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I dunno where to begin.


Previous damage nerfs were fine and understandable to prevent it stacking with burst. Charge cooldown increase to 30s which again fair enough reduced the spammability. And now only 2 charges in pvp/wvw... this is kind of going too far.


It only ports you 450 units, how is this necessary or even reasonable - especially in wvw, I truly fail to see how Jaunt was overpowered there with 3 charges. Sure if they want to restrict mobility in pvp then go for it, I don't play there anymore to comment on that, but this should not have been applied to wvw where the distances are so huge that a third jaunt charge is hardly game breaking.


Ideally would be nice to get the 3rd charge back in wvw, but knowing these things never go backwards - at least bring the charge cooldown to 20s and maybe bump up the range to 500 or 600 units - ie half of blink, for two charges.

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They most definitely went too far. The Portal, Jaunt and Power Block changes makes no sense what so ever in WvW. Change it in PVP for all I care but revert the changes in WvW immediately. None of these 3 items were an issue in WvW, they might have been in sPVP (maybe not Power Block that change was just full hurr durr). Jaunt should have 3 charges of 30 second recharge, simply remove the confusion and boom, problem solved. The problem that is full blown condi Mirage has to do with how easy it is to stack large amounts of torment and confusion on the target and how easy it is to reapply them. Remove a stack or 2 of torment on axe ambush, remove a stack or 2 of confusion on axe 3 (on top of cooldown changes already made).


Guys ask yourselves this, was Power Block an issue in WvW? ? Was Portal an issue in WvW in current patch where you kinda can't hide in keeps anymore? Was 3 charges of Jaunt that abusive to people? .. Running full zerk/assa/marauder mix or whatever gives you around 1900 armor. With this I take over 10k hammer bolts in the face, 10-15k Soulbeast longbow auto attacks from far far away. Today I was legit 1 shot (twice) by a Malicious Backstab without the Deadeye even marking me, simply running around boom dead without any warning or tell at all. Somehow this is OK and intended. This was just an example of many things that are truly oppressive in WvW but are considered acceptable. Just give us Power mesmers back our ability to crit with Power Block, give us back our charge of Jaunt, remove the confusion on it for all I care but we need that third charge to stay alive.


I mean come on Anet, you even said it yourselves in the patch notes:

"... We've also reduced the power of mirages in PvP in order to lower their burst damage." - Ok so barely nothing was done about Condi Mirage burst which is the real culprit, but you touched Power Block that very few people use.. mkay. And why was this changed in WvW?


"We want mirages to excel in longer combat engagements, but their burst damage was just too high." - Hmmmm ok so having 1 charge less of Jaunt will somehow make me excel in longer fights? How? Maybe I just need to git gud to understand? Maybe having played over 7000 hours of Mesmer isn't enough to understand.

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Sometimes they seem to be lazy to check out WvW counterpart, oh Jaunt and Portal are very strong in sPvP, they are maybe very strong in WvW as well, let's not split and apply to both just in case.

This patch seriously seemed very rushed tho.

Theh were saying a lot about an improvement of splitting skills per gamemode to make all the gamemode separated. And instead what's applied on sPvP was applied in WvW as well, maybe laziness to split who knows.

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> @"Skada.1362" said:

> They most definitely went too far. The Portal, Jaunt and Power Block changes makes no sense what so ever in WvW. Change it in PVP for all I care but revert the changes in WvW immediately. None of these 3 items were an issue in WvW, they might have been in sPVP (maybe not Power Block that change was just full hurr durr). Jaunt should have 3 charges of 30 second recharge, simply remove the confusion and boom, problem solved. The problem that is full blown condi Mirage has to do with how easy it is to stack large amounts of torment and confusion on the target and how easy it is to reapply them. Remove a stack or 2 of torment on axe ambush, remove a stack or 2 of confusion on axe 3 (on top of cooldown changes already made).


