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Procmancer is back, but with 100% more power!


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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> For roaming:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBHhF6kjGo5GsdTw4GgeTsgLYxVxtYYMar1B+AQXtAwBA-j1xHQBA4UAYm9HU2TA4b6Cen6P/T5HDVCGA4A48Y+5BO/8zP/8z77zP/8zP/8zP/8zDA-w


> I changed the build to:


> 100% swiftness uptime

> insane healing for necro standards (CPC -> Consume Conditions when ranged, CPC -> RS when in melee, weakness application in RS)

> limited range, but 8s projectile destruction every 20s

> burst condi cleanse on weapon swap and shroud entering


> The results are decent, but this is a low damage bruiser build which is great to fight warriors and other boon heavy builds but has its issues with thieves. Nowhere near the holy grail of playing necro. There were moments when I just wished I was running a bursty onslaught build.


Do you feel that condi stats on the runes are wasted on the marauders reaper build?

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > For roaming:

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBHhF6kjGo5GsdTw4GgeTsgLYxVxtYYMar1B+AQXtAwBA-j1xHQBA4UAYm9HU2TA4b6Cen6P/T5HDVCGA4A48Y+5BO/8zP/8z77zP/8zP/8zP/8zDA-w

> >

> > I changed the build to:

> >

> > 100% swiftness uptime

> > insane healing for necro standards (CPC -> Consume Conditions when ranged, CPC -> RS when in melee, weakness application in RS)

> > limited range, but 8s projectile destruction every 20s

> > burst condi cleanse on weapon swap and shroud entering

> >

> > The results are decent, but this is a low damage bruiser build which is great to fight warriors and other boon heavy builds but has its issues with thieves. Nowhere near the holy grail of playing necro. There were moments when I just wished I was running a bursty onslaught build.


> Do you feel that condi stats on the runes are wasted on the marauders reaper build?

Actually yes. You can get short duration 1k poison and 700 bleed ticks on static targets like camp guards with a soul spiral combo. This low number is mainly a result of the whirl finisher nerf from 11 to 4 triggers. I remember achieving these damage numbers without any might and condi rune stats pre nerf.


In duells the condi damage is even more negligible. Reaper is not capable of dealing a noticable amount of condition damage without traiting deathly chill.


Curses is just for debuffing on power necro and outshined by soul reaping these days. I loved playing spite curses marauder reaper the few weeks we had 3% shroud degeneration and spiteful spirit and chill of death were actually dealing some damage. But now this setup is just a bunker cracker. The latter can also be achieved via raw onslaught damage (even sword weavers and firebrands can't stand your onslaught burst, you don't need additional corrupts).


A revenant teleport bursts -> evades -> blocks -> reengages you before you can corrupt anything. Thieves bait your shroud anyway and engage you when you leave it. A bit of toughness and the sustain via SR traitline are better in these encounters.


Like mentioned: the healing of your build in teamfights is awesome, but that's it (unfortunately). And to be honest: Blighter's Boon should grant this amount of healing without any cheesy rune synergies. In this fast paced meta a reaper without onslaught doesn't hit anything as he is attacking literally in slow motion, so he should at least be able to sustain for a while.


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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > For roaming:

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBHhF6kjGo5GsdTw4GgeTsgLYxVxtYYMar1B+AQXtAwBA-j1xHQBA4UAYm9HU2TA4b6Cen6P/T5HDVCGA4A48Y+5BO/8zP/8z77zP/8zP/8zP/8zDA-w

> >

> > I changed the build to:

> >

> > 100% swiftness uptime

> > insane healing for necro standards (CPC -> Consume Conditions when ranged, CPC -> RS when in melee, weakness application in RS)

> > limited range, but 8s projectile destruction every 20s

> > burst condi cleanse on weapon swap and shroud entering

> >

> > The results are decent, but this is a low damage bruiser build which is great to fight warriors and other boon heavy builds but has its issues with thieves. Nowhere near the holy grail of playing necro. There were moments when I just wished I was running a bursty onslaught build.


