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silent killer.5732

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Everything posted by silent killer.5732

  1. > @"wilykcat.5864" said: > My favorite fractal boss is Viirastra from Shattered Observatory. This boss is very cool looking because she is made from stars and has warrior markings. This boss is very fun to fight. I cant come up with more to say unfortunately, dont expect much. > > To me I like the siren's reef boss
  2. > @"mizaru.1385" said: > Guardians are too annoyingly unbalanced that its basically 4 Guardians (FB) + 1 Rev (alac slave). Thats the answer for almost anything the game throws at u This. I truly have no clue why they never done anything to balance them The guardian is literally the best at everything except being an alac which they most likely would be one in the next expansion
  3. > @"Dadnir.5038" said: > The build sacrificing efficiency for survivability, I am not surprised that it's not listed as "meta". Why would it be? Unless you're looking for a spot as a "tank", being undying at the cost of 4-5k dps isn't looked kindly on. I find that the more skilled you become the less survivability you need such as stability and constant healing. If you use this build not to heal yourself if you are skilled enough to fight without the need of using the barriers to your favor but to keep the condis on your party in check than this build shine the most If other scourges tries to run barriers a bit more I can see it be more viable obviously not to the point where it becomes meta but you can always go back and forth in changing the treats to go back to full dps
  4. > @"LuRkEr.9462" said: > Sacrificing 4-5k dps is alot for some tankiness when almost all pugs will run a healbrand. Is this build for T4s and CMs? Typically most don't even want a scourge except for one fractal.. reaper has far higher burst damage which is what most want. > > Maybe record a video, but it does sound like it would slow t4 groups down but may be good for carrying lower fractals. Man I've been carrying a lot of bugs with this build but people just doesn't want to give any credibility to any scourges because of the talk that says only reaper is valid in t4 I'm not good cm player even if I run my reaper the result remains the same lol but in t4 this build can fix any mistakes that anyone does its not me who's undead The whole party became very hard to go down especially if you know whats going to happen and you time your barriers and safe them to condi cleanse the big stack of condis. I might be able to try to record but I don't promise any good quality my pc is so effed up
  5. > @"Anchoku.8142" said: > Necro mains, which professions are your favorite alternate to play and why? > > Or, if Necro is not your current main, is it a favorite alternate and why? > > * List as many as you like. > * State game mode(s) you like it in. > * State specialization, if one stands out. > * Is it power, condi, support or some hybrid? > * Does a weapon stand out? > > This corner of the forum has gotten boring and a discussion about what you like may offer clues to the next elites. > > Also, feel free to quibble about other people's choices as long as it is constructive or instructive. I only play necro if I got bored with my scourge I change to power reaper if I don't want to play dps I play heal scourge Ever since I created my necro I fall in love with it pretty much
  6. To all of yous who wants necro nerfs even though the necro is not even in the top tier conversations in the eyes of the good players. In behalf of all necros I would like to say we are willing and ready to lose our shroud. But we want aegis and stealth in return. And we want telepot so we can run away when things went south.
