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sPvP Reaper Build - Sanctification bruiser


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The build is designed to be a cast iron cannon, that mitigates damage through skills, toughness and barriers which takes the edge off of incoming burst while having enough out-going healing to keep your own, and nearby allies health nicely topped up long enough to out sustain the enemy (The runes grant you 20% of all heals on yourself to become a barrier - in theory making your heals 20% stronger). It's an unorthodox build, but i have had relatively good outcomes since I started using this build: wining 8/10 of my last matches and in all the matches I earned 3-4 top stats in either healing, revives and kills. (Only tested in ranked arena gold level, but will try Wow roaming today)


The basic mechanics are simple:

1, Consume condition (self heal, full condi cleanse grants barrier)

2. Blood is power (self and ally heal (proc's blood bond and blighter's boon - grants barrier) gain life force and grant yourself and allies 15 might for 7 seconds)

3. Rise! (Heals through minion health siphon transfer which also grants barrier and mitigates 33% damage for 25 sec)

4. Spectral armor (break stun mitigates 33% damage for 10 sec and gain Life force)

5. Chill to the bone (Stun enemies, gain boons (procs blighter boon for heal - grants barrier) and freezes enemies for 4 sec)

6. Swapping weapons (gain might, proc's blighter boon for heal, grants barrier and cleanse a condi (entering shroud proc's these sigils too)).


Traits and synergies:

1. Augury of Death reduces CD on Rise! and Chilled to the bone making it vital for mitigating damage.

2. Soul eater and blighters boon give great LF and a constant supply of heals and barrier with the spite traits (Reapers might and Siphoned power)

3. Blood bond and blighters boon proc with Blood is power granting might heal and barrier, while bleeding your enemy

4. The vampiric trait combined with Rise! mitigate 33% damage, grant a constant supply of healing and barrier albeit rather low when you 1v1, if you in a group fight or fighting a mesmer and he pops his clones, Rise! Will reduce incoming damage and summons 6 shambling horrors which siphon and transfer health to you (even in shroud) so you can sit back and watch your life bar and barrier climb!

5. Spiteful removal, removes the 5 stacks of vulnerability gained when casting consume condition and in facts heals you instead (also granting barrier)


Fighting is simple, use your GS and shroud when dueling melee class, and axe/WH for ranged or scourge etc. Remember to use your blood is power to grant might and heals and barrier on every CD and shroud 4 (Transfusion to heal up your allies).


Please let me know in the comments if you see any room for improving the build.


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> @"Akrasia.5469" said:

> Replace Sigil of Battle with Sigil of Courage. It procs a lot more thus a lot more LF and can proc in Shoud. I like the build. I'll try it out and see if I find anything more.


Cheers thanks for the tip I will try out that sigil this evening.


Just FYI, what I do like about sigil of battle is the "bulk" might and heal you get when entering shroud as it combines with Awaken the pain, so you gain 10 might, which also grants 1.2k heal from blighters boon and a barrier of nearly 400hp on top of your shroud so you can sustain it longer.

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Bad build detected.


**1. Almost no condi cleanse.**

Untraited consume conditions has brutal 30s cd, and anti-synergy with spiteful removal (if consume took all condies off, what's there left to trigger spiteful removal?)

Single condi lost on weapon swap ain't gonna salvage the situation.


**2. Poor mobility **

Warhorn is untraited, leading to around 50% uptime on swiftness with nothing else to compensate. Necro tends to get focused and dies a lot, so having high movement speed to rejoin the action asap is crucial. Also chasing enemies requires to be at least as fast as them!


**3. Lotsa healing, but hardly any healing power**

Only source of healing power is last rites passive in blood magic. If you're going so deep into healing as to pick transfusion grandmaster, it would make sense to back it up with some extra healing power.


**4. Half-assed damage resistance**

The spectral armor + Rise! combo looks badass on the surface but as experienced spvp necro i know this is just paintjob on a shoddy car if it is not backed by strong additional measures. Measures such as weakness (to shut down crits), additional sources of protection (you have only spectral armor and nothing else), maybe Corrosive Poison Cloud for projectile block.


Calling this build glass would be unfair - the barriers, heals and burst damage mitigation are real. However the chinks in the armor are pretty big, condi pressure being chief offender. Also if someone goes and strips your single protection from spectral armor - well...you're boned. Minions from Rise! can get slaughtered in a typical mid fight, which is where you often can find a reaper.


