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[Suggestion] Spellbreaker boon breaking role


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With the recent epic proportions nerf to Full Counter in the damage department, can we see changes to actually make Spellbreaker fill its thematic class niche more effectively, if the nerf is going to stick. I've been mulling some ideas for it.


(Dagger Burst Skill)Breaching Strike - Make it Remove 3 boons instead of 2.


[Weapons Skills= Dagger]

->Precise Cut - Have this apply 1 stack of might for 5s. Revert the 15% damage nerf

-->Focused Slash - Have this apply 1 stack of might for 5s. Revert the 15% damage nerf.

--->Keen Strike - Remove the extra might on critical hit, make it remove a boon when it critically strikes instead.


(Trait)Loss Aversion - Merge this with Dispelling Force and un-split the damage to use PVE values. Move the adrenaline gain on boon removal to Enchantment Collapse.


(Trait) Enchantment Collapse- Move this down to Master tier in place of Loss Aversion. Enchantment Collapse grants 1 adrenaline per boon removed. No longer removes a additional boon from the initial target. Foes can only be effected by this trait once per second..


(Trait)Revenge Counter - Remove the 20% damage increase to Full Counter. Increase resistance to 3s from 2s. When Full Counter hits transfers up to 3 conditions instead of copying.

(Trait)New Grandmaster - Expel Empowerment - When you strike a foe with a burst skill apply Disenchanted(3s) to them. Dispelling Force is 50% more effective. This can only trigger once per burst skill.

--Disenchanted (Unique Debuff) - Remove 1 boon every second. This effect does not stack and will overwrite the previous application.

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These changes make sense. So they will never get it into the game.


On serious note, I like the new grandmaster trait that applies Disenchantment effect. I assume it would also prevent any boon aplication on target? What about aoe bursts like hammer or longbow? Would you be able to apply Disenchantment on 5 targets? That would be probably a bit too strong in mass pvp, but it would fit the Spellbreaker's theme of being boon denial overlord :D

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> @"cryorion.9532" said:

> These changes make sense. So they will never get it into the game.


> On serious note, I like the new grandmaster trait that applies Disenchantment effect. I assume it would also prevent any boon aplication on target? What about aoe bursts like hammer or longbow? Would you be able to apply Disenchantment on 5 targets? That would be probably a bit too strong in mass pvp, but it would fit the Spellbreaker's theme of being boon denial overlord :D


Disenchanted would be different from the Disenchantment(WoD), it would only remove boons, not straight up deny them, I'm just considering the name Spell'breaker', this is where I've had to think a good while on. On one hand if it used WoD's version that would probably be really broken, and the only reasonable thing to balance it would be to cut it to 2s or give the trait a ICD considering how frequent burst skills go around with FC and the burst reset. On the other hand have to land your burst skills to apply Disenchantment. With things like LB and Sword burst multi hit you could always restrict the trait to only apply it to 5 targets 1 time for every burst skill.. , hammer is kinda you have to hope to not hit into blocks or get blinded ,


So it really comes down to this.

Disenchanted - No ICD consistent boon removal through burst skill. No boon application denial.

Disenchantment(WoD) - ICD or lower duration application 1 less boon removed. Boon application denial with the potential to be very broken still.

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I agree, Spellbreaker should work more like a controller mesmer and borrow more heavily from GW1 mesmer skills.


MH Dagger:

Dagger 2 is now a 900 range spell attack that slows and cripples (3s and 6s), then flips over to Aura Slicer. Aura Slicer now is 900 range, and removes up to 2 boons, inflicting additional 2s slow per boon. If the target has less than 2 boons, gain adrenaline per missing boon instead. A warrior version of https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Arcane_Conundrum more or less. Mark multiple opponents and slow down their casting.


Dagger 3 is good, but should be more like https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Complicate. IF (and only if) you actually interrupt someone, it should immediately blast an AoE interrupt, striking nearby enemies. Any enemy interrupted by either part will have the interrupted skill locked out for 6 seconds. Now Dagger 3 is a true disruption skill. Not for lockdown, but for preventing spells/abilities.


Dagger 4 should not be a single target spike ability, but instead an AoE one. Something like https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Overload, where it does a bit of damage, but also works on an AoE. Should also inflict bleeding or some condition to match.


Dagger 5 should be a sustain type attack, like https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Drain_Enchantment. Unlike shield, which is about preventing damage, Drain Enchantments would consume boons from your enemies for healing. It should be slow to activate however.


Dagger Burst should be AoE ground target imo (like earth shaker). Leave the damage the same.


Trait adjustments would be for another post xD.

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