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> @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> Honestly it’s a good trait, but the signers themselves are kinda garbage. If the signets were better it would be worth taking.


Exactly this. The trait is downright amazing, but the best signet is Plague Signet, which actively gets worse with this trait. Consider that just 10 seconds of Shroud already reduces the recharge by double what similar traits do on other professions.


Signet of Vampirisim is pretty good when traited, but I really would like at least one more good signet that I would want to trait. Closest I like is Signet of the Locust, which overlaps in function. If Signet of Undeath had a shorter cast time, I think it would be exceptionally strong in competitive formats.

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> @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> Honestly it’s a good trait, but the signers themselves are kinda garbage. If the signets were better it would be worth taking.


Exactly. The trait would be actually pretty good if the signet were better.

Signet of vampirism and plague signet are the only good one in my opinion but as a heal it could use a little bit reduced cast time because 1 1/4 sec is like showing an enemie your bare chest to ram his sword into. And plague signet gets kinda worse when you take the trait bc you don't actually want conditions on you also more often than not you somewhere get blinded by it and your cast misses.

Signet of spite has the problem that the passive is nice for power builds but the active is the complete opposite and fits more a condi buils but than again you have an absurdly long cool down. Would be nice if it had guardians bane signet active but one can only dream I guess.

Signet of the locusts passiv is more or less outdated now that we both have the move speed trait in blood magic and the swiftness trait in soul reaping, though the active is quite nice if you can land it on a few people.

Signet of undeath doesn't need work at all I would say, the cooldown is in line with other revive skills, cast time is OK too because other than signet of mercy from guards it revives 3 people and the passive is quite nice too and fitting to the theme of the skill.

So really only the signets need work to be done but I guess there are more urgent problems with necro in general.

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > Honestly it’s a good trait, but the signers themselves are kinda garbage. If the signets were better it would be worth taking.


> Exactly this. The trait is downright amazing, but the best signet is Plague Signet, which actively gets worse with this trait. Consider that just 10 seconds of Shroud already reduces the recharge by double what similar traits do on other professions.


> Signet of Vampirisim is pretty good when traited, but I really would like at least one more good signet that I would want to trait. Closest I like is Signet of the Locust, which overlaps in function. If Signet of Undeath had a shorter cast time, I think it would be exceptionally strong in competitive formats.


Plague sig needs its passive to be changed to +180 condi damage. It would give necro a second stat-gain signet and fix that trait problem in one go.

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I dont miss the old signets of suffering because the current one is good actually.

The signets are just a bit under powered in some aspects. Some of them need to change while others just need some QoL love imo


Signet of locust is a bit to situational ( possibly should be near instant cast if not nothing more than a fraction of a second.)


Signet of spite's base cooldown is WAYYY TOO HIGH for the effect you get. The power bonus is good when traited the active is garbage regardless if you play power or condition. The strike damage is low, its missing some of the better damaging conditions, The few damaging conditions it has are applied in stacks far too low and overall its a signet that is not fit for the passive it has. Signet of spite should literally be what the old power scepter use to be.

Passive power increase, Active Deals heavy damage that plus increased damage for each condition on your foe (make it apply less conditions but conditions fitting for power builds vuln, weakness, blind, cripple, slow) remove the damaging conditions from it.


Plauge signet needs to lose its supportive function from its passive. It could consume a condition for hp or life force every few seconds and the number of conditions eaten goes to 2 when traited


Signet of undeath is almost perfect as is. It literally just needs a shorter cast time.


Vamp signet is actually pretty good maybe although a QoL change that needs to happen is the the timing of when the active use hp is restored. Currently Hp is restored after the after cast completes not when the cast time completes. So you finish casting and there is about a .25 to a .50 of a second before the hp is actually granted to you that ontop of the skills long cast time is very annoying.

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