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What if we didn't have to fully specialise?


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What if we could spend up to 3 points in each specialisation, each giving us access to the next minor trait and to the next major trait choice? Kind of like it was with the old trait system, but there would be 3 points to spend instead of 30, and we wouldn't be able to pick a adept trait in a grandmaster slot.


If we only need a trait that is in the first tier of a specialisation, we could keep the others 2 points for another specialisation. This can even be applied to elite specialisations (while keeping the "only one elite spec at a time" rule, of course). New build possibilities, more flexible classes, more customization to fit your very own playstyle.

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We did have something like this before? Not in the way you explicit suggesting.

But where we could pick 3 half specs or two full?

It is so long ago, but we did have a time where traits was a bigger choice, since you could not max all three.


That said I really like this current model, and hope that they keep changing the options to be equally good (frustrating) really forcing you to pick between three awesome trait in each line.

That is what makes building out of meta interesting.


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> @"ROMANG.1903" said:

> What if we could spend up to 3 points in each specialisation, each giving us access to the next minor trait and to the next major trait choice? Kind of like it was with the old trait system, but there would be 3 points to spend instead of 30, and we wouldn't be able to pick a adept trait in a grandmaster slot.


> If we only need a trait that is in the first tier of a specialisation, we could keep the others 2 points for another specialisation. This can even be applied to elite specialisations (while keeping the "only one elite spec at a time" rule, of course). New build possibilities, more flexible classes, more customization to fit your very own playstyle.


Why would Anet consider going back to something they moved away from in the past? I mean, we know the answer to this 'what if ...' because it used to work this way. IIRC, Anet moved away from this idea because it made it easier for their market to use the traits system ... remember, this game exists because it targets the casual audience.

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Old trait system was so much better. The new trait system over- simplified build making and created extra powercreep by letting classes max 3 lines instead of forcing them to make sacrifices for builds. Also reinforced the idea of "mandatory trait lines" since certain major/minor traits became necessary for certain classes to be effective (see fast hands and warrior's sprint, alchemy on engineer, trickery for thief, etc.) The specialization system should never have been implemented and I would love to see the old trait system come back (with the restriction of being unable to spec into multiple elites still in place). If traits were balanced afterwards to that, the game would be much more diverse and entertaining.

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