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My Dungeon Rework

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No one plays dungeons because the rewards are not good and they take to much time. I really like dungeons but its not worth our time and I think the following change could be made to help revitalize the old dungeon crowd.



**The Caverns:**

Dungeons should be similar to fractals in regards to having one area devoted to getting to all of them from one centralized area. I say lets have a new area called "The Caverns". The Caverns would be accessible to everyone no special gear required or infusions. The only catch is each path in The Caverns would only be accessible to you if you have finished the correlating path in the open world dungeon. This would reduce players who have not experienced a path to go do so first.



**Grandfathered In:**

Any paths completed prior to opening of the caverns you would get credit for. So you would be able to jump into The Caverns right away.




The greater the risk the greater the reward. Instead of Mistlock Instabilities have Dungeon Gambits the more you turn on the greater chance of an ascended lock box drop. "The Caverns" would have totally different rewards from the dungeons already in place and the rewards system for the real world dungeon would stay the same except for one item in each dungeon. Each dungeon would have a unique Ascended key that you could buy from the vendor with that dungeons currency that would give you the ability to open an ascended lock box. Which ever path dropped the ascended box the Dungeon correlated to that path's currency would be required to open said box. These boxes would only have unique items that you can not get anyplace else in the game weapons, armor, minis ect. These items would be unique to each dungeon theme that you got it from.



**All Paths Not Created Equal:**

The reworking of some not all of the paths would be required to make these doable within a reasonable timeframe. Some paths may need to be split up to make them faster and encourage people to want to do them. Harder paths should have better loot tables and greater chances at decent drops.




We already have Dungeon Master and Dungeoneer we do not need to change those but I believe having a particular path mastered should be a goal players want to achieve. Why not have a title that involves using all the Dungeon Gambits on each path. You could turn them all on and get a path done in one go which would be faster and more difficult or you could run the path many times turning on one Gambit at a time which would take longer and way easier. This title could be something like "Cavern Dweller".



**Final Note:**

This would add a new dimension to dungeons to make it feel somewhat fresh again. I feel this scenario would bring back the community to the dungeon scene. Not only to play the caverns but also to play the real world Dungeons again to get the keys required to open these new ascended boxes. What I like about this system is that it is a cycle that fuels itself and somewhat enables the vets to help the up and coming. You would have a steady stream of players playing both regular dungeons to get the keys and people playing the Caverns to get the boxes. What I envision is that the players that are trying to get the keys would help teach the new players in the dungeons how to run them so by the time they got to the Caverns for that particular path they would already have some base knowledge on how to run them.


If you have something to add or take away I would be interested to know. Its just a pipe dream of mine


Happy Hunting.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > No one plays dungeons because the rewards are not good and they take to much time.


> I stopped reading here.


> Lots of people do dungeons.

> They are also decently rewarding.

That's funny because the LFG is always crickets when I look for a group and the groups that I do find are mostly people that are new or lower levels. Mind if I ask what rewards are you going for currently that have you coming back? Only thing that I have gone back for was gifts for my lengendary.


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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > > No one plays dungeons because the rewards are not good and they take to much time.

> >

> > I stopped reading here.

> >

> > Lots of people do dungeons.

> > They are also decently rewarding.

> That's funny because the LFG is always crickets when I look for a group and the groups that I do find are mostly people that are new or lower levels. Mind if I ask what rewards are you going for currently that have you coming back? Only thing that I have gone back for was gifts for my lengendary.



Because the groups who go in fill up instantly.


I run occasionally dungeons again with the new guild I'm in. Any time we are not a full squad and have an LFG open for 1-2 people, it fills up immediately.


You are wrong about the rewards too, but this has been discussed in the past.

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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > > No one plays dungeons because the rewards are not good and they take to much time.

> >

> > I stopped reading here.

> >

> > Lots of people do dungeons.

> > They are also decently rewarding.

> That's funny because the LFG is always crickets when I look for a group and the groups that I do find are mostly people that are new or lower levels. Mind if I ask what rewards are you going for currently that have you coming back? Only thing that I have gone back for was gifts for my lengendary.



Are you putting up your own LFGs or just waiting for others?

I put up my ad and my parties usually fill within 5 minutes. I find a welcoming LFG always gets the right people fast.


As for the loot:

I grind tokens every couple of weeks to fill out the armor/weapon sets. Using BL Salvage kits on the exotics often returns a insig/inscript, cycling dungeon frequenter gives the raw 5g and bonus currency, the salvage, ectos from the rares and exotics... it all ads up.

Rewards in dungeons were buffed a while back. It's not Istan money, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be when they want to sell an idea or complaint.

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Reward are satisfying; people are not. It's hard to find a good group; 90% of time it's newbies and low levels. Obviously they havre right to play; but ... it's like fractals T4, we don't want to carry the whole groupe alone.


I think they should establish more Dungeon in the Daily Achievement, instead of JP or "activity".

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