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Mirage cloak while CC'd... are you serious?

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How did almost no one notice this...in a year since PoF came out? Fighting a class being able to dodge while cc'd is the most unfun fight i've fought in all my 6 years of PvP/WvW roaming. I've been looking all over the wiki about Mirage cloak and even there it doesn't say anything about mirage cloak being able to be activated while CC'd.

And also what I'd like to point out... Mirage is a complete upgrade to (core) mesmer. Like firebrand, there are almost NO risks or drawbacks using the elite spec. Holosmith (which i love to play.. but has horrendous spam) has to deal with the Heat levels. Spellbreakers has to deal with the fact that their burst is always having the effect of lvl 1 adrenaline bursts. And Renegade....well...renegade.

And what do mirages have to be careful of? What drawbacks to they get? No dodge-roll animation?... Sorry i just hate god-mode carry-me classes.

(also, I'm not talking about EM as that already has it's nerfs as it deserves. IMO being able to activate dodge while CC and have jaunt at the same time is worse atm)

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> @"mrauls.6519" said:

> Real talk - I didn't realize until recently that Mirages can still dodge while CC'ed. I thought it was only with the stunbreak trait LOL


Thats how clueless about the class the ppl usually are who come into the forum and complain about something they don't understand.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> Mirage Cloak it's only causing problems.

> Not only they should not be able to use Mirage Cloak while stunned without a stun break.

> Ambushes, Deceptions, and all core skills usable while using the core dodge roll, like shatters is all Mirages should be able to use during a mirage cloak.


> Nothing else.


This is a recipe for the remaining mesmer mains to all tumble out of the top 250 despite how they're currently the second lowest represented only above ele.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> This is a recipe for the remaining mesmer mains to all tumble out of the top 250 despite how they're currently the second lowest represented only above ele.


I'm calling BS on this. the data necessary to make that claim isn't available to players.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > Mirage Cloak it's only causing problems.

> > Not only they should not be able to use Mirage Cloak while stunned without a stun break.

> > Ambushes, Deceptions, and all core skills usable while using the core dodge roll, like shatters is all Mirages should be able to use during a mirage cloak.

> >

> > Nothing else.


> This is a recipe for the remaining mesmer mains to all tumble out of the top 250 despite how they're currently the second lowest represented only above ele.


Even if that was true, it still has to be done. Because wether you want to tune mesmers up or down, this has to be out of the way first.

Once this is fixed, if they are still having trouble, it's time for some further improvements.

Do you think they are going to get any decent buffs while their metrics keep showing how some people can avoid being interrupted and evade while stunned so often?


Being able to evade while stunned and while activating core skills that can't be activated during a core dodge is also harming Mirage on the long run. Keeping some cheese builds that exploit this is not worth the downsides.

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > This is a recipe for the remaining mesmer mains to all tumble out of the top 250 despite how they're currently the second lowest represented only above ele.


> I'm calling BS on this. the data necessary to make that claim isn't available to players.


I'm generally pretty familiar with what most everyone in the top 250 plays on NA since I've seen the exact same people for over a year now. Can I break down 100% exactly how many games they played in ranked this season per class? No, but I know enough to know what they main. And for some I'm not familiar with in game through experience I'm familiar with them from the forums, necro main.


Almost no one is like WoodenPotatoes and has to play a different build everyday except Koto in my experience.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > Mirage Cloak it's only causing problems.

> > > Not only they should not be able to use Mirage Cloak while stunned without a stun break.

> > > Ambushes, Deceptions, and all core skills usable while using the core dodge roll, like shatters is all Mirages should be able to use during a mirage cloak.

> > >

> > > Nothing else.

> >

> > This is a recipe for the remaining mesmer mains to all tumble out of the top 250 despite how they're currently the second lowest represented only above ele.


> Even if that was true, it still has to be done. Because wether you want to tune mesmers up or down, this has to be out of the way first.

> Once this is fixed, if they are still having trouble, it's time for some further improvements.

> Do you think they are going to get any decent buffs while their metrics keep showing how some people can avoid being interrupted and evade while stunned so often?


> Being able to evade while stunned and while activating core skills that can't be activated during a core dodge is also harming Mirage on the long run. Keeping some cheese builds that exploit this is not worth the downsides.


