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A Suggestion For Activities


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Hey devs !

You know what would be great?

If you allowed Guilds to create their own private instance of all the Activities with a Start button interface so that Guilds can use the Activities framework to organise competitions & events!

Right now it's a bit difficult for Guilds to come up with events in-game where other random players can't disturb the Guild and their planning.

I think it's relatively little effort for the amazing feature we get as a Guild. And not only do we benefit, but also your great Activities content will be acknowledged much more as it deserves to be.

Thank you for reading.

Merry Christmas!

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On the plus side, this would be awesome. Guild competitions using game provided regulated framework could be very engaging. It could be worked into RP or friendly big group events.


On the minus side, assuming you do mean Activities and not Adventures, Activities are designed on the PvP framework as I understand it. It seems to be a very big deal coding wise to rework any of them to allow for pre-mades rather than random pool competitors. Also Activities have a lot of achievements (and thus AP) associated with them which could be greatly cheesed by coordinated groups.

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