  7. > @"Wuffy.9732" said: > So I notice in fractals and raids that more and people tend to be running condi firebrand. This is more prevalent in fractals where condi FB is being requested more frequently for 100cm now too, and this may or may not discourage players who do not play condi FB, by discrimination. I normally main Necro(reaper/scourge) and Warrior(berserker), but even I decided to go and make a condi FB recently and tested out my dps in the Aerodome Training Area. And I gotta say, compared to both my reaper and berserker, condi fb just blows them away by up to 5k-10k more dps. With far easier rotations. > > So this pegs the question, is the current state of condi FB OP? For other condi classes, they don't even come close. Condi FB burst damage is insane; 33k-40k burn damage!? and 30-35k sustain condi damage? Something doesn't seem right with that lol... I used these build/guides as a reference before I made a condi FB: > > > > Now I'm **not **calling for nerfs either. If anet will acknowledge that other classes might just be under performing, then perhaps buffing other condi classes maybe the right thing to do. For instance, I've always been disappointed in how anet has handled scourge when it comes to condition damage. I mean sure, against multiple mobs, scourge performs outstandingly (because of epidemic usually). But against single target enemies, scourge under-performs really badly... And that's kind of disappointing for a "Necromancer" if you ask me... > > What are yalls thoughts? Is condi FB too OP or should anet consider reworking other classes where condition damage is still an option. > > Fractals is all about guardians They are the meta healers One of the top condi dps classes One of the top power dps They been struggling in fitting in the alac spot so it’s only fair for them to get that boon buff soon or else their new elite spec will be fully dedicated to be alac
  8. > @"Shroud.2307" said: > > @"silent killer.5732" said: > > Man I've been helping people left and right from t1 to t4 who's struggling in any sort of fractals runs and there's the meta heads who thinks only a certain class can work and certain class can not be nothing but a player who wants to lay and pray to be carried. > > My necro can go cdps pdps and hsc all at full capacity and I found myself carrying the party I'm in even though I mostly join parties who asked specifically a certain class not a necro. > > I feel like the community needs to be little bit educated about what the necro can offer > > They all think the necro is only good for pulling and surviving and aoe with epidemic > > Why are you joining parties that are specifically asking that you don't? > > You're not teaching anyone anything by disrespecting their requests. It's ignorant and borderline griefing. Start your own party and tell people you'll teach them how good Necro can be. I'll bet it'll be real popular. Its not like i join fresh parties who’s asking specific classes just to proof a point. I join struggling parties who already have key role classes but asking for one class in particular even though I know for a fact the necro can do better job in that particular fight For example in the underwater fight or that fight on the ship or even swampland The necro can do extremely good if the party have a hfb and alac i ask respectively if they are willing to try and give it a try with the necro instead of asking for a bs only or a guardian. Im not dumb to fk anyone’s lfg by forcing myself in. I usually finish my dailies right after the rest so I almost never felt the need to force myself in anyone’s lfg
  9. > @"duell.4518" said: > Returning player after years of not playing mmo's played wow the burning crusade and wrath of the lich king. Played a hunter and necro in gw1 and had a main in gw2 as a necro. I saw [a video of a healing scourge]( ) and was wondering if I could return as a healer necro in both dungeons, raids and wvw. I used to be a hardcore wow raider as a healing shaman and love to heal but I'm doubting between wow shadowlands and gw2. I love WvW, back in the day had a guild and was active daily but due to work I had to quit but I miss the days. Want to be a casual player now, doing dungeons in the evening and a bit of wvw. How's necro? Any builds you can recommend? Is healing scourge still meta? Thanks! You cant be only running one build as a necro healer if you want to play in fractals But if you love being healer hsc is the most build I enjoy playing as a necro main. A lot of skills needed to play it at full capacity that’s what made him very exiting to play with. Again you may not need to play as hsc more often than not so if you are ok with getting kicked a lot than get a single build which is heal scourge
  10. > @"Dadnir.5038" said: > > @"silent killer.5732" said: > > Man I've been helping people left and right from t1 to t4 who's struggling in any sort of fractals runs and there's the meta heads who thinks only a certain class can work and certain class can not be nothing but a player who wants to lay and pray to be carried. > > My necro can go cdps pdps and hsc all at full capacity and I found myself carrying the party I'm in even though I mostly join parties who asked specifically a certain class not a necro. > > I feel like the community needs to be little bit educated about what the necro can offer > > They all think the necro is only good for pulling and surviving and aoe with epidemic > > I'd say that as a whole it's even worse than that. The community need to be educated about more than just what necro have to offer, it's need to be educated about what non meta build can offer (and that's huge). The "meta head" like you call them just worship blindly meta builds. LOL it's true
