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Suggestion: Scale old events more aggressively


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When there is a daily to do events in a Central Tyria zone, they are too easy. There is never any chance that it can fail, even with one player. With many players, it becomes completely trivial. Not only that, it's hard to get credit because all the mobs get killed very quickly.


These events can be scaled up more aggressively, so that they are at least a little challenging, and so that the mobs don't die before everyone can have a chance to tag them.

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I think scaling needs to keep in mind the new-player experience in Central Tyria zones first and foremost, especially the lower level ones. I would rather things be trivially easy for experienced players than have them too hard for new players, and hence turn many newer players off the game.


However, with that in mind, perhaps scaling can be altered to not take into account player number, but some other factor, like a sum of player stats, or player mastery rank or player level, or something else to make things a bit better. For, yes as you say, having trouble to get a hit on enemies before they're defeated is just not enjoyable. We shouldn't have to be effectively fighting other players at a popular event just to receive credit.

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This is not so much an issue with the event scaling as it is with the player scaling. GW2 has never gotten downscale damage right - a level 80 that is "supposed" to be like a level 20 has the damage of at least a level 40. In AoE situations with even more players it become exponentially easier.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> This is not so much an issue with the event scaling as it is with the player scaling. GW2 has never gotten downscale damage right - a level 80 that is "supposed" to be like a level 20 has the damage of at least a level 40. In AoE situations with even more players it become exponentially easier.


Don't forget to toss in the "Mount" factor...

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> This is not so much an issue with the event scaling as it is with the player scaling. GW2 has never gotten downscale damage right - a level 80 that is "supposed" to be like a level 20 has the damage of at least a level 40. In AoE situations with even more players it become exponentially easier.


I think it's both. If there are 10x players, it seems only 2x or 3x harder. I might be wrong about that, though.

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I think it would be interesting to have some events scale to ridiculous degrees every now and then (think like 2-3 times a week) just for some random novelty fun to be enjoyed. I'd probably target it toward a high-traffic/populated area and at a time with the most people logged in...kinda like a GM prodding the system to mess with people.


It harkens back to those stories of the old-skool MMOs where some trolls manipulated the AI or something and causes a mess that you either combine forces with strangers to bring under control or call in your elite buds to reign in the problem.

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