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Is weekend the worst time to play ranked?


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After keeping a 75% winrate in the last 2 weeks, this weekend I had a little bit more time to play and it didnt go well. 40% winrate, I had a 500-5 match. I was gold 3, and now gold 1, all my team mates seemed to be silver 2 while the other team gold 1,they coulndt win duels, couldnt win 4v3s and even 4v2s. Today I already had 3 matches and 3 wins, How do you perform on weekends?


There're a lot more duos and full premades as well

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I find night time better for ranked, day time bad. I'm guessing is due to my ranking. I'm plat 1 most of the time, hovering between 1510-1540, however, just yesterday I had a game where my team members started asking for ranking, normally I dont answer that cuz it never goes well, demoralizes team and makes it easy to point fingers, but then I see my teammates were saying "1470 and 1460" and the such, while I was closer to 1500+ myself, (although I was on a losing streak so maybe I actually was lower and didnt care to check), so it is possible that during non-prime times you are matched with whatever is available at the time, I know my queue times are terrible, 4-6 minutes.


Sometimes I dont queue up so that I can let that batch of players go, so I wait 5+ minutes or so, and then when I queue, I instantly get the queue notification..... and Im matched with the same people again, which tells me the system was waiting for me to click on that button.................................................................


I think it is also due to festivities, which draws people away from PvP. Just wait it out, in a week or so most people will be done with wintersday's achievements and things will go back to "normal", play at prime time (when most people come from work/life activities/school) and you should be ok. At this point I only play from 7pm to 10pm.

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I don't know where this idea started that there is a "good" or "bad" time to play, but it doesn't make any sense. Matchmaking determines what players end up on what team and even if there was a time where everyone was "better" or "worse" at PvP, that would only matter to people who were at the absolute top or bottom of the ranking scale. For 99% of the playerbase though, it doesn't mean a thing and making sweeping conclusions based on anecdotal evidence doesn't do anything to help.


Even if there was a "good" or "bad" time, trying to manipulate your win rate by controlling when you play doesn't actually make you a better player. On the contrary, by cherry-picking easier scenarios, you miss out on real challenges that can stretch you to become a better player.


Just play the game and be in charge of your ego, not the other way around.

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> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> I don't know where this idea started that there is a "good" or "bad" time to play, but it doesn't make any sense. Matchmaking determines what players end up on what team and even if there was a time where everyone was "better" or "worse" at PvP, that would only matter to people who were at the absolute top or bottom of the ranking scale. For 99% of the playerbase though, it doesn't mean a thing and making sweeping conclusions based on anecdotal evidence doesn't do anything to help.


> Even if there was a "good" or "bad" time, trying to manipulate your win rate by controlling when you play doesn't actually make you a better player. On the contrary, by cherry-picking easier scenarios, you miss out on real challenges that can stretch you to become a better player.


> Just play the game and be in charge of your ego, not the other way around.


There is good and bad times to play tho, for exemple i avoid playing at night because of the lack of players, making the teams realy unblanced. At night i tend to gain about 5-10 rating per win and lose up to 20 per defeat.

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> @"everyman.4375" said:

> > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > I don't know where this idea started that there is a "good" or "bad" time to play, but it doesn't make any sense. Matchmaking determines what players end up on what team and even if there was a time where everyone was "better" or "worse" at PvP, that would only matter to people who were at the absolute top or bottom of the ranking scale. For 99% of the playerbase though, it doesn't mean a thing and making sweeping conclusions based on anecdotal evidence doesn't do anything to help.

> >

> > Even if there was a "good" or "bad" time, trying to manipulate your win rate by controlling when you play doesn't actually make you a better player. On the contrary, by cherry-picking easier scenarios, you miss out on real challenges that can stretch you to become a better player.

> >

> > Just play the game and be in charge of your ego, not the other way around.


> There is good and bad times to play tho, for exemple i avoid playing at night because of the lack of players, making the teams realy unblanced. At night i tend to gain about 5-10 rating per win and lose up to 20 per defeat.


Yea, but even if you have a wider scope of player's skill resulting from a small playerbase, you will still have this work to your advantage just as much as to your disadvantage.


Having a wider degree of variance is in no way inherently in or against your favor. Unless you are an absolute top tier player, there's no difference here and even if you are, there's no reason to say that this rule applies to everyone else here (even though everyone on the forum loves to pretend that they are the most elite PvPers in the game).

