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Why Pip farm to Diamond Chest?


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> @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> So I am mostly a PvE player but I do enjoy diversifying my playtime but doing other modes and I enjoy diferent things at differnt times. That being said I am rank 180 in WvW so not high at all and thus relatively new to it.


> This week I got really lucky with the Outnumbered Buff early on in the week in the sense that it was up usually when I was playing so I thought I would try go for the Diamond chest and finally finish the pip reward track, and I gotta say, WOW, that nearly killed my enjoyment of the game.


> So from my experience as someone who would happily spend an hour ot two in WvW a day, the Gold Chest reward with the mystic coin is quite easy to get as a casual player. To finish the platinum chest is a bit more effort and time, but does not strain me. Mihril needed quite a bit of dedication to finish, and honestly I wished that was the last tier, because Diamond was just that little bit more (well if you consider 330 pips a little bit) that made it into a soul-crushing grind to finish where I had to chase after the Outnumbered Buff and ignore all teamplay in other maps.


> It seems the Diamond level rewards are designed for people who exclusively play WvW or has a high rank, but even so there is not really any incentive to finish the track, I mean the rewards at the end are kinda meh, the 4 mystic coins are nice, but completely disproportional to the time it took to get there. You would get far better loot spending that time doing a few ranked matches a few PvE dailies with high gold rewards (The HOT train for example which takes 1 hour and nets you 3 Amalgamated Gemstones) and you would get so much better rewards for your time.


> How do others feel about the pips and the rewards they offer?


It is basically extra money for the people who play WvW many many hours a week, it is not supposed to be a farm just something that u just get to reward you for the time you spend in WvW. Dedicated WvW players would spend as many hours in WvW regardless of chests or not, so this rewards are in place to give those players a little bit of extra rewards for doing so.

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Realistically Gold is the sweet-spot, as for whatever reason, ANET decided to not award Grandmaster marks for Plat, Mithril or Diamond chest completion. But if you are farming tickets, the max you can earn per week is 365, and that's only be completing Diamond. If you're not actively farming tickets though, there is little reason to push yourself to get past Gold.


And as has been said above, there were weeks when I had time off work and I completed Diamond 3x, even though the rewards for doing the Diamond chest multiple times are hardly worth mentioning.

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> I've had weeks where I could have finished diamond 3 and 4 times over. Don't focus so much on the rewards and it won't feel like a grind

And I also bet that during this weekend there are people that has finished the highest fractal like... several times!!!


*6000+ hours played, still not even past the first tier*


You dont have to do everything in GW2, no.

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