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[Suggestion] jackal races

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Portals taking you different distances further towards the goal would just turn the race into a game of chance. Races should be about skill and not about luck.


Though I'd be intrigued by a race where the portals take you to different parallel tracks. Each in their own environment and with their own obstacles, but all about the same length. Then they all connect back to the main track before splitting up again. The race would require instantly adapting to the environment you were teleported to.

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I think if they had a race that was also a jumping puzzle, that would be cool. All the portals should be on the same track and lead to the same finish, but if the portals were placed on dangerous cliffs, or threw you out onto some jumping platforms, that would be amazing. It wouldn't just be a race, but a test of adaptiveness and dexterity!

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If there is a jackal race, the whole thing should be on sand paths above the map.


I feel like they could do even more interesting stuff with Jackal races -- like, make them capable of ignoring gravity while walking on sandpaths, and then turning the race into some Escher-esque mix of pathways facing different directions, leading into portals, etc. Or use colored sand portals, and change what points to where -- but in a way that is legible, so it's more about skill and situational awareness than luck. Or have the portals move around. Maybe have some advanced mechanics involving the blink as well. Regardless, I think it should be more of a brainy, mazey race than a reflexive one like rollerbeetle racing.

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You can have an unofficial jackal race or any mount for that matter. Just use the same beetle track. LOL I tried it and it WORKS! The only problem is that they're really slow compared to beetle so you may only get to finish one lap before the race is officially over. I did Diessa's Ghostfire run on Raptor @ 3:45 and Jackal @ 3:50 lol. 4:45 on skimmer lel.

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I love the idea of a jackal race, and I think we've got races for all the other mounts so it only seems fair.


> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> Portals taking you different distances further towards the goal would just turn the race into a game of chance. Races should be about skill and not about luck.


> Though I'd be intrigued by a race where the portals take you to different parallel tracks. Each in their own environment and with their own obstacles, but all about the same length. Then they all connect back to the main track before splitting up again. The race would require instantly adapting to the environment you were teleported to.


I think the portals taking you different distances would be ok as long as it was consistent - the same portal always took you to the same location. Then it's a matter of learning the track, a bit like some of the tricky turns on the beetle races or knowing when you use your boost jump on the raptor race in Crystal Oasis. You'll probably mess it up the first time (or the first few times) and finish slower, but after a few tries you'll know the route and be able to do it more quickly.


Although I also like the idea of parallel tracks with different environments and obstacles - for example maybe one could have enemies who attack you and another could have environmental effects (like lava or sulphur) to dodge or survive, so you have to weigh up which is best when you get there. I guess they could do a mix of both - some portals are just part of the track and everyone goes through the same one, some take you to parallel tracks with different challenges and some are shortcuts (or trick you and take you on a longer route).


Now I _really_ want to try this. It makes me think of Sanctum Sprint, which also has different routes you can take, but the difference with mount races is how you do is entirely down to you, not other people using skills on you.

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I'm more interested in skimmer races.

I think the skimmer has more skill potential too it gets increased movement on water (obstacles can interfere with this and slow you down) likewise their turn radius/drift and gliding mechanics can also play a good part when it comes to how well the player can control them.


Add in some boost pads to the race track to give them a burst of speed (and make them harder to control) and you've got a pretty solid Skimmer racing game to go with the Beetle racing ^^

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