> Guys ask yourselves this, was Power Block an issue in WvW? ? Was Portal an issue in WvW in current patch where you kinda can't hide in keeps anymore? Was 3 charges of Jaunt that abusive to people? .. Running full zerk/assa/marauder mix or whatever gives you around 1900 armor. With this I take over 10k hammer bolts in the face, 10-15k Soulbeast longbow auto attacks from far far away. Today I was legit 1 shot (twice) by a Malicious Backstab without the Deadeye even marking me, simply running around boom dead without any warning or tell at all. Somehow this is OK and intended. This was just an example of many things that are truly oppressive in WvW but are considered acceptable. Just give us Power mesmers back our ability to crit with Power Block, give us back our charge of Jaunt, remove the confusion on it for all I care but we need that third charge to stay alive.


> I mean come on Anet, you even said it yourselves in the patch notes:

> "... We've also reduced the power of mirages in PvP in order to lower their burst damage." - Ok so barely nothing was done about Condi Mirage burst which is the real culprit, but you touched Power Block that very few people use.. mkay. And why was this changed in WvW?


> "We want mirages to excel in longer combat engagements, but their burst damage was just too high." - Hmmmm ok so having 1 charge less of Jaunt will somehow make me excel in longer fights? How? Maybe I just need to git gud to understand? Maybe having played over 7000 hours of Mesmer isn't enough to understand.


Yeah well said. Given their statement of "lower their burst damage", I'm confused why condi durations/stacks weren't shaved in appropriate places such as Ineptitude, axe ambush, and so on. But instead we get mobility nerfed by removing a Jaunt charge - and due to mirage's paper thin sustain outside of spamming evades/invulns with mobility and a tiny bit of stealth (ie when you get hit, it hurts), this kind of also goes against their statement of "We want mirages to excel in longer combat engagements"... It comes across that the nerfs don't match the intention stated, especially in wvw.


I suppose they may have been thinking removing one jaunt charge to disincentivise use for burst enhancement, so the remaining two are encouraged to only be used defensively - but the reality in wvw is that those three 450 unit teleports are sometimes barely enough to kite with in open field, unless used in addition with other teleports (ie blink/staff2/IA etc) or flying around with mirage thrust.

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Kind of offtopic but I get the pb nerf (some "famous" mesmer player called it a buff lul), if you stacked the previous pb + new lost time you could get some 5k rupt crits. With that said I would've like to maintain the previous pb and don't change lost time.


As for the new jaunt if it was an utility it would be good, for an elite is trash.

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> @"Skada.1362" said:

> Jaunt should have 3 charges of 30 second recharge, simply remove the confusion and boom, problem solved.


I don't agree with that part. Don't forget, this is not just simply a skill on your toolbar. It's an Elite. & having an Elite that let's you blink at 450 range per charge is not an Elite in my book. It's more like a lesser minor number 5 on the thief shortbow. Add Distortion or Reflect or something if you don't want damage but i really don't agree that Jaunt should be simply a small blink.


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> @"Skada.1362" said:

> Change it in PVP for all I care but revert the changes in WvW immediately.

Jaunt nerf was equally uncalled for in PvP as well. **It was DEFINITELY not done for the sake of reducing mobility.**

I mean - what is 450 dash with 30s cooldown anyways, compared to Mirage Thrust 600 dash per 7s? What is it, compared to Portal?

Portal was OBVIOUS mobility nerf, yes. Jaunt? I don't think so.


Jaunt in pvp is tactical reposition in the first place, burst - in second place, and condi cleanse in third.

And those nerfs wete really uncalled for.


Probably they wanted to reduce burst damage. But it could be done by reducing confu stacks from 3 to 2.


> Today I was legit 1 shot (twice) by a Malicious Backstab without the Deadeye even marking me, simply running around boom dead without any warning or tell at all. Somehow this is OK and intended. This was just an example of many things that are truly oppressive in WvW but are considered acceptable.

And that's how you can guess, that devs don't really give any serious fucks about WvW. And who can blame them? Spvp is hella hard to balance with all its linearized gear and rune/sigil restrictions.

