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LFR - some kind of compromise


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I think one issue here is that the devs decided that you can upgrade the lesser sets. Had they just stuck to a pattern of rank 2000 you can craft WvW Armor or rank 100 for pvp or that crafting the Armor gets you the Mistforged glorious or the Mistforged Triumphant sets then it would have stuck to a pattern established by Raids. They didn’t do this.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Raids doesn’t have a pattern as there is only one set of ascended armor that can be upgraded. WvW and sPvP now both have like three that can.


Yeah, no, what I meant was if pvp WvW only had the one Legendary Armor such as both Mistforged sets. That would have made more sense. Instead of upgrading the other two lesser skins.

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