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Electric Discharge got a hefty nerf?!?


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Yes it's nerfed. Even more than your example for as FA you almost always have significantly more than 200% crit damage, more like 230-250%. The higher you naturally have the less of a benefit the additional 100% is, relatively speaking.


That said pretty much all extra instant damage procs on all classes got nerfed this patch, as a deliberate goal.

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> @"zencow.3651" said:

> Crit damage in PvE gets to around 270% so halved with 370% Crit damage is 58% of what it used to be (42% weaker). This is a HUGE blow for fresh air in competitive modes where ED is the major source of damage.


I believe the revolving theme with this patch was "A single trait should never be a major source of damage." Especially since this trait was a *Minor* trait, that had more value than many Major Grandmaster

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"zencow.3651" said:

> > Crit damage in PvE gets to around 270% so halved with 370% Crit damage is 58% of what it used to be (42% weaker). This is a HUGE blow for fresh air in competitive modes where ED is the major source of damage.


> I believe the revolving theme with this patch was "A single trait should never be a major source of damage." Especially since this trait was a *Minor* trait, that had more value than many Major Grandmaster


And i agree with that. But the core problem is that one of the only semi viable specs HAS to rely on a minor trait...


All of the other classes wouldn't get hurt that much by such a change, but ele is in such a bad spot that it actually really hurts... especially combined with the tempest defense nerf.



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> @"Extacy.6192" said:

> Yes i know. I didn't even want to start talking about non crits...


> But crit dmg is calculated by base dmg... if the base dmg is reduced by 50% it's not worth anything...


> 50 DMG x 300% crit dmg = 150 DMG


> vs


> 100 DMG x 200% crit dmg =200 DMG


there just seem to be some wording ambiguity. i think what anet meant was half the base dmg, but double the crtic dmg, so the crtic dmg dealt will still be the same as before since the 2's cancel each other out:


C = character's critc dmg multiplier = constant (aka doesnt matter in the equation)


(old critc dmg) = **C x (base dmg)**


(new critc dmg) = C x 2 x [(base dmg) / 2] = C x [(100% of base dmg) + (100% new critc dmg increase)] x [(base dmg) x 50%] = **C x (base dmg)**


your interpretation & math basically left out the (100% of base dmg) multiplier. As for what anet really meant? we wont know unless they clarify (but they probably wont because they dont read this spam subforum)


This is all assuming you do critc of course. We all know we dont have 100% critc chance in pvp, and whether or not FA eles' elecrtic discharge has less base dmg now (but still do the same dmg as before when you do critc) is a nerf in general is up for debate. I personally think that's a nerf.

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> Electric Discharge: The critical damage of this trait has been increased by 100%. Its base damage has been reduced by 50%.


> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> there just seem to be some wording ambiguity. i think what anet meant was half the base dmg, but double the crtic dmg, so the crtic dmg dealt will still be the same as before since the 2's cancel each other out:


I would note that if they meant double damage, they could have easily said double damage. The "increased by 100%" was quite deliberate and reflects that its effect is additive rather than multiplicative.


> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> C = character's critc dmg multiplier = constant (aka doesnt matter in the equation)


> (old critc dmg) = **C x (base dmg)**


> (new critc dmg) = C x 2 x [(base dmg) / 2] = C x [(100% of base dmg) + (100% new critc dmg increase)] x [(base dmg) x 50%] = **C x (base dmg)**


Others above skipped some steps in getting there, so it may have been unclear, but the *actual* calculation for crifical damage is as follows:

critical damage = (base damage) x (1.50 + (ferocity / 1500))

(see [Critical Damage](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Critical_Damage))


With the patch, critical damage for electric discharge should now be the following:

critical damage = (base damage x 0.5) x (1.50 + (ferocity / 1500) + 1)


We can simplify that a bit to the following:

critical damage = (base damage) x (1.25 + (ferocity / 3000))


So, even if you assume electric discharge crits 100% of the time, it's a straight-up damage nerf. Additionally, it scales worse with ferocity than before.



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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"zencow.3651" said:

> > Crit damage in PvE gets to around 270% so halved with 370% Crit damage is 58% of what it used to be (42% weaker). This is a HUGE blow for fresh air in competitive modes where ED is the major source of damage.


> I believe the revolving theme with this patch was "A single trait should never be a major source of damage." Especially since this trait was a *Minor* trait, that had more value than many Major Grandmaster


Actually the theme is more to scale down "instant damage" from traits as instant cast/auto cast abilities generally cannot be avoided. Chill of death no longer crits, attacks that can crit have had their base damage reduced resulting in a nerf overall.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > @"zencow.3651" said:

> > > Crit damage in PvE gets to around 270% so halved with 370% Crit damage is 58% of what it used to be (42% weaker). This is a HUGE blow for fresh air in competitive modes where ED is the major source of damage.

> >

> > I believe the revolving theme with this patch was "A single trait should never be a major source of damage." Especially since this trait was a *Minor* trait, that had more value than many Major Grandmaster


> Actually the theme is more to scale down "instant damage" from traits as instant cast/auto cast abilities generally cannot be avoided. Chill of death no longer crits, attacks that can crit have had their base damage reduced resulting in a nerf overall.


This nerf is unfair for professions that have or rely on those traits, especially when it is a minor trait that you can't avoid.


Passive damage is unwelcomed? Rework those traits to something active.


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> @"Aigleborgne.2981" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > > @"zencow.3651" said:

> > > > Crit damage in PvE gets to around 270% so halved with 370% Crit damage is 58% of what it used to be (42% weaker). This is a HUGE blow for fresh air in competitive modes where ED is the major source of damage.

> > >

> > > I believe the revolving theme with this patch was "A single trait should never be a major source of damage." Especially since this trait was a *Minor* trait, that had more value than many Major Grandmaster

> >

> > Actually the theme is more to scale down "instant damage" from traits as instant cast/auto cast abilities generally cannot be avoided. Chill of death no longer crits, attacks that can crit have had their base damage reduced resulting in a nerf overall.


> This nerf is unfair for professions that have or rely on those traits, especially when it is a minor trait that you can't avoid.


> Passive damage is unwelcomed? Rework those traits to something active.



I also play powerblock interrupt mesmer, you know that got the same treatment too right? A trait that needs you to time CC to get any benefit from and that is completely countered by stab and usually blocks likewise no longer benefits from crits, you see about 1300 damage from it in WvW, PvP is probably less. It wasn't really an issue for damage yet got nerfed pretty hard because of the blanket policy which I agree with in principle.

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