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Mesmer changes out of touch with player base.


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So, No more real boon share, but we can support the firebrand which gives the most boons.

Do you feel overall, mesmer aside, that the GW2 team is out of touch with the competitive player base?

Is it true they nerf classes based on what destroys them the most in PvP and WvW?

Are nerfs to PvP and WvW because of PvE Raids?


How many hours a day do GW2 devs play in WvW or PvP? Is it casually?


Tell me how you really feel.


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If I told you how I really felt I'd get banned so I'll give you the family friendly version. Devs don't play GW2, its clear as day they are actively trying to piss people off with their troll jobs of balancing. The few times I've seen anet play in WvW (they got an Anet logo at their portrait) they have all been utter trash. It's clear they don't care about their jobs at all and can't wait for their game to die so they can move on and work on other projects. 6 years of troll jobs all while we actually supported them with constructive threads about balancing and gem store purchases. We're such a bunch of s u c k e r s. No more.

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"We want mirages to excel in longer combat engagements, but their burst damage was just too high." - yet they nerfed most of a mirages defences over the last year while bringing them over to nerfing core traits and skills so even chrono and core is affected.


If you want mirage to be less bursty remove everything from jaunt and leave it as a 20s CD condi cleanse and teleport (purity of purpose).

Stop nerfing vigor and instead nerf the damage they do from ambush skills so they stack conditions slowly.

How's about giving them weak stacking conditions like bleed/poison instead of blooming torment and confusion?


It's not just a bit out of touch with the playerbase it's the right hand not knowing what the left is doing.


From the devs I've spoken to they seem fairly nice people and really passionate about the game so believe me I don't like having to say this but it's very inconsistent what they say and then what they do.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> From the devs I've spoken to they seem fairly nice people and really passionate about the game so believe me I don't like having to say this but it's very inconsistent what they say and then what they do.


About inconsistency, I think this is much better example:

_"soulbeasts are currently overperforming in competitive game modes, so we're lowering the power of some of the skills used in their builds"

"Dolyak Stance: This skill no longer applies retaliation. Instead, it now reduces incoming condition damage and physical damage by 33% for the duration of the stance in addition to its other effects."_


Seriously, I rofled like crazy.

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My thoughts, these changes hit WvW Chrono harder than anywhere - it is questionable now if a Chrono is even needed in a Zerg. The only use now are your Veil, Grav and pull and you can do 2 of these things without the Chrono spec. Feelsbadman. Guess I'll have to stick to the (non stopping) Guard meta and have to make a guard now...

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> @"Tiah.3091" said:

> About inconsistency, I think this is much better example:

> _"soulbeasts are currently overperforming in competitive game modes, so we're lowering the power of some of the skills used in their builds"

> "Dolyak Stance: This skill no longer applies retaliation. Instead, it now reduces incoming condition damage and physical damage by 33% for the duration of the stance in addition to its other effects."_


> Seriously, I rofled like crazy.


This here is hilarious. A 30s cd skill that stun breaks, removes movement impairment, and for 6s (9s if traited) SB pretty much can't be CC'd and gets unstripable protection to power/condi damage. Is this a prank?

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> @"Tiah.3091" said:

> About inconsistency, I think this is much better example:

> _"soulbeasts are currently overperforming in competitive game modes, so we're lowering the power of some of the skills used in their builds"

> "Dolyak Stance: This skill no longer applies retaliation. Instead, it now reduces incoming condition damage and physical damage by 33% for the duration of the stance in addition to its other effects."_


> Seriously, I rofled like crazy.


Lol thats a flat buff ?

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ANet devs clearly have never tried to cast (mesmer) wells into a zerg while also hoping teammates walk over them for boons. Transferring boon power from SoI to wells appears to be the intention here, so I'm gonna go ahead and assume ANet has zero idea how effective those wells are in WvW. Alacrity well was only ever used on catapults and shield gens because combat movement renders wells completely ineffective.

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> @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> If mesmer isn't supposed to win matches with portal plays or empower raids/zergs with boons then what is it supposed to do?


> This patch fundamentally ruined the mesmer class identity in every game mode simultaneously.


Roaming just got even harder as a Power Mirage, losing out on 1 Jaunt charge is really, really noticeable. (Portal aswell for us who ran it in roaming)

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> @"RabbitUp.8294" said:

> > @"Tiah.3091" said:

> > About inconsistency, I think this is much better example:

> > _"soulbeasts are currently overperforming in competitive game modes, so we're lowering the power of some of the skills used in their builds"

> > "Dolyak Stance: This skill no longer applies retaliation. Instead, it now reduces incoming condition damage and physical damage by 33% for the duration of the stance in addition to its other effects."_

> >

> > Seriously, I rofled like crazy.


> This here is hilarious. A 30s cd skill that stun breaks, removes movement impairment, and for 6s (9s if traited) SB pretty much can't be CC'd and gets unstripable protection to power/condi damage. Is this a prank?


They actually gave DS a 40s CD but didn't listed that in the patch notes. This is actually a nerf to the stance but the rest is a buff though.