> Do you feel that condi stats on the runes are wasted on the marauders reaper build?


Perhaps off-topic but I would really like to see a stat type with power*, expertise*, precision, and ferocity.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > For roaming:

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBHhF6kjGo5GsdTw4GgeTsgLYxVxtYYMar1B+AQXtAwBA-j1xHQBA4UAYm9HU2TA4b6Cen6P/T5HDVCGA4A48Y+5BO/8zP/8z77zP/8zP/8zP/8zDA-w

> >

> > I changed the build to:

> >

> > 100% swiftness uptime

> > insane healing for necro standards (CPC -> Consume Conditions when ranged, CPC -> RS when in melee, weakness application in RS)

> > limited range, but 8s projectile destruction every 20s

> > burst condi cleanse on weapon swap and shroud entering

> >

> > The results are decent, but this is a low damage bruiser build which is great to fight warriors and other boon heavy builds but has its issues with thieves. Nowhere near the holy grail of playing necro. There were moments when I just wished I was running a bursty onslaught build.


> Do you feel that condi stats on the runes are wasted on the marauders reaper build?


This is why I run fighter runes with YSIM. Extra power and toughness dont go to waste, and the synergy with blighters boon is still there.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> For roaming:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBHhF6kjGo5GsdTw4GgeTsgLYxVxtYYMar1B+AQXtAwBA-j1xHQBA4UAYm9HU2TA4b6Cen6P/T5HDVCGA4A48Y+5BO/8zP/8z77zP/8zP/8zP/8zDA-w


> I changed the build to:


> 100% swiftness uptime

> insane healing for necro standards (CPC -> Consume Conditions when ranged, CPC -> RS when in melee, weakness application in RS)

> limited range, but 8s projectile destruction every 20s

> burst condi cleanse on weapon swap and shroud entering


> The results are decent, but this is a low damage bruiser build which is great to fight warriors and other boon heavy builds but has its issues with thieves. Nowhere near the holy grail of playing necro. There were moments when I just wished I was running a bursty onslaught build.


Of course it's low damage when you are applying self weakness with CPC. (and no plague sending isn't helping you because of the enemy's conditions.) This build wasn't designed for WvW roaming. In sPvP where the opponent doesn't have giant 5 acre open areas this build is perfectly lethal and performs but better than the hilariously easy to shutdown onslaught builds.

> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > For roaming:

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBHhF6kjGo5GsdTw4GgeTsgLYxVxtYYMar1B+AQXtAwBA-j1xHQBA4UAYm9HU2TA4b6Cen6P/T5HDVCGA4A48Y+5BO/8zP/8z77zP/8zP/8zP/8zDA-w

> >

> > I changed the build to:

> >

> > 100% swiftness uptime

> > insane healing for necro standards (CPC -> Consume Conditions when ranged, CPC -> RS when in melee, weakness application in RS)

> > limited range, but 8s projectile destruction every 20s

> > burst condi cleanse on weapon swap and shroud entering

> >

> > The results are decent, but this is a low damage bruiser build which is great to fight warriors and other boon heavy builds but has its issues with thieves. Nowhere near the holy grail of playing necro. There were moments when I just wished I was running a bursty onslaught build.


> Do you feel that condi stats on the runes are wasted on the marauders reaper build?


No the build applies more than enough damaging conditions between the bleeding from curses, corrupts, and transfers. While yes it would have been better if the Aristo rune came with +power instead of +condi, the 6pc is strong enough to justify using it regardless.


The value of spite/curses is the ability to completely shutdown a opponent with continuous debuff spam. Ya'll need to get out of the "zomg huge crits" mentality because there is more to winning than that.



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Good video and commentary, but I think you provided selective highlights. I know cuz I was in one of the video highlights. It was just unranked, and your build wasn't scaring anyone or carrying.