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> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > @"everyman.4375" said:

> > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > I don't know where this idea started that there is a "good" or "bad" time to play, but it doesn't make any sense. Matchmaking determines what players end up on what team and even if there was a time where everyone was "better" or "worse" at PvP, that would only matter to people who were at the absolute top or bottom of the ranking scale. For 99% of the playerbase though, it doesn't mean a thing and making sweeping conclusions based on anecdotal evidence doesn't do anything to help.

> > >

> > > Even if there was a "good" or "bad" time, trying to manipulate your win rate by controlling when you play doesn't actually make you a better player. On the contrary, by cherry-picking easier scenarios, you miss out on real challenges that can stretch you to become a better player.

> > >

> > > Just play the game and be in charge of your ego, not the other way around.

> >

> > There is good and bad times to play tho, for exemple i avoid playing at night because of the lack of players, making the teams realy unblanced. At night i tend to gain about 5-10 rating per win and lose up to 20 per defeat.


> Yea, but even if you have a wider scope of player's skill resulting from a small playerbase, you will still have this work to your advantage just as much as to your disadvantage.


> Having a wider degree of variance is in no way inherently in or against your favor. Unless you are an absolute top tier player, there's no difference here and even if you are, there's no reason to say that this rule applies to everyone else here (even though everyone on the forum loves to pretend that they are the most elite PvPers in the game).


Well let's say i have 50% winrate, in day time i'll just stay where i am but at night i'll go down.

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P.s. If you are the one, truly, awesomest PvPer that ever did was and you're playing late at night with tons of scrubs, then you're more likely to see your rating improve, since your 1 1337zorz player with 4 scrubs is better than the opposite team that is 5 scrubs.


(I apologize ahead of time for any kids here who are too young to know what 1337 means)

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> @"everyman.4375" said:

> > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > @"everyman.4375" said:

> > > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > > I don't know where this idea started that there is a "good" or "bad" time to play, but it doesn't make any sense. Matchmaking determines what players end up on what team and even if there was a time where everyone was "better" or "worse" at PvP, that would only matter to people who were at the absolute top or bottom of the ranking scale. For 99% of the playerbase though, it doesn't mean a thing and making sweeping conclusions based on anecdotal evidence doesn't do anything to help.

> > > >

> > > > Even if there was a "good" or "bad" time, trying to manipulate your win rate by controlling when you play doesn't actually make you a better player. On the contrary, by cherry-picking easier scenarios, you miss out on real challenges that can stretch you to become a better player.

> > > >

> > > > Just play the game and be in charge of your ego, not the other way around.

> > >

> > > There is good and bad times to play tho, for exemple i avoid playing at night because of the lack of players, making the teams realy unblanced. At night i tend to gain about 5-10 rating per win and lose up to 20 per defeat.

> >

> > Yea, but even if you have a wider scope of player's skill resulting from a small playerbase, you will still have this work to your advantage just as much as to your disadvantage.

> >

> > Having a wider degree of variance is in no way inherently in or against your favor. Unless you are an absolute top tier player, there's no difference here and even if you are, there's no reason to say that this rule applies to everyone else here (even though everyone on the forum loves to pretend that they are the most elite PvPers in the game).


> Well let's say i have 50% winrate, in day time i'll just stay where i am but at night i'll go down.


There's no reason for you to maintain a 50% win rate at night time if you are indeed playing against scrubs.

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> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > @"everyman.4375" said:

> > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > > @"everyman.4375" said:

> > > > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > > > I don't know where this idea started that there is a "good" or "bad" time to play, but it doesn't make any sense. Matchmaking determines what players end up on what team and even if there was a time where everyone was "better" or "worse" at PvP, that would only matter to people who were at the absolute top or bottom of the ranking scale. For 99% of the playerbase though, it doesn't mean a thing and making sweeping conclusions based on anecdotal evidence doesn't do anything to help.

> > > > >

> > > > > Even if there was a "good" or "bad" time, trying to manipulate your win rate by controlling when you play doesn't actually make you a better player. On the contrary, by cherry-picking easier scenarios, you miss out on real challenges that can stretch you to become a better player.

> > > > >

> > > > > Just play the game and be in charge of your ego, not the other way around.