Also blood bond + blood is power may be a synergy on a power necro, but sacrificing Ritual of Life which is staple of getting people back on their feet in spvp is kinda like throwing out the car's engine to make it more light and go faster...



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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> and anti-synergy with spiteful removal (if consume took all condies off, what's there left to trigger spiteful removal?)

Spiteful Renewal will trigger on the self-vuln applied by Consume.

> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> **2. Poor mobility **

> Warhorn is untraited, leading to around 50% uptime on swiftness with nothing else to compensate.

Literally 3/4th of the meta necro builds that have existed over the years have no more mobility than the OP's build.

> **3. Lotsa healing, but hardly any healing power**

> Only source of healing power is last rites passive in blood magic. If you're going so deep into healing as to pick transfusion grandmaster, it would make sense to back it up with some extra healing power.

Transfusion is one of exactly 2 things on necro that scales well with healing power. Moreover he is Reaper, which doesn't even benefit from Transfusion's healing. On reaper you only use Transfusion for the down teleport. It would not make sense for him to invest in healing power.



While I'm not fond of the OP's build, your criticisms of his build are just plain incorrect.



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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> Spiteful Renewal will trigger on the self-vuln applied by Consume.


Ah indeed, that was mb. This is actually pretty smart, props to author there.


> Literally 3/4th of the meta necro builds that have existed over the years have no more mobility than the OP's build.

Wouldn't know. I play offmeta. And every time I (usually by mistake) don't trait warhorn and am with "3/4 builds' mobility", results are horrible to say the least.


> Transfusion is one of exactly 2 things on necro that scales well with healing power. Moreover he is Reaper, which doesn't even benefit from Transfusion's healing. On reaper you only use Transfusion for the down teleport. It would not make sense for him to invest in healing power.


Damn, that was mb. Though i will disagree with "2 things", it's true his builds doensn't use anything save transfusion with good healing scaling.



> While I'm not fond of the OP's build, your criticisms of his build are just plain incorrect.

Some are, I admit. Good job catching my mistakes. However the biggest point still stands - condi cleanse is nearly non existant. If he dives into a scourge, or meets a condi holo/mes/burnguard, he's not gonna have a good time.



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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > Literally 3/4th of the meta necro builds that have existed over the years have no more mobility than the OP's build.

> Wouldn't know. I play offmeta. And every time I (usually by mistake) don't trait warhorn and am with "3/4 builds' mobility", results are horrible to say the least.


The runes also add extra 20% boon duration and I really haven't experienced any (major) problems with mobility


> > Transfusion is one of exactly 2 things on necro that scales well with healing power. Moreover he is Reaper, which doesn't even benefit from Transfusion's healing. On reaper you only use Transfusion for the down teleport. It would not make sense for him to invest in healing power.


> kitten, that was mb. Though i will disagree with "2 things", it's true his builds doensn't use anything save transfusion with good healing scaling.

> >


That's correct I use this to pull victims out if the thick of things when downed to heal in a safer spot. Also very game i save multuple allies getting stomped by teleporting them away. Besides that the extra burst heal to allies it offers while dealing damage to enemies is amazing in a group fight.


> > While I'm not fond of the OP's build, your criticisms of his build are just plain incorrect.

> Some are, I admit. Good job catching my mistakes. However the biggest point still stands - condi cleanse is nearly non existant. If he dives into a scourge, or meets a condi holo/mes/burnguard, he's not gonna have a good time.




Condi does pose a problem but with most of them I can kite them with axe and warhorn until my shroud is full and then burn them down before they do me

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I've been trying it and switched to Mender Rune and a Sigil of Escape on the Axe (removes 2 movement conditions which helps as being this slow already sucks) and Sigil of Courage instead of Battle. It's been working for me. I recently dueled 2 mirages (1 at a time) and killed them each 2x before they did the smart thing and teamed up to run me off point. I've been a great support to my teams especially with the amount of healing RS4 is putting out. My only issue with the build is that it's slow. I've also been playing it with Suffer recently instead of Rise. It's additional condi cleanse, chill helps when running from enemies and heals some to proc barrier again.