WvW - I don't think its possible to balance at all.



Devs don't give a fuck about wvw balance and rightfully so, because its an impossible job to do.

Therefore, Jaunt was explicitly pvp targeted nerf, but never the less - extremely uncalled for.



Not just Jaunt, but his whole patch had some VERY questionable changes.

Like Dolyak stance MASSIVE buff for soulbeasts. Who were ALREADY OVERPERFORMING (even according to devs themselves - in that very fucking post).

Or lead attack nerf absurdiness. And, at the same time, ENTIRELY ignoring The Cancerstorm synergy with Improvisation AIDS.

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> @"Tiah.3091" said:

> #P.S.

> Not just Jaunt, but his whole patch had some VERY questionable changes.

> Like Dolyak stance MASSIVE buff for soulbeasts. Who were ALREADY OVERPERFORMING (even according to devs themselves - in that very kitten post).

> Or lead attack nerf absurdiness. And, at the same time, ENTIRELY ignoring The Cancerstorm synergy with Improvisation AIDS.

Its been said many times. Meme on that dolyak stance....

Cancerstorm and improvisation completely ignored like it was amazing change . When DE drop antireveal for DS thats make you think something is really wrong xD

Among all specs since Anet refuse to make reasonable changed and rework/buff outdated(useless) elites , just let us take freaking utilities in elite slot . Mimic would take place on elite skill and would be infintiely better than any mesmer elite (probably not Gwell but for sure better than the rest)

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > Jaunt should have 3 charges of 30 second recharge, simply remove the confusion and boom, problem solved.


> I don't agree with that part. Don't forget, this is not just simply a skill on your toolbar. It's an Elite. & having an Elite that let's you blink at 450 range per charge is not an Elite in my book. It's more like a lesser minor number 5 on the thief shortbow. Add Distortion or Reflect or something if you don't want damage but i really don't agree that Jaunt should be simply a small blink.



Not an elite? You can jaunt while stunned or immoblized...it removes a condition and can do aoe dmg....


Jaunt on a "Mirage Cloak" with "Dune Cloak" = You inflict x3 Bleed + x3 Confusion + Get Evade / Ambush skill and you clean x1 Condition, all that in one area.


Not to mention the kiting potential of jumping up and down ledges. U can literally sit next to a wall on capricon or forest. If a warrior stuns u. Just jaunt up. N he would be forced to move back or run around.


It's strong for people who know how to use it.



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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > > Jaunt should have 3 charges of 30 second recharge, simply remove the confusion and boom, problem solved.

> >

> > I don't agree with that part. Don't forget, this is not just simply a skill on your toolbar. It's an Elite. & having an Elite that let's you blink at 450 range per charge is not an Elite in my book. It's more like a lesser minor number 5 on the thief shortbow. Add Distortion or Reflect or something if you don't want damage but i really don't agree that Jaunt should be simply a small blink.

> >


> Not an elite? You can jaunt while stunned or immoblized...it removes a condition and can do aoe dmg....


> Jaunt on a "Mirage Cloak" with "Dune Cloak" = You inflict x3 Bleed + x3 Confusion + Get Evade / Ambush skill and you clean x1 Condition, all that in one area.


> Not to mention the kiting potential of jumping up and down ledges. U can literally sit next to a wall on capricon or forest. If a warrior stuns u. Just jaunt up. N he would be forced to move back or run around.


> It's strong for people who know how to use it.



You always barge in memser forum/threads to say some crap that you have no clue about.Thief mains have a bad habit of coming here and spit their nonsense >: (

Especially meme'ing proof with that DUNE CLOAK example (skills can be used being immobilized,what a shocker!)... By adding random crp like this doesnt make your comment look more solid but more dumb . Made me think actually to create a thread because how pathetic dune cloak is...