What's hurting Mirage is that after a year of nerfs nibbling away at the margines in every area of the class have caught up to mirage

and left a number classes who have remained relatively unscathed or even buffed, notably holosmith, boonbeast and spellbreaker, and able to run rough shot over the ladder. It doesn't help that boonbeast is easily the strongest side noder in the game, directly competes against Mirage as a side noder, is overtuned enough to always see 2-4.of them every single platinum game, and hard counters mirage about as hard as a build can counter another build in this game.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> What's hurting Mirage is that after a year of nerfs nibbling away at the margines in every area of the class have caught up to mirage

> and left a number classes who have remained relatively unscathed or even buffed, notably holosmith, boonbeast and spellbreaker, and able to run rough shot over the ladder. It doesn't help that boonbeast is easily the strongest side noder in the game, directly competes against Mirage as a side noder, is overtuned enough to always see 2-4.of them every single platinum game, and hard counters mirage about as hard as a build can counter another build in this game.


But none of that means Mirage is weak.

It has a hard counter that is as common as Mirage.

Making it like the second strongest class, as the strongest one is a direct counter to it.

(totally not sure what the power ratings from class to class are atm, take that as an example)


Why it's the least represented is because nobody likes playing mesmer. I know I never did.

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > What's hurting Mirage is that after a year of nerfs nibbling away at the margines in every area of the class have caught up to mirage

> > and left a number classes who have remained relatively unscathed or even buffed, notably holosmith, boonbeast and spellbreaker, and able to run rough shot over the ladder. It doesn't help that boonbeast is easily the strongest side noder in the game, directly competes against Mirage as a side noder, is overtuned enough to always see 2-4.of them every single platinum game, and hard counters mirage about as hard as a build can counter another build in this game.


> But none of that means Mirage is weak.

> It has a hard counter that is as common as Mirage.

> Making it like the second strongest class, as the strongest one is a direct counter to it.

> (totally not sure what the power ratings from class to class are atm, take that as an example)


> Why it's the least represented is because nobody likes playing mesmer. I know I never did.


That's not how that works when Holo and Spellbreaker are also better sidenoders than Mirage at this point.


And also, if Mirage is so strong it would have more representation throughout the top 250 than second lowest representation.

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As I recently came into platinum games, all I can see are HOLO (2-4 per game) and SPELLBREAKERS (1-2 per game). Boonbeasts are still quite rare. May be 1 per 2-3 games. Sick-em LB sniper is still much more popular build at this rating.

Condi mirages are may be 0.5-1 per game. Power mirages are fucking 0 per game, apart from myself, lol. (seriously, I forgot the last time I saw a power mirage above silver).


But seriously, though, this trio (holo, sb, boonbeast) is fucking nuts right now. I have a feeling, that whoever is whining about them is still sitting in bronze-silver-low gold

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I don't get what problem ppl have with hitting a mirage, as long as they do not stack stealth and detargetskills (illusionary ambush, axe 3 still too low cd, still broken in how strong they are) you don't even need a stun or cc to hit them. And in case you want a cc with follow up that can't get dodged than bait and count dodges. Every class can perma spam high dmg a mirage needs to avoid due to no facetank ability. So what exactly is the problem? Mirage cloak is not op or broken, it has counter play. Its a strong feature true but that's it. Boonbeast, Holo are the biggest beasts out there. And core guard is still way to easy to play for the reward it gives. Condimirage is "only" the 3. lamest in the row of side/node duelists and power mirage is not viable, not even with mirage cloak. What makes condi/hybrid mirage so strong is not the dodge mechanic itself.

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So you CC a mirage and he dodges while CC'd, watch his boonbar and when mirage clock ends you burst.

This how good thief land 100% of their steals on mirages, as soon the mirage clock + superspeed icons go away they press steal.

You are an holo main and it's so obvious, they usual spam CCs and start spamming every single photon forge skill nonstop without caring and expetlct everything dies; that's why you complain about it, because you can't do like you do against other professions.


Mirages are only a problem in WvW and only trailblazers-dire-celestial variants which allow even a bad noob player to make 20 mistakes and still get away with it and win fights, in pvp they are taken because of portal, they usually run with less then 2k armor and if you are a good player you kill a mirage in 3-4 skills at max.

If you think about it dodging while CC'd is nothing compared to get 1000 toughness and heal when you get CC'd. Or people carried by double elixir s.

Last day I fought and engi he used 6 damb elixir s during a single fight and always kept resetting the fight and at the end he managed to win because of that carrying bullshit, that's fair yeah.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> If you think about it dodging while CC'd is nothing compared to get 1000 toughness and heal when you get CC'd. Or people carried by double elixir s.

> Last day I fought and engi he used 6 damb elixir s during a single fight and always kept resetting the fight and at the end he managed to win because of that carrying kitten, that's fair yeah.


Welcome to my world xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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