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> @"Akrasia.5469" said:

> I've been trying it and switched to Mender Rune and a Sigil of Escape on the Axe (removes 2 movement conditions which helps as being this slow already sucks) and Sigil of Courage instead of Battle. It's been working for me. I recently dueled 2 mirages (1 at a time) and killed them each 2x before they did the smart thing and teamed up to run me off point. I've been a great support to my teams especially with the amount of healing RS4 is putting out. My only issue with the build is that it's slow. I've also been playing it with Suffer recently instead of Rise. It's additional condi cleanse, chill helps when running from enemies and heals some to proc barrier again.


Fantastic thanks for the advise I will try that out today

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> @"Akrasia.5469" said:

> I've been having success holding mid on my teams. With RS4 heal 7k-8k+ to every teammate near me so pretty strong for team fights. Not great for running points, best for a mid hold strategy. Still having some success holing points solo but best with 1 or 2 teammates with the heals.


That's exactly how I have my success too

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> @"James.1065" said:

> > @"Akrasia.5469" said:

> > I've been having success holding mid on my teams. With RS4 heal 7k-8k+ to every teammate near me so pretty strong for team fights. Not great for running points, best for a mid hold strategy. Still having some success holing points solo but best with 1 or 2 teammates with the heals.


> That's exactly how I have my success too

James, I've submitted my modified version of the build to Metabattle and gave you credit for creating it. I'm getting ready to move it to the test phase.


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> @"Akrasia.5469" said:

> > @"James.1065" said:

> > > @"Akrasia.5469" said:

> > > I've been having success holding mid on my teams. With RS4 heal 7k-8k+ to every teammate near me so pretty strong for team fights. Not great for running points, best for a mid hold strategy. Still having some success holing points solo but best with 1 or 2 teammates with the heals.

> >

> > That's exactly how I have my success too

> James, I've submitted my modified version of the build to Metabattle and gave you credit for creating it. I'm getting ready to move it to the test phase.

> https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Reaper_-_Sanctuary_Greatsword


Thanks so much for perfecting the build - with the improvements I've been able to hold mid alone 1v2 a number of times until help arrives relatively easily and still dealing some great damage

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  • 4 months later...

> @"James.1065" said:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBhOD7kjGo6GsdTw2GgeTssLYTdtQQRA6MlACAxPxq4WE-jJhIABHfRAA4JAEfZAg2fAA


> Updated this build for the current season and it's doing pretty well!


I don't know. I didn't try this but my thoughts about this:

Seems like a bunker build, that doesn't use it's full potential.

Sure banshees wail prolongs wh5, but not having vampiric presence? I don't know


Also it seems like this build has zero damage, and you won't be killing anyone with it. Spite doesn't make up for the loss of 600 free ferocity in shroud.


And yes. While I do see synergies between blighters boon and the spite traitline, I think deathmagic would be a better fitting traitline for a bunker build.

It also lets you take one sigil of agility for extra boons, because you get condicleanse from the traitline.



But just from my wvw experience. It's not worth to play a full sustain, leeching reaper. And I'm much more free in selecting stats, than I am in spvp

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My thoughts on that build:


- low damage (no onslaught, only few damage modifiers, no ferocity),

- unreliably slow in shroud (movement and attacks),

- hardcountered by soft cc (that fact alone kills the build)


Silver division build at best.


People try to reinvent the wheel for reaper pretty often, but the reality is that reaper is pretty much the same for a long time now.


There is only demolisher spectral onslaught (for duells) and paladin blood wells (for team fights) with some minor modifications to traits and sigils. Everything else is just worse. Esp. blighter's boon is now outclassed by soul eater so there is absolutely no reason to pick it anymore. Additionally the meta is so bursty that you can not affford to drop that quickness.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> My thoughts on that build:


> - low damage (no onslaught, only few damage modifiers, no ferocity),

> - unreliably slow in shroud (movement and attacks),

> - hardcountered by soft cc (that fact alone kills the build)


> Silver division build at best.


> People try to reinvent the wheel for reaper pretty often, but the reality is that reaper is pretty much the same for a long time now.


> There is only demolisher spectral onslaught (for duells) and paladin blood wells (for team fights) with some minor modifications to traits and sigils. Everything else is just worse. Esp. blighter's boon is now outclassed by soul eater so there is absolutely no reason to pick it anymore. Additionally the meta is so bursty that you can not affford to drop that quickness.


I laugh at the fact that even after giving perma quickness to reaper form makes it average at best. Every other reaper build is straight trash against any average player even.

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