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What do you like about power Warrior (Axe/Axe)?


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I've been thinking about leveling a BS Warrior (core Axe/Axe) for fractal fun, and I created an alt to try it out. Most of the professions I play now I knew, almost right away after beginning the leveling process, that I was going to enjoy it. I already run Core Guardian in T4s, and I have a Rev I use for metas, open world and WvW, but with the limited time I've spent on my Warrior so far, it has yet to grab me.


AXE 5 is fun, but that is about all I found interesting. The rest of axe seemed ok, but I didn't care much for GS - I didn't find it nearly as fun as on my Guardian.


Is there something that I will start seeing at max level with full traits that I'm not seeing now? What do you like about warrior?


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Carry maces on backbar. The ability to put things on their kittens is so much fun. Definitely use the Dual Wielding trait in Arms in open world. Sadly, arms is pretty much not happening for group play as there are crucial traits needed in other specs. Greatsword is meh at best in my opinion - if you like throwing yourself off of platforms, it is much fun though.


What I love about Warrior is that the profession brings absolute bonkers amount of passive support and cc to the table - but I know this has nothing to do with how the profession _feels_. I also love the rhythm of axe/axe to be honest. Warrior is a bit different in that we don't really have a set rotation but rather small batches of "this should follow that." Once you get that rhythm it feels much more satisfying because you start bursting for noticably higher numbers and it feels _busy_ if that makes sense.


These are personal reasons to like it, obviously.


I hope you enjoy the profession.



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> @"Shivvies.3921" said:

> What I love about Warrior is that the profession brings absolute bonkers amount of passive support and cc to the table - but I know this has nothing to do with how the ?>profession _feels_. I also love the rhythm of axe/axe to be honest. Warrior is a bit different in that we don't really have a set rotation but rather small batches of "this >should follow that." Once you get that rhythm it feels much more satisfying because you start bursting for noticably higher numbers and it feels _busy_ if that makes >sense.


Hmm, thank you for that. Your comments strike a cord for me, as one of the reasons I stubbornly stuck with Core Guardian over DH was I love the passive utility it brings to a group through the Radiance trait line. I also really like how the Guard doesn't have a set rotation either, but more of a priority system, similar to what you describe. Sounds to me like I should like Warrior.


I'm going to give it some more time.


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> @"zionophir.6845" said:

> If you use whirling axe with superior sigil of strength with might makes right trait on with very high precision, most of the time heals from the trait won't proc.


> @"zionophir.6845" said:

> If you use whirling axe with superior sigil of strength with might makes right trait on with very high precision, most of the time heals from the trait won't proc.


Why ?

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> I've been thinking about leveling a BS Warrior (core Axe/Axe) for fractal fun, and I created an alt to try it out. Most of the professions I play now I knew, almost right away after beginning the leveling process, that I was going to enjoy it. I already run Core Guardian in T4s, and I have a Rev I use for metas, open world and WvW, but with the limited time I've spent on my Warrior so far, it has yet to grab me.


> AXE 5 is fun, but that is about all I found interesting. The rest of axe seemed ok, but I didn't care much for GS - I didn't find it nearly as fun as on my Guardian.


> Is there something that I will start seeing at max level with full traits that I'm not seeing now? What do you like about warrior?



It is a very subjective answer.

When I play axe/axe, I love skills 2 and 4. They feel savage and strong on my charr.

Axe 5 is efficient but boring to me.


I like greatsword on warrior but not so much on guardian. I'm a fan of hundred blades animation, feels so much stronger than axe 5. And its burst is so good too.


On guardian, I'm not a fan of their weapons, beside sword/focus/torch/shield.

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Ok, so I used some Tomes of Knowledge to get him to 80, tossed on full set of exotic Zerk armor (Scholar runes) and weapons with LS3 zerk trinkets and took him into some HoT and LS3 maps. I decided to keep running Tactics (without banners) just to get a feel. The biggest #1 thing that jumped out at me was the lack of passive healing.


On my Guard I have signet of courage, F2 heals + condi removal, heals + condi removal from whirl finisher in a light field, Aegis, blind on GS 3, heals on Shield 5, and I usually run with smite condition.

On my Rev I have Focused Siphoning, Assassins Annihlation and Facet of Light

On my Daredevil I run Invigorating Precision and I have Driven Fortitude


On my Warrior, running Strength / Tactics / Discipline I have pretty much nothing except getting regen off of shouts (Vigorous Shouts).


I'm going to try Might Makes Right w/ Sigil of Strength later on, despite the obvious damage loss, and for open world I'll try running Defense traitline over Tactics, but what about in T4s when I have to run Tactics?


