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Diflourite earrings: no HoT stats?


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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> You could be right. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have been more difficult at the beginning, but it could be now (if they made a limiting design/programming decision when HoT was released.)


> But, it couldn't be the money. People who bought only PoF have roughly the same incentive to buy HoT as HoT players to buy PoF. (Yes, I know, that's not completely true, since HoT stat combos are clearly superior to PoF stats. But, that's not the point I'm trying to make.)


> BUT, if they did cross-connect the trinkets, then PoF-only players would have an incentive to buy HoT (and vice-versa). The same would be true in reverse. NOTE: This would only apply to stat-selectable gear, like diflourite and black diamond trinkets.


Mind you. As much as I feel I have a good enough idea about why things are as they are, I agree that it's a bit of an odd situation and it's certainly not an elegant situation. Understanding is not the same as agreeing after all. Separating the stats over three areas of the game was just never a good idea in my view. So it's not that I disagree with your complaint. I get why it is the way it is but it is a weird construct. Some of the annoyances are also that for example for HoT stats you need to to get your second earring from Ember Bay. The problem with Ember Bay is that you can't farm that zone on multiple characters, it has a very strict limit on nodes that can be farmed per day. Generally it means that my second character may get a handful of nodes and that's it. So it's the slowest farm in the group. You could say that Bloodstone fen is similar but you are not required to go there because rings can be gotten at Draconis Mons as well which is a much more forgiving farm.


As for PoF stats, I'm not sure what the deal is. I haven't looked into it yet but outside the Sandswept Isles I haven't seen another place to get trinkets there. Maybe the next chapter will add a zone with more PoF trinkets? Perhaps it's a matter of hindsight but it seems to me that which items wich vendors sell and how slow or fast a zone is to farm could've been aligned much better. I just think that they're not going to invest resources into this as it doesn't sound like it would a priority for them.

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I think overall they have toned down the amount of ascended trinkets gained from living world with season 4. The reasons for this we can only assume:


- maybe they (Arenanet) are unhappy with how easy living world season 3 is for gaining best in slot ascended gear. Basically making almost all content which rewards ascended trinkets irrelevant for this. Until LWS3 we had a nice split: rings from fractals, accessories from guild missions, amulets from laurels and a hefty increased price if you wanted to get these items from somewhere else

- maybe some slots are being saved for Living World Season 5 which will likely remain tied to PoF since we have no new expansion coming currently

- maybe it's to promote raids and fractals (or spvp and wvw) for a full set


There is a lot of unknowns we as players have no access to. For me personally, I understand the lock behind expansions. There is not all that much locked behind each expansion and ideal gearing or best in slot stats seems like a logical step to encourage purchase. This leaves people with less useful alternatives if they really do not want to buy an expansion but promotes expansion purchases (which let's be honest are not expensive by industry standards).


EDIT: going to leave the link to the wiki here again since it is very useful as both general overview and fast resource on where to get which stats: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_trinket

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This argument. It's like the old style , buy factions and wonder why you can't play dervish.

I recently got a grieving trinket set (and backpack) and it was fun to the say last. Much more of a pain than getting Vipers set.

However the fact I still had to grind ember bay and bloodstone for that Vipers wasn't an issue. I still farm all the areas so I can make builds if and when. Part of the game for me.


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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> HoT = HoT+Core, but not PoF.

> PoF = PoF+Core, but not HoT.


> It's that simple. You could open a new account, purchase PoF, and have no access to HoT-specific content (Rev is, for whatever reason, not core but available for either expansion).


Keeping different stats behind different bits of content is an absurd limitation in my opinion. And is having no positive outcome for players because:

- For an all round player, going to all zones and playing all the zones is a normal behavior - nothing positive is coming from this. He will play all the zones regardless of this limitation.

- For a non completionist, this restriction forces him to go in zones he don't likes or is not interested. Nothing good for that kind of player.

- In open World PvE you don't need to tune your build to the point where a single trinket makes a difference. This is the attitude of a raider or a fractal player (or both). We can assume such a player already bought HoT and PoF. What positive aspect is for this kind of player?


Again, this is only my opinion. ANet likes absurd limitation. So, in the end this is how it is. Even if the detail the OP wrote about is a mistake from ANet part (something overlooked in the design phase) now is too late. ANet will insist that this is a feature.


As a note - ANet already mixed HoT and PoF. You can craft now the second generation legendary weapons (theoretically HoT weapons) using PoF gifts. They can do this for trinkets also (non legendary trinkets in this case).

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

>The problem with Ember Bay is that you can't farm that zone on multiple characters, it has a very strict limit on nodes that can be farmed per day. Generally it means >that my second character may get a handful of nodes and that's it. So it's the slowest farm in the group.


Actually you can, not nods ofc, you are right here, but hearts are per character.


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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> >The problem with Ember Bay is that you can't farm that zone on multiple characters, it has a very strict limit on nodes that can be farmed per day. Generally it means >that my second character may get a handful of nodes and that's it. So it's the slowest farm in the group.

> >

> Actually you can, not nods ofc, you are right here, but hearts are per character.


I was indeed talking about the nodes but I hadn't considered the hearts. Still a lot slower than winterberries of course and you also have a price in karma to consider on top of completing the hearts. Still because it does add up, I shall remember this next time I make a character and want to get trinkets for her. It's not like there is an alternative and this will definitely speed it up in the count of days.


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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> But, I'm still waiting to see a (good) game-design reason WHY they did this. Money is mentioned, but they would have earned the same amount if they allowed all old stats appear in future expansions.