> > > >

> > > > There is good and bad times to play tho, for exemple i avoid playing at night because of the lack of players, making the teams realy unblanced. At night i tend to gain about 5-10 rating per win and lose up to 20 per defeat.

> > >

> > > Yea, but even if you have a wider scope of player's skill resulting from a small playerbase, you will still have this work to your advantage just as much as to your disadvantage.

> > >

> > > Having a wider degree of variance is in no way inherently in or against your favor. Unless you are an absolute top tier player, there's no difference here and even if you are, there's no reason to say that this rule applies to everyone else here (even though everyone on the forum loves to pretend that they are the most elite PvPers in the game).

> >

> > Well let's say i have 50% winrate, in day time i'll just stay where i am but at night i'll go down.


> There's no reason for you to maintain a 50% win rate at night time if you are indeed playing against scrubs.


Except it's not how it works, the matchmaking tries to make 2 team of the same mmr so the 2 team will overall be at the same level however the higher rated players among those teams are at a disadvantage because they'll win less rating and lose more.

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> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> I don't know where this idea started that there is a "good" or "bad" time to play, but it doesn't make any sense. Matchmaking determines what players end up on what team and even if there was a time where everyone was "better" or "worse" at PvP, that would only matter to people who were at the absolute top or bottom of the ranking scale. For 99% of the playerbase though, it doesn't mean a thing and making sweeping conclusions based on anecdotal evidence doesn't do anything to help.


> Even if there was a "good" or "bad" time, trying to manipulate your win rate by controlling when you play doesn't actually make you a better player. On the contrary, by cherry-picking easier scenarios, you miss out on real challenges that can stretch you to become a better player.


> Just play the game and be in charge of your ego, not the other way around.


Yeah tell the players at the top of the leaderboards that it doesnt matter when they queue lol. its well known how to manipulate matches and when to do so. pretending like it doesnt exist is not only naive but stupid.

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I'm inclined to think it doesn't matter much whether you queue on primetime in Sunday, or on primetime in Wednesday.


However, queuing NOT on primetime - that when the shit happens. Because matchmaking algorith simply doesn't have enough people in a pool.


That's when you get those matches, like "-7", "+20", "-18".

When you get matched against people 200-300 rating above or below yourself.


I played shitloads of such games at 2 A.M. CEST.

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> @"Liza.2758" said:

> Na primtime = pve farmers

> Na late night = playing against same 10 people over and over

> Na offtime = queue for age. Just to get -20


> If you wanna have a better life. Move to Eu. It has bigger population and less of those issues


How is the latency for NA players on EU in general?

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> @"Vicariuz.1605" said:

> > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > I don't know where this idea started that there is a "good" or "bad" time to play, but it doesn't make any sense. Matchmaking determines what players end up on what team and even if there was a time where everyone was "better" or "worse" at PvP, that would only matter to people who were at the absolute top or bottom of the ranking scale. For 99% of the playerbase though, it doesn't mean a thing and making sweeping conclusions based on anecdotal evidence doesn't do anything to help.

> >

> > Even if there was a "good" or "bad" time, trying to manipulate your win rate by controlling when you play doesn't actually make you a better player. On the contrary, by cherry-picking easier scenarios, you miss out on real challenges that can stretch you to become a better player.

> >

> > Just play the game and be in charge of your ego, not the other way around.


> Yeah tell the players at the top of the leaderboards that it doesnt matter when they queue lol. its well known how to manipulate matches and when to do so. pretending like it doesnt exist is not only naive but stupid.




> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> P.s. If you are the one, truly, awesomest PvPer that ever did was and you're playing late at night with tons of scrubs, then you're more likely to see your rating improve, since your 1 1337zorz player with 4 scrubs is better than the opposite team that is 5 scrubs.


> (I apologize ahead of time for any kids here who are too young to know what 1337 means)


> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:Matchmaking determines what players end up on what team and even if there was a time where everyone was "better" or "worse" at PvP, that would only matter to people who were at the absolute top or bottom of the ranking scale. For 99% of the playerbase though, it doesn't mean a thing and making sweeping conclusions based on anecdotal evidence doesn't do anything to help.


> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:Unless you are an absolute top tier player, there's no difference here and even if you are, there's no reason to say that this rule applies to everyone else here (even though everyone on the forum loves to pretend that they are the most elite PvPers in the game).


In no less than 3 separate posts, I pointed out that this doesn't apply to top tier players. How the hell did you miss that?


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