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Is Anet running out of ideas for new infusions?

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Is my idea or Anet is running out of ideas for new infusions? Toy-Shell Infusion (the new infusion) is so ugly. The Halloween infusion was also ugly. Toy-Shell Infusion literally turns your skin into wood. Ember Infusion turns your skin into a lava effect. No offense to the person who designed both infusions, but seriously. Are they running out of ideas?

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The infusions are probably done by a tiny group of artists/dedicated programmers that make them if they have extra time or something. Kinda like an easter egg--"Oh! Let's put this item as a super rare drop just as a little secret bonus item." Some more evidence towards this is how the Vial of Liquid Aurillium was left bugged for over 2 years.

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> @"Astrolicus.3716" said:

> Is my idea or Anet is running out of ideas for new infusions? Toy-Shell Infusion (the new infusion) is so ugly. The Halloween infusion was also ugly. Toy-Shell Infusion literally turns your skin into wood. Ember Infusion turns your skin into a lava effect. No offense to the person who designed both infusions, but seriously. Are they running out of ideas?


I love the Halloween ones actually.. just wish they had a green one... But i had the toy one.. doesnt suit any of my themes.



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What I would like to see for upcoming infusions would be:


Wintersday: Festive light infusion: tri-coloured orbs falling around the character, cardboard green pinetree trail coming from the players back.

grenth-infusion: Ghostly infusion but with green/black light

dwayna infusion: Ghostly infusion but with blue/white light

New-year: Starfall infusion: golden/white orb circle from head to toe around the character, on death animation a star falls from the sky on the character.

Moonlight infusion: Character shines white light around itself (but like 3x smaller than phospholuminescent, that stuff is just obnoxious)

Dragons Bash: Red, blue, green, yellow, black-dragonscale infusion: skin change to show dragonscales.

Zephyrite-queens guantlet: feather-feet infusion: 2 wings attached slightly above player feet, leaving behind very few feathers.

sprocket & scrap-infusion: purely for death animation, on death exploding into a ton of sprockets and scrap metal.

SAB: purple, yellow, green moto-infusion


''Patch notes: Fixed a bug that caused certain infusions to stack in visual effects''


Its more about an infusion fitting a theme right now more than anything else. Anyone can come up with tons of ideas,

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