I feel apprehensive over the lack of self-healing given that while I'm good at dodging the big hits, I'm often taking damage from other sources (thinking of Twilight Oasis, Trin, Nightmare to name a few). I haven't tried using banners though, are they with Inspiring Battle Standard the missing key?


Maybe I need to adjust utility? Open world I'm running Great Justice, Stomp, Shake it Off, Signet of Rage and "To the Limit". (maybe I should try mending?)


Any tips or is this just a git gud situation?

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Although there are many many changes I would make to your build... don't use Might Makes Right, and especially don't use Strength Sigil. Whirling Axe has just over a 3 second cast time, so at best you get 6 energy and a lousy bit of healing (ICD is 1 second). Might Makes Right is actually terrible, and picking it over Berserker's Power in ANY game mode or situation (even WvW) is a HUGE HUGE mistake.


tl;dr MMR is bad and terrible

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Although there are many many changes I would make to your build... don't use Might Makes Right, and especially don't use Strength Sigil. Whirling Axe has just over a 3 second cast time, so at best you get 6 energy and a lousy bit of healing (ICD is 1 second). Might Makes Right is actually terrible, and picking it over Berserker's Power in ANY game mode or situation (even WvW) is a HUGE HUGE mistake.


> tl;dr MMR is bad and terrible


Appreciate the perspective, but I'm still looking for a solution. If MMR is a non-starter, then what should I be doing for self sustain? All the other melee professions I play have it. Is it that the warrior just doesn't need it? Do the banners (which I haven't tried yet) fill that requirement?

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > Although there are many many changes I would make to your build... don't use Might Makes Right, and especially don't use Strength Sigil. Whirling Axe has just over a 3 second cast time, so at best you get 6 energy and a lousy bit of healing (ICD is 1 second). Might Makes Right is actually terrible, and picking it over Berserker's Power in ANY game mode or situation (even WvW) is a HUGE HUGE mistake.

> >

> > tl;dr MMR is bad and terrible


> Appreciate the perspective, but I'm still looking for a solution. If MMR is a non-starter, then what should I be doing for self sustain? All the other melee professions I play have it. Is it that the warrior just doesn't need it? Do the banners (which I haven't tried yet) fill that requirement?


For PvE and Fractals, here is what I would advise: use Srength/Discipline/Spellbreaker as your traits, use Peak Performance and Berserker's Power. Use everything that gives you more damage in terms of traits. For skills, use Kick/Banner of Discipline/Bulls Charge. Take the banner trait too. Use Healing Signet as your heal skill. Essentially make things dead before they make you dead by going full damage and opting not to take any sustain.


This should be enough to help stay alive besides dodging at the right time. Warrior doesn't need a lot of sustain in PvE, because in Fractals the other members of your group will contribute to healing, and the rest of the time you'll be able to dodge and position yourself so you don't get toasted.

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> @"CRrabbit.1284" said:

> > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > If you use whirling axe with superior sigil of strength with might makes right trait on with very high precision, most of the time heals from the trait won't proc.


> > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > If you use whirling axe with superior sigil of strength with might makes right trait on with very high precision, most of the time heals from the trait won't proc.


> Why ?


must be bugged..


or something.. lel.

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When you say PvE you mean open world or fractals? Because I do not spec tactics in open world. You definitely want arms then, for dual wielding. Can go defence too if you like. In any case, you can't afford to lose Peak Performance and Berserker Power and expect TTK to be in favour of sustaining yourself to be honest - but that is my personal experience since I tend to err on the side of "kill before getting killed" far as I understand it.


Sustain, I dunno, I use mending in open world (short cd AND another Peak Performance, so why not) and I mean, I can solo central Tyria champs but sustain is a bit lacking for Warrior. If you go defence, you have some health from using your burst. Also don't forget vengeful return for the occasional "oh shit I couldn't dodge this thing" that helps with "meh I'll have to walk all the way back."


The intent was to make warrior's sprint, fast hands, etc. to work in concert to help you avoid most damage and soak the rest with high health pool I think.



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Sure Axe 5 looks cool, and works great when surrounded by trash mobs. But it's not that efficient compared to what other classes can do in much shorter time (that is, instant time frame for the same damage). Nevertheless, Axe/Axe is the best set--and the only set you need--for leveling Warrior.


I tried Strength/Discipline/Spellbreaker, but it just didn't work for me. Everybody says it deals great damage and sustain, but I just don't see or feel it. Then I tried GS, and that's just so clunky; that weapon is just bipolar and unintuitive.


Now I'm using Arms/Discipline/Spellbreaker, and it's working a lot better. It's Axe/Dagger and Dagger/Axe with emphasis on crits, fury, and passive healing. Much more damage than Strength + Physical traits. I can actually see the mobs drop fast now. Plus great sustain thanks to Full Counter from Spellbreaker, and passive healing--including healing signet, banner trait, sun and moon style, and sigil of blood. The latter two require crits, hence heavy investment in Arms for fury.