For reaper, it's a nice option and probably one of the better ones, but it doesn't solve the problem of Reapers in high level solo que...nor does it solve the primary mismatches. Relying on 25 stacks of might means you're also relying on a long node fight which is only a small % of actual spvp. Even in your selective videos clips, you don't always have 25 stacks of might. Plus, as a scourge, I was just constantly corrupting it.


In terms of "under the radar" new Runes, here's what I suggest everyone try to see if it will work for them - Rune of Earth. The change in magnetic aura is much better for necros. It used to proc when you were almost dead, which did little in today's burst meta. You were dead before it could even help you.


However, now it procs at the very beginning of a fight (when not on cooldown). This helps you against initial match ganks from deadeyes, pistol thieves, holos, rangers and others. I've actually watched a thief kill himself with the magnetic aura procing. Some people think you are hacking (which is a clear sign something is working well and catching them off-guard). Watching a holo stealth, do his burst rotation on you and have it reflect is also VERY satisfying.


It's something that a Necro has ZERO opportunity to do otherwise, which is why I suggest you guys at least try it. The added toughness and protection duration are no jokes either. They can really compliment any build that includes protection from SR or spectral armor.


Again, your suggestion and video isn't bad, but it's just adding to the existing strengths of Reaper and not addressing the weaknesses.

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> Of course it's low damage when you are applying self weakness with CPC. (and no plague sending isn't helping you because of the enemy's conditions.) This build wasn't designed for WvW roaming. In sPvP where the opponent doesn't have giant 5 acre open areas this build is perfectly lethal and performs but better than the hilariously easy to shutdown onslaught builds.

Your build is actually easier to shutdown because it lacks counterpressure and LF generating utility during shroud.


Onslaught relies on intelligent Spectral Walk usage. Spectral Walk has a 28s second downtime between two setups. You can use it in every fight at least once.


Onslaught can sustain bursts with a Spectral Armor/Shroud combo. Spectral Armor has a 22s downtime between two casts. You can use it in every fight at least once.


Conditions do stack in intensity and duration. In WvW my posted build removes 5 unique (!) conditions on shroud entering and additional 3 on leaving 9s later. In sPvP you can replace the CPC with a condi cleanse as the sigil removes only one condition, but this lowers your selfheal a lot.


Curses is underpowered these days compared to Soul Reaping on power builds. I have crafted tons of Spite/Curses/Reaper builds in the past because I like the "overload your opponent with stuff" playstyle alot. But the traitline isn't worth it anymore over SR.


I found myself a lot more helpful to team members on an Onslaught build. Bursting, cleaving downed players, teleporting around... it's much more strategical and impactful. There is so much boons and cleanse flying around that you barely notice a Spite/Curses boonrip in a teamfight.


I watched your whole video. I experienced different outcomes than you in platinum. Your build is a shroud entering one trick pony that lost a lot of its pressure when Chill of Death and Spiteful Spirit were nerfed recently.

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At this point blighters boon (outside of this one case) is already out matched by RO the moment quickness got added to RO, blighters boon became highly out classed in terms of weight when choosing between the grand masters.


If by some chance blighters boon gets nerfed very hard we will simply see people continue to use RO anyways. It hardly matters at this point.


I dont really see a problem here I still find boon bot beast and mirage to be far more busted in pvp than this combo you came up with because it can be stopped. Just because you are gaining alot of life force, might, and possibly healing on entry its not enough that makes you intsa gimp people. Its also not going to have constant up time pressure and you can still be shut down like most other necor builds, kite cc, damage immunity skills, etc. Not only that you will see a massive drop in your burst due to not having quickness.


I'll admit Crinn its a good idea and concept and its not that it cant work but its not going to be the best options. I find a standard spectral armor setup far more useful than this setup tbh.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > Of course it's low damage when you are applying self weakness with CPC. (and no plague sending isn't helping you because of the enemy's conditions.) This build wasn't designed for WvW roaming. In sPvP where the opponent doesn't have giant 5 acre open areas this build is perfectly lethal and performs but better than the hilariously easy to shutdown onslaught builds.