Only if they wrote an algorithm to determine whether the player owns all expansions, then make all stats available to them. Stats of each expansion should only be available to those who own the respective expansion.


But let's be honest, the main reason why it ain't that way is because ANet wants you to _play_ those maps/that content in order to farm for each item.

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You might get to blame Blood Ruby trinkets and how they are essentially legendary items in being able to stat swap. If you stat swap them every day taking out all infusions every time, it would take decades for it to be a loss compared to legendary items.


Other than that, tying items stats to their respected expansion and core game is all kinds of logic. Its the way to get ascended trinkets without resorting to fractals and collections. The problem is that you are refusing to accept it.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > But, I'm still waiting to see a (good) game-design reason WHY they did this. Money is mentioned, but they would have earned the same amount if they allowed all old stats appear in future expansions.


> Only if they wrote an algorithm to determine whether the player owns all expansions, then make all stats available to them. Stats of each expansion should only be available to those who own the respective expansion.


> But let's be honest, the main reason why it ain't that way is because ANet wants you to _play_ those maps/that content in order to farm for each item.


They're getting better at releasing and updating certain items to recognize which stats you have available to you based on expansion.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > But, I'm still waiting to see a (good) game-design reason WHY they did this. Money is mentioned, but they would have earned the same amount if they allowed all old stats appear in future expansions.


> Only if they wrote an algorithm to determine whether the player owns all expansions, then make all stats available to them. Stats of each expansion should only be available to those who own the respective expansion.

That algorithm already exists (for SPvP vendors, for example).


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > > But, I'm still waiting to see a (good) game-design reason WHY they did this. Money is mentioned, but they would have earned the same amount if they allowed all old stats appear in future expansions.

> >

> > Only if they wrote an algorithm to determine whether the player owns all expansions, then make all stats available to them. Stats of each expansion should only be available to those who own the respective expansion.

> That algorithm already exists (for SPvP vendors, for example).



Or Mist Trinkets or literally any item with selectable stats, even glorious exotic gear from pvp.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> I think overall they have toned down the amount of ascended trinkets gained from living world with season 4. The reasons for this we can only assume:


> - maybe they (Arenanet) are unhappy with how easy living world season 3 is for gaining best in slot ascended gear. Basically making almost all content which rewards ascended trinkets irrelevant for this. Until LWS3 we had a nice split: rings from fractals, accessories from guild missions, amulets from laurels and a hefty increased price if you wanted to get these items from somewhere else

> - maybe some slots are being saved for Living World Season 5 which will likely remain tied to PoF since we have no new expansion coming currently

> - maybe it's to promote raids and fractals (or spvp and wvw) for a full set


> There is a lot of unknowns we as players have no access to. For me personally, I understand the lock behind expansions. There is not all that much locked behind each expansion and ideal gearing or best in slot stats seems like a logical step to encourage purchase. This leaves people with less useful alternatives if they really do not want to buy an expansion but promotes expansion purchases (which let's be honest are not expensive by industry standards).


> EDIT: going to leave the link to the wiki here again since it is very useful as both general overview and fast resource on where to get which stats: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_trinket


I can understand locking them behind expansions. But, once the expansion is purchased, they shouldn't be locked any more.


The wiki's page isn't great, but it's passable. There's one problem with PoF gear, though: there's no obvious place to get an ascended back item. The only one I can find is the service medals, but one of those is impossible. The Gandaran one is locked behind cannon events that can't be completed without a full zerg (if it even can be WITH one). And, there's never a zerg there any more.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > But, I'm still waiting to see a (good) game-design reason WHY they did this. Money is mentioned, but they would have earned the same amount if they allowed all old stats appear in future expansions.


> Only if they wrote an algorithm to determine whether the player owns all expansions, then make all stats available to them. Stats of each expansion should only be available to those who own the respective expansion.


> But let's be honest, the main reason why it ain't that way is because ANet wants you to _play_ those maps/that content in order to farm for each item.

Except, they DID write that code to make it the way it is. All they need to do is flip one bit after you've purchased an expansion.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > > But, I'm still waiting to see a (good) game-design reason WHY they did this. Money is mentioned, but they would have earned the same amount if they allowed all old stats appear in future expansions.

> >

> > Only if they wrote an algorithm to determine whether the player owns all expansions, then make all stats available to them. Stats of each expansion should only be available to those who own the respective expansion.

> That algorithm already exists (for SPvP vendors, for example).



Yes. As I pointed out early, they actually had to write EXTRA code in order to EXCLUDE them.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> The wiki's page isn't great, but it's passable. There's one problem with PoF gear, though: there's no obvious place to get an ascended back item. The only one I can find is the service medals, but one of those is impossible. The Gandaran one is locked behind cannon events that can't be completed without a full zerg (if it even can be WITH one). And, there's never a zerg there any more.


You can get up to 4 ascended back items by going through the 3 paths of PoF story. See Raise the Banners.

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> @"Zin Dau.1749" said:

> > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > The wiki's page isn't great, but it's passable. There's one problem with PoF gear, though: there's no obvious place to get an ascended back item. The only one I can find is the service medals, but one of those is impossible. The Gandaran one is locked behind cannon events that can't be completed without a full zerg (if it even can be WITH one). And, there's never a zerg there any more.


> You can get up to 4 ascended back items by going through the 3 paths of PoF story. See Raise the Banners.


Thanks; I didn't know that.

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