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Decoration Preview


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When it will be available to see every single decoration in game on preview before start creating it/put it on guild hall or search it in gw2wiki so we can see how it looks. Other idea about the preview is to put your character next to the decoration so we can see how big the decoration is. Every single player is allowed to learn scribe but cannot use decorations if they don't have permision to put one in his guild's hall. At least give us the option to preview it if we all don't have the ability to put it down and see it in gamefor ourselves.

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The scribe crafting line was originally meant to be a collaboratie effort. Where guild-mates would gather the materials together and the person that is the guilds dedicated scribe would craft it.

This would have worked if not for the fact that they added certain materials made by scribes to the legendary crafting process.

In turn everybody who wanted that legendary, needed to level up their scribing. Which was very expensive when HoT first launched.

Since then the cost of scribing has gone down, but that does not change a fundamental design flaw behind the crafting profession. Which is that it was never intended for everybody to be scribing in the first place.

Because of this and since making an in game preview for crafting items would be time-consuming and difficult. I doubt we'll ever get a preview option. Because there IS the wiki with pictures.


I think you might want to add a suggestion on the wiki that people add pictures of decorations with a human toon next to it for size reference.

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What does the fact that scribing is a collaborative effort have to do with being able to preview decorations you don't have ? It's not always a matter of needed materials, but just avoiding the hassle of all those nested recipes and back and forth between the scribing table and the assembler, and the 30s waits, etc... for a decoration that is just not worth it. Of course, having pictures on the wiki helps a bit, but nothing beats the possibility of seeing things on your own and measure a decoration size relative to where you think you'd like to place it (near a wall, at the entrance of a building, etc...) rather than in a open space with just a human next to it. to see if you could hide some part of the decoration in a wall, to blend it better. The list of benefits is endless ! :D

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  • 11 months later...

I completely agree the the need to have a decoration preview. Going through all the trouble of crafting something worth 50 gold, only to realize its a completely different size than you thought due to inconsistent wiki pictures. Why should we get excited about new decorations if we don't know what they look like?

However, I recognize that making a complete window preview could be an unnecessary amount of work that could potentially face the same issues. So I suggest that we could simply have the ability to try placing any decoration in the decoration list, but have GW2 tell us we are unable to place it because there are no decorations of that type in the guild inventory. What do you think Anet?

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Baffled by any objections to this. Sure it might a bit of ui work, but its def something id like to see.




1) preview in the crafting panel

2) use the decorations system to preview it live as you try to place it. Obviously you couldnt lay something you didnt have, but it could still appear as if you were trying to place it just blocked from placement


The wiki pics lack scale and context arent really a suitable alternative for this purpose

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:


> 2) use the decorations system to preview it live as you try to place it. Obviously you couldnt lay something you didnt have, but it could still appear as if you were trying to place it just blocked from placement


This is a phenomenal QoL idea. Besides any coding issues, I can see a minor thing that would need to be smoothed out -- do you have to have decorator permission to do a preview? That would let out a lot of people or let guild masters grief people by taking away permissions. Conversely, if you don't, then it's even better, you can use this system as long as you have access to a guild hall to see all the decorations, whether or not the guild owns one and no matter what your permissions level is.


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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:


> > 2) use the decorations system to preview it live as you try to place it. Obviously you couldnt lay something you didnt have, but it could still appear as if you were trying to place it just blocked from placement


> This is a phenomenal QoL idea. Besides any coding issues, I can see a minor thing that would need to be smoothed out -- do you have to have decorator permission to do a preview? That would let out a lot of people or let guild masters grief people by taking away permissions. Conversely, if you don't, then it's even better, you can use this system as long as you have access to a guild hall to see all the decorations, whether or not the guild owns one and no matter what your permissions level is.



I'm easy with either method. I suspect it would be harder to separate it out under permissions and easier just to leave with it those with. Guild masters who want to grief will already be doing such things anyway. Obviously the advantage of having anyone preview it means they can use a 3rd person scribe to request a decoration which makes it a more collaborative feature. Right now it is difficult for a non scribe to request something made without extensive research and most players wont be bothered with all that external searching.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh, Hajime, that sounds like an amazing idea! I do think it would be a wonderful implementation, and while I don't know how hard it would be in reality, it doesn't seem too hard to add to the game. Especially since we do already have the option to view decorations before placing them. Randulf makes a good point in using that same thing, just not letting us place them. Maybe constantly show the red outline instead of green just to show even more that it can't be placed. (Can't place what you don't have) I do hope this does become a thing, it would save a lot of time and anger after realizing you don't like how the decoration looks after the possibility of an awful representation in screens.

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