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Remove soulbinding of 24- and 28-slot bags


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> @"phs.6089" said:

> I don't understand the decisions. If 24s weren't soulbind, I prolly would make several for alts. I have all formulas as I made one of each 32s.

> I would make, use then and gradually upgrade. But with soulbind I can't be bothered.



ANet seems to think that people are more likely to upgrade if the penultimate sizes are bound.


Personally, I think ANet needs to choose: do they want the number of bag slots to be bound? (as it has been since launch) or the bags themselves to be bound (as only 24- and 28-slot bags are). The current situation is unnecessarily confusing, frustrating, and has so little economic benefit that it's not worth sticking to whatever principle ANet thinks is at stake.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> ANet seems to think that people are more likely to upgrade if the penultimate sizes are bound.


That was my assumption, too. In addition, I presume that they might think people are more likely to train crafting disciplines on all characters so that each can upgrade their soulbound bags if needed - which I think is something people are _not_ likely to do.


> Personally, I think ANet needs to choose: do they want the number of bag slots to be bound? (as it has been since launch) or the bags themselves to be bound (as only 24- and 28-slot bags are). The current situation is unnecessarily confusing, frustrating, and has so little economic benefit that it's not worth sticking to whatever principle ANet thinks is at stake.


Agreed. Account bound I'd understand from an economical point of view - but soulbound is a completely unnecessary hassle, especially since those bags have to potential to be upgraded, but can't be upgraded if the character doesn't have the respective crafting discipline.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > ANet seems to think that people are more likely to upgrade if the penultimate sizes are bound.


> That was my assumption, too.

I meant, they have made actual statements that suggest that they don't consider the mid-sizes to be a goal; they are described as intermediate steps along the way.


> In addition, I presume that they might think people are more likely to train crafting disciplines on all characters so that each can upgrade their soulbound bags if needed - which I think is something people are _not_ likely to do.

This seems incredibly implausible to me, especially if you grant that ANet doesn't seem to think the intermediate sizes are important. I can't see any reason why they'd expect anyone to worry about crafting disciplines: after encountering the binding issue once, why would anyone choose to start the process on someone who couldn't finish it? You'd either go to 32-slot immediately or wait until you could for the 24- and 28- bags.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I can't see any reason why they'd expect anyone to worry about crafting disciplines: after encountering the binding issue once, why would anyone choose to start the process on someone who couldn't finish it? You'd either go to 32-slot immediately or wait until you could for the 24- and 28- bags.


I disagree. Many players don't have the immediate resources to upgrade to the 32-slot version right away. So they use the lower versions until they can upgrade - in theory. But if they use it on a character that cannot upgrade it - which happens a lot, I presume, since you don't level crafting on all your characters -, then you are stuck with the lower slot versions. I can't be the only one that has faced that problem, or threads like this one wouldn't be created.


Therefore, the assumption what ANet's intentions with this might have been are more than plausible: either level the respective crafting discipline on that char or start working on a new bag (the latter being a way to influence the economy for the additional materials required).

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  • 2 months later...

I'm playing gw (1-2) from the very beginning. Soulbinding the new bags drives me nuts. It' s the worst thing they have done ever. I'm mad about this and angry. Wasted money. Made some larger invisible bags to use with other character, but it was soulbound - ahhhhhhrg -angry - fix pls

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  • 1 month later...

Well this was an annoying 2 year old problem I've just ran into last night...love coming back to issues the community have raised years ago that have barely any response on the matter.


Just add the 24/28-slot bags to the Amnoon vendor to allow people to craft up to 32-slots once they have the materials. Locking these bags from being fully craftable serves no purpose other than to disincentivize players from obtaining larger bags which indirectly promotes bag slot purchases. This is just bad design.

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  • 1 year later...

> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"SENCLA.8062" said:

> > > And another year has passed, and this problem is not solved.

> > Perhaps Anet doesn't perceive this as a problem regardless of what forum posters would like to think.

> Perhaps. Which, of course, doesn't mean it _isn't_ a problem.


Agreed. It's a matter of perspective. ;)

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