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Claiming guild Hall and getting tavern, is it hard for 2 person?

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My friend and I are thinking to claim a hall of our own, mainly to have a place for NPC and guild buffs! Wanna check with all the veterans here if it's very difficult to claim a hall with a small group? We only play among ourselves and most likely we will just put LFG for help. Also is it difficult or expensive to upgrade the guild Hall to get the guild buffs?

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It is scaled depending on the number of players..

I think you'll have a hard time with less than 3 though, specially if you're running squishy toons.


That said you can recruit friends, guildmates and randoms in the map before heading in to help you out if you're struggling so it's not a big deal.

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Yes it is expensive to upgrade. Also many guild missions require a group of people so you would be limited to easy trek, race(if another guild is doing it), easy bounty...maybe the wvw jump puzzle when offered...


And you need the favor from guild missions to upgrade.

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Since the tavern is the first building you have to set up, i'd say it's doable (but not necessarily cheap) to get with 2 people - the fact that you can only do a few of the guild missions stays valid though.


However, with only the [tavern](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Tavern "tavern") you can only unlock 2 of the [guild buffs](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Enhancements "guild buffs"), which won't be very effective (since the effect scales with the total numbers of buffs unlocked). To unlock all buffs you need to reach guild lvl14 and have all of the basic buildings (so it will be very expensive and take a lot of time for 2 people).

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> @"tinyasian.8941" said:

> Also is it difficult or expensive to upgrade the guild Hall to get the guild buffs?


Yes, very. You need to do guild missions (of which you won't be able to do those that require at least 6 people, namely the puzzles), donate tons of stuff etc. It will take two people forever to get the hall maxed out.

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As a person who has mostly been doing their guild stuff with a single partner; the Tavern stuff is probably the hardest and most expensive of all of the upgrade trees.


The rest of the stuff is very easily doable with 2 people, even if slow with limited guild missions possible to earn with only 2 (most needing 3) and the rest being rather reasonable mats to obtain just from regular play.

We're not near being maxed out mostly due to the Tavern being the biggest brick wall.


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I have 3 private guild halls. One 34 one 28 and the last one which frankly I don't like is 7. That is only done by me with buying shovels because I hate silverwastes farming.

Yes two people can build up a hall and it doesn't take forever as has been stated.

Open a party invitation in the zone you want to claim the hall in and go for it. The people who help claim do not need to be members of the guild.

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> @"Warobaz.9543" said:

> IIRC we were 3 to claim our hall. Maybe 4. But that was the Lost Precipice, and before PoF and the mounts.

> The groups are not too difficult to kill, but there's a moment where several groups pop at a time, and there's some distance to cover. So mounts should help a lot now.

Several groups pop at once only if you go with a group of 10 players or greater. Otherwise it's a single group each wave. Still, 2 people might be a bit low. I'd suggest getting 3-4 friends to help you with it.


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