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Dune cloak is SO OP can we nerf it and give back jaunt the 3rd charge?

while at it, nerf Elusive mind too 6 seconds doesn't feel enough, and that damn trait egotism it is helping the Mesmer soooo much to burst targets down, specially those with perma protection.


As for tinyreborn no need to make a thread about it, next on the nerfs list is IH probably, they will make sure that Dune cloak looks attractive to choose xD

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> @"Heartpains.7312" said:

> Dune cloak is SO OP can we nerf it and give back jaunt the 3rd charge?

> while at it, nerf Elusive mind too 6 seconds doesn't feel enough, and that kitten trait egotism it is helping the Mesmer soooo much to burst targets down, specially those with perma protection.


> As for tinyreborn no need to make a thread about it, next on the nerfs list is IH probably, they will make sure that Dune cloak looks attractive to choose xD


Well ... In this case chrono would be attractive more than anything mirage have xD

Small reminder ...Vent exhaust have MORE damage with BURN+more power damage(tho cant crit now)+ its trigger vent therapy+cooling down forge ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PERMA VIGOR which mesmer...doesnt have xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > > > Jaunt should have 3 charges of 30 second recharge, simply remove the confusion and boom, problem solved.

> > >

> > > I don't agree with that part. Don't forget, this is not just simply a skill on your toolbar. It's an Elite. & having an Elite that let's you blink at 450 range per charge is not an Elite in my book. It's more like a lesser minor number 5 on the thief shortbow. Add Distortion or Reflect or something if you don't want damage but i really don't agree that Jaunt should be simply a small blink.

> > >

> >

> > Not an elite? You can jaunt while stunned or immoblized...it removes a condition and can do aoe dmg....

> >

> > Jaunt on a "Mirage Cloak" with "Dune Cloak" = You inflict x3 Bleed + x3 Confusion + Get Evade / Ambush skill and you clean x1 Condition, all that in one area.

> >

> > Not to mention the kiting potential of jumping up and down ledges. U can literally sit next to a wall on capricon or forest. If a warrior stuns u. Just jaunt up. N he would be forced to move back or run around.

> >

> > It's strong for people who know how to use it.

> >

> >

> You always barge in memser forum/threads to say some kitten that you have no clue about.Thief mains have a bad habit of coming here and spit their nonsense >: (

> Especially meme'ing proof with that DUNE CLOAK example (skills can be used being immobilized,what a shocker!)... By adding random crp like this doesnt make your comment look more solid but more dumb . Made me think actually to create a thread because how pathetic dune cloak is...



ll I here is blablabla my opinion matters yours doesn't cos I main a class blablab


How does it make my comment look dumb by stating how it works? Lol the stuipdity of that is insane.


Your comment looks dumb when you don't explain anything and just say it's not elite worthy.


Getting out if immo and daze is massive. If A warrior stuns you and hundred blades ur kinda screwed. But jaunting out of place so it misses is massive.



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I find it funny that they keep nerfing and nerfing mesmers things, things like vigor access etc, and then .... I see a target and I use arcane thievery to remove some of the god damn boons and then I see that I have 25sec of vigor =D


As if they don't nerf chrono as well lol, honestly they nerf mirage, chrono and core, they are throwing darts on the dartboard! xD

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> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > > > Jaunt should have 3 charges of 30 second recharge, simply remove the confusion and boom, problem solved.

> > >

> > > I don't agree with that part. Don't forget, this is not just simply a skill on your toolbar. It's an Elite. & having an Elite that let's you blink at 450 range per charge is not an Elite in my book. It's more like a lesser minor number 5 on the thief shortbow. Add Distortion or Reflect or something if you don't want damage but i really don't agree that Jaunt should be simply a small blink.

> > >

> >

> > Not an elite? You can jaunt while stunned or immoblized...it removes a condition and can do aoe dmg....

> >

> > Jaunt on a "Mirage Cloak" with "Dune Cloak" = You inflict x3 Bleed + x3 Confusion + Get Evade / Ambush skill and you clean x1 Condition, all that in one area.