> Your build is actually easier to shutdown because it lacks counterpressure and LF generating utility during shroud.


My build has plenty of counterpressure. Please tell me how a enemy is supposed to continue a fight while being drowned in weakness, cripple, chill, and corrupts, with copious amounts of vuln and bleeding to make cleansing the important conditions nearly impossible outside of the tiny number of full clear skills in the game.


Onslaught Reaper is a poor build, it's out of shroud offensive pressure is worse than my build, and shroud itself is easily counterable by anyone who understands how reaper shroud works. I see a onslaught reaper enter shroud and I press any of my half a dozen corrupts and now they have slow and weakness. I haven't lost any matchups to a onslaught reaper outside of me being horribly outnumbered, and I cannot fathom what people see in the build. Onslaught reaper is effectively dead in the water if the first shroud fails, I would much rather run a blighter's build where I'm not dependent on a easily counterable gimmick to win.



> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> At this point blighters boon (outside of this one case) is already out matched by RO the moment quickness got added to RO, blighters boon became highly out classed in terms of weight when choosing between the grand masters.


More like Onslaught needed the pulsing quickness to simply reach the point of being worth considering. Blighter's is not outclassed and is easily the strongest single trait on the entire necromancer class.


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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > > Of course it's low damage when you are applying self weakness with CPC. (and no plague sending isn't helping you because of the enemy's conditions.) This build wasn't designed for WvW roaming. In sPvP where the opponent doesn't have giant 5 acre open areas this build is perfectly lethal and performs but better than the hilariously easy to shutdown onslaught builds.

> > Your build is actually easier to shutdown because it lacks counterpressure and LF generating utility during shroud.


> My build has plenty of counterpressure. Please tell me how a enemy is supposed to continue a fight while being drowned in weakness, cripple, chill, and corrupts, with copious amounts of vuln and bleeding to make cleansing the important conditions nearly impossible outside of the tiny number of full clear skills in the game.


Condition clear :astonished: lol Everyone runs that in plentiful amounts. You dont specifically need a full clear when fighting a power reaper you need only need to remove about 3 conditions general, weakness, cripple, chill, and some times blind. Like i said your build is not bad but i do think it can be shut down. With the patch your build has retained its strength where others have not though. That would be the new key factor.



> Onslaught Reaper is a poor build, it's out of shroud offensive pressure is worse than my build, and shroud itself is easily counterable by anyone who understands how reaper shroud works. I see a onslaught reaper enter shroud and I press any of my half a dozen corrupts and now they have slow and weakness. I haven't lost any matchups to a onslaught reaper outside of me being horribly outnumbered, and I cannot fathom what people see in the build. Onslaught reaper is effectively dead in the water if the first shroud fails, I would much rather run a blighter's build where I'm not dependent on a easily counterable gimmick to win.


This is purely based on your match up experience and wont be the case for everyone. From my perspective (most of the time) when it comes down to reaper vs reaper its usually who ever enters shroud first or leaves shroud first loses in most cases. Its not specifically about the slow or the weakness. Side note i would refrain from using the words "im not dependent on a gimmick to win" in the same post where you talk about splattering people with weakness and chill for ez sustain :astonished: because that sounds kind of gimmicky don't it? A build is a build there are only a few real gimmicks in this game and i don't consider the majority of them to be on necromancer.



> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > At this point blighters boon (outside of this one case) is already out matched by RO the moment quickness got added to RO, blighters boon became highly out classed in terms of weight when choosing between the grand masters.


> More like Onslaught needed the pulsing quickness to simply reach the point of being worth considering. Blighter's is not outclassed and is easily the strongest single trait on the entire necromancer class.



After yesterdays patch the weight of blighters boon increased dramatically because other means of sustain got thrown out the window. RO is a heavier risk to take in pvp now because of the loss of sustain from spectral defense/ questionable and poor balance execution.

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