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Why is it ok to queue for any level of pvp and not know what your doing on the class or conquest?


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You ask into a raid or fractals with strangers and not have a clue and you'll get kicked out and/or savaged. Because of this dumb rating system that starts out noobs at 1200 rating you can be a half decent player int he 1400-1500 mmr range with hundreds of games of expereience and get teamed with nooblars that dont give two figs about anything. Its not fun these 500-100 matches that seem to happen every few games even when your on the winning side. Why don't complete noobs start out a whatever bronze level 1 is rating wise. People talk about toxic pvp environments but pvp is like the only area in this game where you can just show up and play with strangers and suck and not care and everyone is supposed to be just fine and dandy with it.

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These are the limits of the season system. It works well if everyone settles at his deserved rank, but this implies having everyone play enough games to reach it. However, the problem is :

- Many players don't really do that, and play casually

- Placement games can make beginners skyrocket at 1500 rating


Game is 6 years old though, it might be too late to change things however..

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There is a minimum PvP rank before you can queue for rated games. It's enough for someone to know what stomping is and know how scoring in conquest works.


Where you start people largely doesn't matter. Starting bad people in the middle frustrates people in the middle - but consider starting top players at the bottom. You don't know how good they are until they play games. They'll frustrate everyone else as they work their way to the top. Elo/Glicko systems aren't perfect, but they're the best thing we have.

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People don't control what match they get thrown into. In a functioning system, new and/or bad players shouldn't have to worry about tanking a team because the game SHOULD give them both teammates and opponents that are as bad or inexperienced as they are. It's understandable to be upset about it if they cost you the game, but taking it out on those players (whether it's by toxicity in team chat or advocating for harsher restrictions on who's allowed to pvp in the first place) would be misguided.

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Because bad game design.


What really gets me is that rank is account wide, not by class. I'm am easily plat 2 with some classes and Silver 2 with my worst classes. So when I get into a plat game with my worst class I get destroyed and can single handedly lose the game, but when I go into a Silver/Gold game with a plat class I can pretty much single handedly win the game.

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This is an honest question im not trolling or trying to be mean. A-net doesn't allow you to avoid noobs by grouping full only with friends so its frustrating to get so many players in ranked queue that have the double death of not knowing how to play there class and not knowing anything about conquest and not careing that they don't know. Because of the modest player base and a system that allows complete idiots to maintain a 1200-1300 MMR they can frequently get in matches with players in the 1400-1600 MMR range and ruin things. Like I said it doesnt matter that you benefit from them being on the other team sometimes uncompetitive matches are not fun win or lose. This is pretty much not accpetable, basically not knowing what your doing or caring, in any other facet of the game when grouping with strangers. People expect a minimum level of competency and if you dont have it they will expel you and they wont be happy about it. But you apply the same standards to spvp its people are mean its so toxic blah blah blah. I dont want to hear excuses or cliches thats all people spout out when this topic is brought up. Since Anet doesnt allow you avoid this in there main competitive mode by only grouping with people you know have a certain level of competency it is a gigantic problem and has really hurt pvp.

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> @"Stronghand.2046" said:

> This is pretty much not accpetable, basically not knowing what your doing or caring, in any other facet of the game when grouping with strangers. People expect a minimum level of competency and if you dont have it they will expel you and they wont be happy about it.


This isn't even true. Top 3% of the playerbase (here, I can come up with arbitrary statements too) aren't representative of the whole playerbase. The only places you're supposed to "know" are raids and higher-level fractals, anyway. That's roughly 2% of the content in the game, far from "any facet".

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