> >

> > Not to mention the kiting potential of jumping up and down ledges. U can literally sit next to a wall on capricon or forest. If a warrior stuns u. Just jaunt up. N he would be forced to move back or run around.

> >

> > It's strong for people who know how to use it.

> >

> >

> You always barge in memser forum/threads to say some kitten that you have no clue about.Thief mains have a bad habit of coming here and spit their nonsense >: (

> Especially meme'ing proof with that DUNE CLOAK example (skills can be used being immobilized,what a shocker!)... By adding random crp like this doesnt make your comment look more solid but more dumb . Made me think actually to create a thread because how pathetic dune cloak is...



For the record. I also play mes. I play half the classes in gw. I don't comment on classes I don't play lol. Looks like you have no idea how to use jaunt. Stop crying. Blocked.

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TorQ I don't wanna argue but I do wanna discuss, can you tell me why in the world would you or anyone use that Dune cloak? xD

btw with jaunt being 2 charges, emmmm my build would have only 3 condi clears, 2 jaunts and torch 4, the rest will be arcane thievery and F4 to handle (arcane thievery can be risky sometimes).


Mirage don't just uses the dodge/jaunt for one specific thing attacking, and if the explanation for the changes were to make mirage better the longer the combat is, this change is definitely the opposite of that, how are we gonna last longer? and if we do how are we gonna benefit from it? running out of condi clears? or running out of some mobility to kite?


Now, back to Dune cloak, can you please tell me why would you use that over IH? oh and btw now you gotta be really careful while trying to use jaunt.

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> ll I here is blablabla my opinion matters yours doesn't cos I main a class blablab

Because you have done nothing but crying how OP mesmer and how its carry you from silver to gold or something lul

> How does it make my comment look dumb by stating how it works? Lol the stuipdity of that is insane.

Stating how its work? More like 'look I used few skills and they did things!' while mentioning worthless GM trait. There is only your stupidity there

> Your comment looks dumb when you don't explain anything and just say it's not elite worthy.

Because its been told why many times? I have to copypaste everypost about it for clueless/blind people?

> Getting out if immo and daze is massive. If A warrior stuns you and hundred blades ur kinda screwed. But jaunting out of place so it misses is massive.

Another dumb example ... As I said every skill can be used in immob. Even more daze doesnt stop you from moving . Warrior stunned me? Id use blink/ staff 2/IA which is free to use whenever and on lower CD and have further teleport than 450 range

>For the record. I also play mes. I play half the classes in gw. I don't comment on classes I don't play lol. Looks like you have no idea how to use jaunt. Stop crying. Blocked.

I wish I could block people like you to never seen your post but its not implemented yet . All I seen from you cry in thieves forum how poor thieves are weak and how you smashing your face against keyboard to get to gold on baindead mesmer and its must be stopped . :joy:

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > > Jaunt should have 3 charges of 30 second recharge, simply remove the confusion and boom, problem solved.

> >

> > I don't agree with that part. Don't forget, this is not just simply a skill on your toolbar. It's an Elite. & having an Elite that let's you blink at 450 range per charge is not an Elite in my book. It's more like a lesser minor number 5 on the thief shortbow. Add Distortion or Reflect or something if you don't want damage but i really don't agree that Jaunt should be simply a small blink.

> >


> Not an elite? You can jaunt while stunned or immoblized...it removes a condition and can do aoe dmg....


> Jaunt on a "Mirage Cloak" with "Dune Cloak" = You inflict x3 Bleed + x3 Confusion + Get Evade / Ambush skill and you clean x1 Condition, all that in one area.


> Not to mention the kiting potential of jumping up and down ledges. U can literally sit next to a wall on capricon or forest. If a warrior stuns u. Just jaunt up. N he would be forced to move back or run around.


> It's strong for people who know how to use it.




I stopped reading at dune cloak. If you're going to comment on a class, at least have some basic understanding of how it actually works instead of just reading wiki

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