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Storage expander sale please!


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I started playing a few months ago and have been waiting for the storage expander to go on sale so I could buy a few of them to make efficient use of my gems. I am a student in college and I am focusing on school so I am not working my funds are limited, I just gave up playing Dark Age of Camelot after 16 years (I had 3 accounts for most of that time) I generally commit to a game when i decide to play, and not having this storage makes things a little frustrating. in Dark Age, I had 31 mansions, each had 8 vaults with 100 slots and a merchant with another 100 slots and MOST of this was filled when I quit. Yes the game had a LOT less crafting materials from drops than GW2, so getting some of the storage expanders is sort of needed for my style of play but I find it hard to spend 800 gems per expander.

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Maybe post your suggestion here? [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/suggestions-gemstore-items-new-items-items-offered-again#latest](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/suggestions-gemstore-items-new-items-items-offered-again#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/suggestions-gemstore-items-new-items-items-offered-again#latest")

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Maybe post your suggestion here? [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/suggestions-gemstore-items-new-items-items-offered-again#latest](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/suggestions-gemstore-items-new-items-items-offered-again#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/suggestions-gemstore-items-new-items-items-offered-again#latest")


The black hole of suggestions created to make us think anything we post there will actually matter...it won't.



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> @"Cryter.7823" said:

> I started playing a few months ago and have been waiting for the storage expander to go on sale so I could buy a few of them to make efficient use of my gems. I am a student in college and I am focusing on school so I am not working my funds are limited, I just gave up playing Dark Age of Camelot after 16 years (I had 3 accounts for most of that time) I generally commit to a game when i decide to play, and not having this storage makes things a little frustrating. in Dark Age, I had 31 mansions, each had 8 vaults with 100 slots and a merchant with another 100 slots and MOST of this was filled when I quit. Yes the game had a LOT less crafting materials from drops than GW2, so getting some of the storage expanders is sort of needed for my style of play but I find it hard to spend 800 gems per expander.


They just upgraded bank storage with more tabs. The material storage holds 8 stacks of mats.


There are several other ways to increase storage:

* Buy character slots with 18-20 slots bags

* Add bag slots to existing characters.

* Buy bags of unusually large size (24, 28, or 32 slots); insanely expensive, but some do it anyhow.

* Buy a guild that has access to 250 slots of general storage (available on the grey market, I've seen sell offers from 700 to 1100 gold).

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> @"Davion Roth.6709" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > Maybe post your suggestion here? [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/suggestions-gemstore-items-new-items-items-offered-again#latest](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/suggestions-gemstore-items-new-items-items-offered-again#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/suggestions-gemstore-items-new-items-items-offered-again#latest")


> The black hole of suggestions created to make us think anything we post there will actually matter...it won't.



Cynical much?


Not like posting suggestions/requests in the General area will guarantee Anet will pay more attention to them? My point was that the forums have provided us with an avenue for these things, probably for a reason. I would expect Anet would look there first for suggestions/requests.


Just because we suggest/request something doesn't mean Anet will implement it. They probably don't have a dedicated person to answer every single one with a yes or no and reason for the response.


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_"Not like posting suggestions/requests in the General area will guarantee Anet will pay more attention to them?"_


I wasn't meaning general was the right place to post it either, just simply meaning that things will come back to the store or go on sale when THEY want them to with no consideration to what people are suggesting in that thread. The thread is just to make us think or feel like we have some measure of control.


_"They probably don't have a dedicated person to answer every single one with a yes or no and reason for the response."_


I also don't expect or said I expect anything of the sort. They're not going to reply to anyone's posts on that thread, because they're not looking at it in the first place. LOL ...okay, _maybe_ they are, but I'm sure they have their own cycle for determining what's available when, and when things go on sale. If anything, I'd bet the only posts on that thread they give any attention to are the actual suggestions for new items or ideas for things people would like to see, not already existing items people want back on the store or things they want to go on sale.

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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> Buying an extra character slot is a better way to spend your gems than extra bank tabs, gives you more storage for gems spent. Unfortunately the storage expanders were on sale in the fall to celebrate the 6 year anniversary, so I don't see them being on sale anytime soon.


*Better* is entirely subjective.

It's true that purchasing a character slot and equiping the new character with bags is the best **cost/storage slot** that you can get. However, it comes with *drastically* higher logistics to use.


The four (not counting Shared Inventory) gem-store based ways of getting more storage space each have their benefit.

* **Bank Tab** - useful for the stuff you change out relatively often or want readily available for any character (but not to the point of keeping it in Shared Inventory).

* **Bag Slot** - character bound, useful for extra gear sets etc, and to increase time between salvagings/trips to vendors etc.

* **Extra Character** (a "Mule") - absolutely best cost-per-slot value, but tedious to move stuff to/from. Best used for long term storage or if you're always moving a lot of stuff at the same time anyway.

* **Storage Expander** - simplifies logistics around materials (progressively less impact after the first), useful if you want to store a *wide variety* of materials. If it's only one or two materials you want to store, get *any* other option instead.

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