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  • 2 weeks later...

axe/axe has an amazing skill set, it's all raw power damage so it doesn't feel dull using any of it's abilities.

Axe 1: Strong AA chain with good reason to finish off the chain with a hard last hit of triple chop.

Axe 2: 360 degree hit that applies fury and vuln, decent damage. Hits twice, faster adrenaline gain.

Axe 3: I started to love this ability more when they made it hit harder the lower hp they are, so it's basically an execution, otherwise it was just a boring throw an axe.

Axe 4: Feels good, hits hard, gives enough quickness for a channelled ability to finish casting, also hits twice.

Axe 5: It's not a complicated ability at all, but I do love it. It's really about using it when you've activated all your damage modifiers etc.


A recent change to Forceful Greatsword where you can now have a 50% chance to gain might on non GS weapons, combined with might makes right, I'm healing like a mad man with axes. Really good for solo open world :) super aggressive defense.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Although there are many many changes I would make to your build... don't use Might Makes Right, and especially don't use Strength Sigil. Whirling Axe has just over a 3 second cast time, so at best you get 6 energy and a lousy bit of healing (ICD is 1 second). Might Makes Right is actually terrible, and picking it over Berserker's Power in ANY game mode or situation (even WvW) is a HUGE HUGE mistake.


> tl;dr MMR is bad and terrible


How is mmr in wvw as a core roamer a bad choice? It literally heals for 7*133hp and 14 endurance when i swap to a weapon with sigil of battle on it. Forceful greatsword also gives alot of might that will eventually add up and heal for quite a bit with mmr. I get that a dmg heavier build would want berserkers power, but saying that mmr is bad in every mode and situation is ridiculous.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > Although there are many many changes I would make to your build... don't use Might Makes Right, and especially don't use Strength Sigil. Whirling Axe has just over a 3 second cast time, so at best you get 6 energy and a lousy bit of healing (ICD is 1 second). Might Makes Right is actually terrible, and picking it over Berserker's Power in ANY game mode or situation (even WvW) is a HUGE HUGE mistake.

> >

> > tl;dr MMR is bad and terrible


> Appreciate the perspective, but I'm still looking for a solution. If MMR is a non-starter, then what should I be doing for self sustain? All the other melee professions I play have it. Is it that the warrior just doesn't need it? Do the banners (which I haven't tried yet) fill that requirement?


Isn't Heal Signet enough Passive healing? You don't even need to sacrifice good traits to get it.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > Although there are many many changes I would make to your build... don't use Might Makes Right, and especially don't use Strength Sigil. Whirling Axe has just over a 3 second cast time, so at best you get 6 energy and a lousy bit of healing (ICD is 1 second). Might Makes Right is actually terrible, and picking it over Berserker's Power in ANY game mode or situation (even WvW) is a HUGE HUGE mistake.

> >

> > tl;dr MMR is bad and terrible


> How is mmr in wvw as a core roamer a bad choice? It literally heals for 7*133hp and 14 endurance when i swap to a weapon with sigil of battle on it. Forceful greatsword also gives alot of might that will eventually add up and heal for quite a bit with mmr. I get that a dmg heavier build would want berserkers power, but saying that mmr is bad in every mode and situation is ridiculous.


That level of sustain is tiny and pathetic. MMR USED to be good, and then as usual, they overnerfed it.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > Although there are many many changes I would make to your build... don't use Might Makes Right, and especially don't use Strength Sigil. Whirling Axe has just over a 3 second cast time, so at best you get 6 energy and a lousy bit of healing (ICD is 1 second). Might Makes Right is actually terrible, and picking it over Berserker's Power in ANY game mode or situation (even WvW) is a HUGE HUGE mistake.

> > >

> > > tl;dr MMR is bad and terrible

> >

> > How is mmr in wvw as a core roamer a bad choice? It literally heals for 7*133hp and 14 endurance when i swap to a weapon with sigil of battle on it. Forceful greatsword also gives alot of might that will eventually add up and heal for quite a bit with mmr. I get that a dmg heavier build would want berserkers power, but saying that mmr is bad in every mode and situation is ridiculous.


> That level of sustain is tiny and pathetic. MMR USED to be good, and then as usual, they overnerfed it.


931 every 10 seconds (7 might stacks with one weaponswap with sigil of battle) isnt that bad, not counting every other application taking into Account. Thats basically 100hp per second, i assume you are still using healing sig with its trashy healing? 100per second is a great addition to that, just saying, and again, this value is greatly exceeded with all the might you get from other sources.

Also, endurance gain on top, which is def. Noticeable

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