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What's wrong with these reworks?


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I'm kinda new player and I'm getting more and more confused because of reworks.

Some time ago I chose to play a necro, it was really fun, I started getting into fractals, then boom, nobody wants necro in team anymore cuz of their nerfs.

Well, okay, I swapped to warrior, another fun to play class for me, now I'm reading the forum and all the posts I can see are about how Anet ruined it by nerf.

Should I get used to changing class over and over after reworks?

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Imo, necromancers and warriors in PvE weren't hit significantly enough to shake the position they had before. It's mostly PvP opinions that bleed on PvE.

Don't worry about changing profession for PvE if you play warrior, banners make them unshackable even if the build itself can become very boring to use.

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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> Warrior is still a meta class in fractals. This patch only removed some build variety from warr now, since you will almost always need a/a + m/m now.

> Other than that, warrior is as good as ever, no need to worry about anything. It even got buffed actualy (besides the FC nerf).


As RedShark mentioned, it's not PvE that's the issue its competitive modes like PvP and WvW where this change quite literally made spellbreakers no longer effective in either of those, like at all.

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