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It depends which portion of the Playerbase you ask. In Raids Chrono was lightyears ahead of any suitable alternatives meaning that to knock Chrono off its throne Anet would of needed to buff FB and Rev to ludicrous levels to even compete for top spot on top of being a one-stop-shop for pretty much every boon in the game easily shared between all 10 players. This was an attempt to balance Chrono in raid which has the unfortunate affect of knocking them down in WvW. They could of possibly done a skill split between the game-mode but that's more of a number tweak and more of a mechanical change, I don't know how far their Skill splitting tech goes.


I don't think they are out of touch with their playerbase. You only need to look to WoW to see a dev team out of touch with its playerbase. This is just a PvE change that's affected PvP. I'm not sure what Anet could of done short of removing SoI completly that would have the same affect in PvE but not being so harsh in PvP

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> @"Morte de Angelis.7986" said:

> It depends which portion of the Playerbase you ask. In Raids Chrono was lightyears ahead of any suitable alternatives meaning that to knock Chrono off its throne Anet would of needed to buff FB and Rev to ludicrous levels to even compete for top spot on top of being a one-stop-shop for pretty much every boon in the game easily shared between all 10 players. This was an attempt to balance Chrono in raid which has the unfortunate affect of knocking them down in WvW. They could of possibly done a skill split between the game-mode but that's more of a number tweak and more of a mechanical change, I don't know how far their Skill splitting tech goes.


> I don't think they are out of touch with their playerbase. You only need to look to WoW to see a dev team out of touch with its playerbase. This is just a PvE change that's affected PvP. I'm not sure what Anet could of done short of removing SoI completly that would have the same affect in PvE but not being so harsh in PvP


They are out of touch with WvW side completely. Unfortunate side effect of knocking it down in wvw??? It has no boonshare in wvw anymore, like theres shield wave and staff 5... Maybe mantra of concentration, but omg we have firebrand.

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> @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > @"Scar.1793" said:

> > Mesmer was overperforming in every game mode. This was bound to happen and tbh I’m happy. Taste despair!Taste what many classes felt since ages! Muahahaha


> Way to post in multiple threads just to say you are happy when others are not. You must be special.


Aye -- just because another class has issues, does _not_ negate the issues at hand for whatever class is actually being discussed.


If we all went around to another's class's forum and said "we're broken too" -- that would solve nothing. We'd all just wallow and whine about being broken. The idea is to expose ideas WHY we FEEL broken and inspire changes for each and every class to move in a positive direction

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> @"Morte de Angelis.7986" said:

> I'm not sure what Anet could of done short of removing SoI completly that would have the same affect in PvE but not being so harsh in PvP


Their stated intent is to make quickness and alacrity the chronos area of specialisation. All that is needed in PvP and WvW is a mobile way of sharing that with allies, like wells in pve. If they had removed the sharing of all boons except quickness and alacrity through SoI many people would've hated it, but chrono would still be useable in Pve and WvW without crowding out other professions boons. It is possible to make space for other classes to boonshare without killing off chrono.

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> @"aintiarna.1038" said:

> > @"Morte de Angelis.7986" said:

> > I'm not sure what Anet could of done short of removing SoI completly that would have the same affect in PvE but not being so harsh in PvP


> Their stated intent is to make quickness and alacrity the chronos area of specialisation. All that is needed in PvP and WvW is a mobile way of sharing that with allies, like wells in pve. If they had removed the sharing of all boons except quickness and alacrity through SoI many people would've hated it, but chrono would still be useable in Pve and WvW without crowding out other professions boons. It is possible to make space for other classes to boonshare without killing off chrono.


I personally would have loved if SoI focused on alacrity and quickness. However, part of that has to do with the fact that a mobile way of sharing quickness and alacrity was hurt by the SoI changes to begin with and this did not only influence PvP and WvW like you say, but PvE as well. Additionally, the devs apparently thought no other changes for mobile alacrity and quickness was needed and 1 sec to each well was fine. If a mobile way of providing alacrity and quickness was provided then I would be 100% fine with the SoI changes, but then why wouldn't they have implemented them in the first place?

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> @"Chasind.3128" said:

> So, No more real boon share, but we can support the firebrand which gives the most boons.

> Do you feel overall, mesmer aside, **that the GW2 team is out of touch with the competitive player base?**

> Is it true they nerf classes based on what destroys them the most in PvP and WvW?

> Are nerfs to PvP and WvW because of PvE Raids?


> How many hours a day do GW2 devs play in WvW or PvP? Is it casually?


> Tell me how you really feel.



May i ask, who is the competitive player base you are referring to? and who are the player base you are referring to? Certainly. not the competitive player base as a whole is concerned about competitiveness?


**'You've got to take responsibility for your own actions. We all know those who reach rock bottom. However much that they're told that what they're doing is hurting themselves or whatever, you cannot make someone do it unless that person reaches the point where they know that they have to deal with it themselves"**


Mesmer, you got to take responsibility for your own actions. We all know the classes who had reached rock bottom. Reaching rock bottom; it's the only way to find yourself again.

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