-Gandarran, beware of the bridge just before the Almuten mansion, and the final leap off the cliff (avoid falling in water).

-Diessa: nothing particular, just avoid to go out-track. Use drift at the tree (very hard turn) or arrive slowly.



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Even cutted down, I'm still stuck in it. I feel like I'm driving a plastic ball that don't want to bounce anywhere and rigid at the maximum. I still can't figure how to drift, sometime it works, sometime not, why not an easy method like, you want to drift at left, turn your camera at left while pressing left.

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> @"Willhart.8230" said:

> I cut down that sapling with a chopping axe, to make it easier to get trough that final part. I too got stuck on it the first time I tried that race though.


Dont lie to yourself. Once you cut it down its doesnt disappear, you still hit it with ur head. U can stand on its last location on 'invisible' tree . And still fking block you . I was about to get gold many times because of how good I went through and then this same bs stop completely my beetle and if i tried to go to right direction my beetle just flying in the air...Cut this bs or increase time by 10 seconds ,otherwise I cant describe how dumb is to do this last part and repeat 10000 times it again... Every other map was easy gold for me ,except mount maelstorm may be, this dead ends where even drifting on such high speed doesnt help ,but still 5s faster than needed... But this map with SAPLING....Despite of that I was 1s away and I cant reach it anymore because SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPLING and just dead nerves

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Even cutted down, I'm still stuck in it. I feel like I'm driving a plastic ball that don't want to bounce anywhere and rigid at the maximum. I still can't figure how to drift, sometime it works, sometime not, why not an easy method like, you want to drift at left, turn your camera at left while pressing left.


For your drift problem: Right as you're using boost and as your endurance is going down for the boost, you cannot drift. It simply won't allow you to at all. So, best way to counter this is to use your boost before you need to drift or right after you take that harsh turn.

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That is one of the most hilarious parts of this course. I thought it was comical when I hit it. For me, going fast by landing tricks is rough sledding when you get propelled OVER the checkpoint and have to double back to get it. Penalty for fast makes me sad. I have seen this happen to many others during races. Petition for Labyrinth style Checkpoints with HIGH clearance. I'm so particular with my 'boost meet' (think clutch meet, lel) so it hurts because I like to have a continuous boost that I generated without the need for green orbs.

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