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what do you think about WvW maps? I'm bored.


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> @Cerby.1069 said:

> if desert bl wasn't blacklisted by a SMALLLL portion of the wvsw community we'd probably have that next map with the release of pof. Just sayin....


> Honestly sprucing up the existing maps would have been a much more amicable move from the start tho. alpine is srsly ugly. ebg suffers from similar problems but its just smooth curves on everything without foliage and other stuff in the way.


lol. most players hated that crappy map.

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Simply adding new maps will not change anything. It's like changing your makeup on a bad face.

The current mode is not fair for many classes. It is necessary to radically change or remove pvp and www. But they did not do this for 5 years and I see no reason why they should start to change something 5 years later.


MO boasts 25k griffons

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i'd like to see new maps, bigger maps even, since you can glide now. i wouldn't want them to add layers to a map since i could imagine deadeyes being on the upper level and just 2 shots everyone within range.

but i highly doubt any of these would happen since there isn't any changes cuz people keep on complaining. lol. to be honest, most people wouldn't want the new maps added cuz they got so used to the old ones, some can run with their eyes closed. why would they want to learn the new maps vibe, you know.

but at least with the release of PoF, i was hoping they add some stuff to the already exist maps, or just polish its worlds a lil bit cuz wvw seems like an outdated content or an abandoned child.

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I'm one of the players that wanted the alpine back, not because I don't like change, but there's just so many anti-fun issues with dbl. It's been a lot better since HOT release, but I still want to see more fixes on DBL first. Anet should quit denying there's something wrong with it.


1. Noticeable FPS drop in DBL compared to alpine and eb

2. Objectives have minimal strategic purposes. Losing towers in alpine can cause direct threat to the keeps beside it, and dbl towers should follow that same principle. The north towers are so kitten out of place, and you won't even see the south towers on the road to the keeps (absolutely no reason for any server to take or keep it beside the extra ppt and karma)

3. I used to hate how vertical the map is, but its been a lot better since gliding. However, please let everyone glide in neutral zones such as the center of the map, or slightly reduce the area of occupied zones so anyone can glide off annoying cliffs towards the center of the map. There's nothing fun detouring around stairs and ramps, running in empty hallway running simulation 95% of the time.

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Please don't ask for complex maps like HoT maps, they were terrible. Multi layer did not work. Don't pretend they did and give them idea's.


A replacement for EB would be nice as opposed to new borders. I also always thought the colours were kinda boring. What if each team represented a dragon or a god? New map could be based around this. Say, one team represents Jormag and their part of the map is shiverpeak like, they get some quirks like frost buffs to towers. Sure there might be some balancing hell involved, but adds a new a dimension instead of making over complicated maps which did not go down well, apart from a vocal tiny minority.

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> @Cerby.1069 said:

> Honestly sprucing up the existing maps would have been a much more amicable move from the start tho. alpine is srsly ugly. ebg suffers from similar problems but its just smooth curves on everything without foliage and other stuff in the way.


As opposed to the roots and rocks that you kick and make you stop like every 10 meters on the desert borderlands? No thanks I'd keep the smooth curves over that any day.


Alpine and Eternal could use a visual update though, but no more garbage on the ground, it's irritating for fights. They've already done some work on ebg to accommodate flying might as well go rest of the way. Alpine they could convert the entire south area into a jungle type, think of Auric basin as the perfect example, and besides that spider forest area always annoyed me with how low the trees are.


> @Jana.6831 said:

> You're right, but I heard that the old maps were in fact developed by the players. I started 1 year after launch, so I have no idea how it worked - but at some point people had a consens as it seems. And a lot of the strategical elements have long been forgotten - it's not just the maps, it's nearly everything.



I don't remember having any sort of discussion on the development of that map in the wvw forums. The first time we got to see it was when it was already done and thrown to beta testing for 2 days, testing which they botched, they didn't even bother to notify their selected testers the second time around, and feedback which they mostly ignored for a while. They ignored our suggestions on improvements for so long I find it hard to believe they would have even taken suggestions from players on it's development in the first place.

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☀OPINION WARNING☀ This post consists of opinion. The fact that I have to state this is ridiculous.


We need to be clear about some fundamentals when it comes to new maps.

I vote FOR maps because I like variety and have always liked the Desert Map. I recognise, however, that many people can't be bothered to learn how to get around and find it unintuitive.


