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Can we have INFUSION with AURA previewable in game?

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There are more and more infusions with aura added into the game, but we still can't preview the aura in game.

Every time when a new infusion comes out, the only way to see the effect is to wait for rich or lucky players to post their showcase...That is really really INCONVENIENT!!!

Anet, can you please add aura into bank wardrobe storage in the future?


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The preview window has a lot of problems, not just this one: the lighting is generic (not what we necessarily find in game), it doesn't fit all weapons, it doesn't show any number of effects (not just infusions), some dyes seem to show up differently in preview, you can't hide or change sylvari glow, you can't easily apply dyes, and on and on. It's basically suited the beta version of the game, but hasn't evolved to meet the game's current needs.


In other words, I'd rather wait on seeing infusions added until ANet can gives us a modern preview window.

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