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New PvE event


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> @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > New event idea. While in fractals/raids/dungeons you permanently have Slow and Chill on you that you can't clear and you are immune to resistance/quickness/alacrity. Have it be like a 1-2 week event.

> >

> > Why would this be good for the game? The OP has explained that they would like it, but not why. Nor why or how they expect others to have fun.

> >

> > This strikes me as (another) example of making things harder for the sake of being harder, not because there's something inherent to being slower that makes the challenge more fun.


> Well how others would or wouldn't find it fun is a bit hard for me to comment on, but I can explain why I would find it fun. I think it would be fun to have to adapt to completely new rotations during 1-2 weeks. I think it would be fun because during these 2 weeks the meta would be completely different and that would be refreshing as a temporary thing. I would also find it fun because you would get to see how others can adapt to such circumstances.




I can get behind the goal: adapting rotations can sometimes be fun.

This just isn't a good example of how to make that happen:

* Two weeks is barely enough time for the top players in the game to adapt.

* It's still making something arbitrarily harder, without adding to the challenge.


It's also quite expensive to set up. In dungeons, I don't think they can without opening up their old tool set (which no one uses any more). Fractals obviously has instabilities, I think they'd have to impose a specific one to be on in all fractals all the time, leaving only two RNG in T4 and none in T1 (just my guess tho). For raids, I don't think they can just turn on an environmental effect; I think they'd need to build that capability in. Given that, I doubt they'd consider it worth their time to consider.



Besides that, Fractal Instabilities exist for much the same purpose: to get people to rethink builds and strategies. In practice, though, groups just changed the sort of support they use and force mesmers to do another few jobs. I think if it were easy to disrupt the meta, if all it took was adding an environmental condition, I think ANet would have implemented it, ages ago.

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> @"lodjur.1284" said:

> New event idea. While in fractals/raids/dungeons you permanently have Slow and Chill on you that you can't clear and you are immune to resistance/quickness/alacrity. Have it be like a 1-2 week event.


So during this 1-2 week event, no new player would be able to play, no training runs will happen, no pugs will run (because of the absurd requirements), the vast majority of actual raiders won't be able to play, as I doubt they have every single elite spec, with every weapon combination possible raid-ready to account for your requirements ("get a thief with shortbow for cannons" yes great design) in other words, for 1-2 weeks only the OP and those that might think the same way would play the game. Everyone else will skip Raids for that period. If you want to kill Raids for 1-2 weeks, then this event would do exactly that.

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