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What's the point of balancing professions?


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I mean, there will be always meta professions that people will complain about.


Rev was completely useless and asked for buffs, in the last 2 season received pretty good changes and now it's meta viable and already people started to complain about it as too op, basically a thief 2.0 at its role.


I remember when pof dropped holosmith was garbage and just seldom used, and people calling it just a fun but not spectacular elite spec, and we all know the past 3-4 seasons ans the current one being dominated by holos as number 1 soloq meta profession.


Spellbreaker maybe right now it's kinda balanced even tho people complain even about this new tetherbreaker.


So my point is: what's the reason for example to balance and nerf mirage, holo, firebrand and then maybe buff weaver and it will become a meta cancer too?


There will be always overtuned specs in the meta, because the meta are the professions with more powercreep than the others and which works good together, for example fb + scourge combo.


If they nerf to the ground fb + scourge, maybe it will rise ele + reaper or I dunno what else, and people will still complain about those profession too.


Now weaver is barely viable in pvp and only good players can make it work effectively in high ranks, if it will receive serious buffs and become very meta, people will start calling it op and cancer.


I see the balance of profession only a way to change the meta and make it "different" for a while, for example we shifted from a condi fiesta meta to a power burst fiesta right now.


If you ask nerfs for mirage and holo, you can be sure other 2 specs will substitute them in the meta and they will be maybe even worse than before.


What do you guys think?

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What’s the point?

a) change, things become stale and boring after some time.

b) hopefully meta builds that are less frustrating and more fun to play against. My main grief with Condition mirage, soul beast (although the same was true for Druid and spirit ranger, so I guess that will never change), and scourge is not that they are too strong (something always will be) but how boring and frustrating they are to play against, because they are incredibly “spammy” and/or have hardly any animations/casting time. Unless it’s a mirror match, fights often feel like 1 player has all the tools available to him and gets to decide the outcome of the fight whereas the other player/build can only hope that his opponent screws up.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> Rev was completely useless and asked for buffs, in the last 2 season received pretty good changes and now it's meta viable and already people started to complain about it as too op, basically a thief 2.0 at its role.


Don't know why anyone would complain about revenant, it was about time revenant became viable.


> I remember when pof dropped holosmith was garbage and just seldom used, and people calling it just a fun but not spectacular elite spec, and we all know the past 3-4 seasons ans the current one being dominated by holos as number 1 soloq meta profession.


That's because holosmith is easy to play and easy to get good at, whereas core engineer and scrapper require actual skill to play. If you were to ask a holosmith to try and play core engineer with 3-4 kits both in PvE and PvP and knowing stuff like the difference between using projectile finishers in light or water fields, the benefits of blast and leap finishers in certain combo fields, memorizing cooldowns, stacking conditions, they're not going to bother because apparently it's too hard.


As a core engineer main for 5 years, they'll never find out things like Supply Crate creating a smoke field only while the engineer is in combat and detonating the turrets to apply stealth. No, I'm not making this up and don't even bother looking this information on the gw2 wiki, ArenaNet cares so little about core engineer.


> Spellbreaker maybe right now it's kinda balanced even tho people complain even about this new tetherbreaker.


People complain about things they don't know. Even though I'm not a fan of spellbreaker, I do agree that spellbreaker is balanced just fine at least when compared to the BS meta builds like condition mirage and boonbeast.


> So my point is: what's the reason for example to balance and nerf mirage, holo, firebrand and then maybe buff weaver and it will become a meta cancer too?


People don't have problems with meta builds like core guardian, spellbreaker, reaper, core s/d thief and d/p daredevil. Core thief and daredevil have been meta for so long, despite being nerfed plenty of times for the past 2 years. People have problems with the broken meta builds because they make other builds completely obsolete. Like holosmith with core engineer and scrapper, boonbeast with core ranger and druid, mirage with core mesmer and chronomancer etc.


When it comes to support builds, I don't have many issues with powerful support builds like firebrand, it's just that it gets stale having only one viable support build. The balance patch still hasn't been released, so hopefully support scrapper and support tempest get some buffs that they become viable support builds both in PvE and PvP.

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Revenant needed a sword OH nerf coupled with buffs to many other things like removing the root on shield 5 so diversity would be a thing without relying on one shotting people. Instead anet increased the cast time which did very little to solve the problem, and ignored everything else (except disabling the bugged trait which was good but leaves us back where we were before the patch which is 1 viable build completely reliant on one shotting and disadvantaged in the meta because of rampant cc, spam builds which are inherently stronger and easier to play, and heavy condition application).


The point of balancing is to eventually allow different builds to be used for different roles without having one "be all end all" comp. So ideally one day you could choose between having a tempest and a fb as a supp, and choose between reaper and scourge for teamfight damage carry, or you could even choose to go for smaller fights using bruiser builds and try to win that way. It would come down to counter comping people or adapting comps to fit different playstyles rather than just having the cut and dry "this is the one meta comp you can use and if you use anything else you will lose to meta comps because they are just that much more cancerous" Best example of this would be near the start of the cele meta, you had some comps going for a stronger teamfight by running bunker guard and focusing on rotating the teamfight, others focused on side noding and small skirmishes with builds like cele dd ele and cele rifle engi. Both could be used to high level and one didn't have an automatic advantage (First WTS showcased a matchup between a teamfight focused comp and a skirmishing comp, this is what balance would look like)

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > I think all the useless stuff should be buffed instead of focusing solely on nerfs. I want more great working builds.


> Do you want powercreep?

> Because thats the definition of powercreep.


wrong. powercreep is when you buff something so that it outshines the rest. buffing stuff into usefulness is different.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > I think all the useless stuff should be buffed instead of focusing solely on nerfs. I want more great working builds.

> >

> > Do you want powercreep?

> > Because thats the definition of powercreep.


> wrong. powercreep is when you buff something so that it outshines the rest. buffing stuff into usefulness is different.



Because buffing stuff into usefulness means new stuff becomes useless.


Now we have to buff the new useless stuff .


Repeat forever.


The scenario you are thinking of is not realistic.


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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > I think all the useless stuff should be buffed instead of focusing solely on nerfs. I want more great working builds.

> > >

> > > Do you want powercreep?

> > > Because thats the definition of powercreep.

> >

> > wrong. powercreep is when you buff something so that it outshines the rest. buffing stuff into usefulness is different.


> Wrong.

> Because buffing stuff into usefulness means new stuff becomes useless.


> Now we have to buff the new useless stuff .


> Repeat forever.


> The scenario you are thinking of is not realistic.



no lol. its possible to have multiple choices (altho from this balance team it would be a first).

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > I think all the useless stuff should be buffed instead of focusing solely on nerfs. I want more great working builds.


> Do you want powercreep?

> Because thats the definition of powercreep.


No it is not. Buffing underperforming skills is not power creep. It only becomes so, if you continuously buff everything without nerfs. As long as you create a baseline where you buff and nerf skills around, you should not end with power creep.


And there are skills/weapons that have no use in some or all game modes. Adjusting these skills should be beneficial in adding diversity to the already limited number of builds the game has.

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