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Low plat against premade of 2 Gods of PvP with top 3 and top 7 rating this season


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> @Aoi.8570 said:

> As in title. I'm a very low plat player (1550-1600 rating) and I got matched with Gods of PvP in enemy team about 5 times this week. How can this be possible? I know they may have no people to play with so their queue's would be very long, but who cares? They're already high in rating so why are you matching them with people 400 points below? Stop it.


Is there any way to know the ranking of the players other than searching for their names in the ladderbord?



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> @"silent killer.5732" said:

> > @Aoi.8570 said:

> > As in title. I'm a very low plat player (1550-1600 rating) and I got matched with Gods of PvP in enemy team about 5 times this week. How can this be possible? I know they may have no people to play with so their queue's would be very long, but who cares? They're already high in rating so why are you matching them with people 400 points below? Stop it.


> Is there any way to know the ranking of the players other than searching for their names in the ladderbord?




You can add them to friends, then they'll appear in ur "friends and guild" list.



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the problem is not the top tier players queuing together, but it's Anet matchmaking system.

these guys would always queue together cuz they're top tier. you can't queue with much lower rank than yours. it's almost like Anet expect you to win. cuz if you lose, the losing rating is unbearable, vary from 40 to 100 points per match depend on how big of a gap between yall ranks. higher rank players wouldn't want to q with lower rank for this very reason. losing a few matches and you'll throw off all your hard work.

and the fact that these top tier guys are great players on their own, queuing together pushed them to the top too. they have a whole Discord for top tier where you share tips, tricks, daily stuff and also a ton of drama especially on NA side.


you can solo q all you want, you always have a choice. but i just hate that they match you with duo q on the other team. so they clearly have an advantage.

i think a lot of us don't care much about sPvP when duo queue came out. it's good, don't get me wrong. it's based on real skills rather than carrying with a full premade. but it's also trash at the same time especially with this MMR, you win or lose based heavily on RNG and what team mates you're gonna get. you either rekt or get rekt'.

not to mention sometimes you get to queue with lower divisions and for the most part you have no idea, unless you ask for people rating. some other times, you'll get unlucky to get into the pool of legendary rank and all these top players. it's sPvP for you. sigh.


i just don't understand why Anet opened a sPvP season in the middle of an expac release. usually it'd be at least 2-3 months before a new season begins. i wasn't over my last season cuz i had work and my ranking dropped like nuts, couldn't get back in time before season ends. and a few weeks later my friends asked me to q with them cuz the new season was on. like what? you can't expect much when all these new elites are condi oriented too. it doesn't help the balance of the game and build diversity.


they care about sPvP, yes they do. new duo q system, rewards system and all that. but the most important thing is the matchmaking is shit, and it'll throw everything they tried out of the windows.

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Yes long queues would be better. I dont want people 300 MMR below me or above me in my matches. Why should match quality suffer to get the top couple percent better queues? Thats ludicrous. Its a self defeating prophecy anyway the game has a smaller population which leads to longer queues because there are so many bad matches. More frequent bad matches are not the answer to anything but appeasing a very small part of the player base. I was in match with a mid silver player I admit I layed into him he said whats the big deal your silver too I was um no dude Im 300 MMR + above you.

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