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Create-A-Caption! (#4)


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Less of a caption, more of a scenario...


NORN: Ugh, I'm sick of this!

CRAB: [confused crab noises]

NORN: You proved you could do it. I saw it! And yet you refuse - REFUSE - to do it in front of anybody else. You just SIT THERE. Like a LUMP. You make me look like a fool!

CRAB: [confused crab noises]

NORN: Don't give me that look! [points angrily] I KNOW YOU CAN DANCE!!!

CRAB: ...

NORN: ...

CRAB: [starts dancing] *Hello my honey, hello my baby, hello my ragtime ga-a-a-al!*


~~please tell me this is a less obscure reference than I thought~~

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