  11. > @"Teratus.2859" said: > > @"SunTzu.4513" said: > >Necro may have not the top notch damage or best utility but in unorganized groups it really shines and can carry hard. > > Can speak from experience on this part. > Necro's extremely high levels or survivability and sustain can quite easily give it a "safety net" role in random pug groups. > I've lost track of how many times i've pull revived my entire group after they got wiped in Fractals because I was the only one able to tank a big hit. > Even more so i'm usually the only member of the group that can sit in AoE damage and revive a downed ally that would have otherwise been killed by that AoE. > > I'm your dedicated reviver/safety net.. and tbh I enjoy playing this role in fractals. > > It's also fun in the open world as well, allows me to help other people fight strong creatures with very small numbers. > Need a legendary bounty but can't get enough people to help? Np i'll keep you guys alive and we can win with the numbers we have. > It's actually a lot of fun doing that sort of thing, certainly more fun than being in a mass zerg and wailing on everything in your path. > > Necro's excel at this kind of thing imo, probably better than any other class in the game. > > Man I've been helping people left and right from t1 to t4 who's struggling in any sort of fractals runs and there's the meta heads who thinks only a certain class can work and certain class can not be nothing but a player who wants to lay and pray to be carried. My necro can go cdps pdps and hsc all at full capacity and I found myself carrying the party I'm in even though I mostly join parties who asked specifically a certain class not a necro. I feel like the community needs to be little bit educated about what the necro can offer They all think the necro is only good for pulling and surviving and aoe with epidemic
  12. > @"killfil.3472" said: > My good self, obviously. > As if there were any other possible answers... > Well I main necro and I can't stand playing with anything but my necro yet I am fully aware that I'm not even top 150 necro player I find a lot of necros who easily out dps mine in both categories cdps and pdps. I only play fractals tho. But in terms of hsc I am very good at being one yet I can't call myself the best hsc
  13. > @"Mikhael.2391" said: > Me > > > This is some hilarious and funny clips you have right there.
  14. Add me and I will help you in anything you need in fractals because I only play fractals and I enjoy helping out
  15. > @"Merrex.5384" said: > I write this post because I am concerned for New players in the game. How will you run T1 fractals if there is no one else to group with ? 90% of the time groups are posted in the Master Scales 76-100 they are looking for people to run CM's and T4's and Recs. > You can still get into groups in the lower scales but the majority of players now are doing the high end fractals. > > I am worried about the Health of Fractals and how we can make it somehow rewarding for higher end players to come down and teach new players or help them as they try to get more AR so they can also get the better rewards. Right now its a total waste of time for someone running T4 Fractals to do anything else. > > If you run your T4 fractals You get all of the rewards from the T3 / T2 and T1 so no reason to run anything but T4 and Recs. I always help the struggling parties and aometimes I join t1 t2 parties to teach/guide them but not t3 I really hate dealing with t3 players so I will never do anything for t3 players
  16. > @"DaVid Darksoul.4985" said: > > @"silent killer.5732" said: > > > @"DaVid Darksoul.4985" said: > > > Ok, but how do you tell when you are in shroud and when it ends? > > > > In my case I don't have to know > > I start my rotation only when I have one shade placed on the target > > Than I started the rotation with f5 > > It's automatic rotation no need to know if you are in shroud or not because you will press f5 whenever it's ready > > I always thought that once you place a shade you are in shroud as long as the shade stays up, but I seldom use shades just the skills. That being the case do I never go into shroud or am I in shroud till the LF is gone? Like I said it's easy to see with Reaper and based Necro but not so with Scrounge. Shroud only activated once you press f5 if you play as scourge
  17. > @"DaVid Darksoul.4985" said: > Ok, but how do you tell when you are in shroud and when it ends? In my case I don't have to know I start my rotation only when I have one shade placed on the target Than I started the rotation with f5 It's automatic rotation no need to know if you are in shroud or not because you will press f5 whenever it's ready
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