With this in mind, I propose that the developers bear in mind some advice when designing new maps;

* **Purpose**. Weird towers in the middle of nowhere with no strategic point seem strange and are a turn-off for players. "Defend Necropolis", "Why?", "Err... ye I guess it doesn't matter, it has no strategic purpose."

Look at Alpine placements: The towers there all have a point. They are supposed to act as strategic defense points on the map, but also serve as great staging posts for attacking the nearby keeps (even Lake tower is a handy 2nd supply depot). It is for these reasons that it makes sense to build them where they are. That isn't the case on the desert map, unless the players are able to build on the physical towering towers inside the structures (which we aren't) to treb the nearby structures (which aren't nearby).

* **Basic Keep Design**. I'm a little embarrassed that I even have to mention this, but ... let's look at the Desert Map garrison. What a disaster! Lots of vulnerable walls in the wrong places which are difficult to defend. All that effort designing this mega-structure is wasted! This is supposed to be the toughest objective on the map, but instead it's one of the easiest to capture. No wonder people don't bother to defend it. Aside from having the wrong walls made vulnerable (something that seems like a cheap and relatively easy thing to fix), there is the simple fact that it is too big and a lord that is too weak, a lord room that is more difficult to defend than attack!

* **Keeps in Holes**. Bay on Alpine. I get and like the variety of location that this affords us, but building a keep in a hole is a bad idea. Nobody did it in real life and when you play WvW you understand why. Keeps should be on top of hills. That's just a fact.

* **Lords and the Outnumbered Win**. What did Desert Map get right? The Air Keep lord and the Fire Keep Lady Lord (to a slightly lesser extent). These bosses make the side keeps fun to defend. There is always a CHANCE of an outnumbered win. This is what WvW is about, for me. Here are some simple facts about WvW: Attacking is very difficult without a commander. Defending is nearly always done without one, and when a commander tags up to defend, it's often a win, especially with these Lords. This is why the outnumbered win is so special and spectacular. Engineering the potential for this is what makes good game design.

* **Choke Points**. Choke points are great, but I think that the devs should NOT go out of their way to create them. Let them come naturally. Any doorway or hole in a wall becomes a choke point, but it's not something that was designed to be such. Mike was astute enough to state that in PvP and WvW the players own/make the content - the choke points should be one of these things. Again, give players the facility to make choke points, but don't force them on players (example of bad choke points is EotM).

* **Flat Open Fields**. Sometimes players want somewhere to go at it zerg vs zerg without any objectives in the way. These are simple tests of strength, fights practice and give commanders an idea of what their group is capable of, what the enemy are doing, and what they need to work on to improve their performance. You will sometimes see this north of the South Camp on Alpine map or south of Bay on Alpine map or somewhere north of Garrison on Alpine map. There should be some flat open spaces (near each spawn so that dominant sides can wait for the wipees to return). This may seem contrived and against the spirit of WvW, but it's super important for players to bang these fights out. Then they can get back to the structures when they know who the boss really is! (as stated above, the losers will be the defenders and will use the advantage of being in their own structures to try to even the fights out - that's why it's important that being in their own structure ALLOWS them to have an advantage in the fight - something that Desert map garrison fails to provide).


That'll do for now. Stew on that!

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"I am bored" is a very bad position and a dangerous post. The " I am bored and demand a new map" notion got us new maps before, and they were horrible. I cannot believe there are people in the community who did not learn from that mistake. Unless you offer a detailed description of the map you want, I would be very careful about what you wish for.

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New maps please! I hated dbl but now gliding makes it less harsh. But that is only good if the place you want to glide is something you own. I would like a selection of maps and a random choice each week. Sometimes I just see WvW and think ahhh not this 3 way again. It needs something to shake it up.

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I believe we dont need more maps, however I believe the ones we do have to be re-worked (now that we have gliding). HoT brought a map (one that should have had gliding in it from the get go) however most people find it's too "vertical" and it is pretty huge. People complained and thus ABL was brought back. If all these maps were re-worked a bit, that would be all we need imo.

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> @Spurnshadow.3678 said:

> Circular city map with lots of streets, buildings to go up, and open squares with a big central park. Triangle balance.


Considering the verticallity of the keeps in DBL were one of the biggest complaints of those maps, this may not be such a good idea.


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